GEM Updates to Country Filters

Sep 29, 2023 Organised Play Team

Bios Update

We have introduced a new update to GEM to improve search functionality and responsiveness when adding players to tournaments.

New default country filters when adding players to events

We have deployed two updates to make it easier for tournament organizers to add players to their events within GEM:

  • New country filters have been added
  • The default filter has been set to the country in which the store or TO is registered

These changes mean when adding players searching by player name will be more responsive and will return results for players within your store’s country, making it easier to identify your local players.

If a player does not appear when searching by name with the default filter applied, we recommend changing the filter to All and searching again, in case the player is registered in GEM under another country.

You can also search players by their GEM ID and again, if they do not show up then change the country filter to All and try again.

add players