Recap: Skirmish Season 8, Week 1

Nov 24, 2023 Kasharn Rao

The dust has settled from the World Championship, but the action's only just beginning for Skirmish Season 8! Already Chane has bit the dust, slinking off into the Shadows and leaving behind him a very healthy sprawling metagame that will squabble over who gets to be the next Boogeyman of Blitz!

As players sit back, relax, and unwind with some high octane Blitz or easy-going Bright Lights Sealed Deck, those sleek Cold Foil Teklo Cores are starting to find loving new homes!

Let's check out some of the highlights from week 1...

1500x500 - 竜星の嵐名古屋店

竜星の嵐 名古屋店 - Japan

先週の Pro Quest 権利獲得者が今日も優勝!

"The last Pro Quest winner also won today's event!"

1st: Soya Okuda - Maxx Nitro

2nd: Yoshiki Mizutani - Dash, Database

Cat Footprint Song Chiang Logo

Cat Footprints - Taiwan

"After all heroes tried their hands, Redc Chen was happy to win this event and was rewarded with a brand new Ironsong Versus playmat and Cold Foil Teklo Core. Congratulations!"

1st: Redc Chen - Dash, Database

2nd: 諸葛 村夫 - Teklovossen

Recycled Entertainment Logo - Unicorn DeathMatch

Recycled Entertainment - United States

"We had a great time for our Skirmish, getting 10 of our local players together to play great games in the Flesh and Blood. With 10 heroes having representation, there were plenty of different game plans and strategies. Azalea slinging arrows at the competition to take away their turns, Ira and Dash taking their time with heavy defense, to a Data Doll flooding the board with items to steal the win from the jaws of defeat. Top 4 ended with 3 of the of the original classic heroes, Bravo fighting for dominance against Rhinar, and Dorinthea left to stack counters against dragons. The finals was a race to the bottom. Bravo took a risky turn, allowing Dawnblade to stack four counters, just to retaliate with Crippling Crush and Pummel to take it all away. Dorinthea managed to deal the final blow with multiple Courage tokens and an Ironsong Determination, finishing undefeated for our event."

1st: Jarrett Bolwahnn - Dorinthea

2nd: Braden Wooldridge - Bravo

azuma_lgo - MTGあずまや

Akihabara Azumaya - Japan

本日のFABスカーミッシュイベントは32人満員でのスタートとなりました! 多数のご参加をいただき本当にありがとうございます! 当日は始めて一月経っていない初心者から大会常連のベテランまで、様々な層のプレイヤーにお集まりいただきました。

このところ東京ではFABのプレイヤーが順調に増え続けており、これからのさらなる盛り上がりにも大変期待しています! FABをこれから遊ぶ方も、もう遊んでいる方も、秋葉原あずまやをよろしくお願い致します!

"Today's Skirmish started with a full house of 32! Thank you all very much for your participation! On the day of the event, we had a wide variety of players from all walks of life, from beginners who have only played for a month, to veterans who attend tournaments regularly.
Recently, the number of FAB players has been steadily increasing in Tokyo, and we are looking forward to even more in the future! Whether you new to FAB or have been playing for a while, please visit Akihabara Azumaya!"

1st: Shunya Tamura - Kassai, Cintari Sellsword

2nd: Felix Gössel - Briar

sit and play 3

Sit and Play - Thailand

"Kano was the winner of this event. It was a happy moment."

1st: Thanat Chullamandala - Kano

2nd: Ekalux Ua-areemitr - Kassai, Cintari Sellsword