
Reckless Rampage


Rhinar is the apex predator of the Savage Lands, instilling fear into his enemies and immobilizing their defenses.

Intimidate is a keyword found on Brute action cards, and Rhinar himself. To intimidate is when the opposing hero has to banish cards in their hand face down until the end of turn, removing their opportunity to defend your attacks efficiently.

Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
Smash Instinct
Smash Instinct
Pack Hunt
Pack Hunt

Rhinar's hero ability allows you to intimidate your opponent when you discard a card with 6 or more power from your hand. The Brute class has many many cards that have additional costs that require a 'random' discard from your hand. These cards do not intimidate themselves, but thanks to Rhinar's hero ability, if you discard a card with 6 or more power for the additional cost, you get to intimidate your opponent.

Savage Swing
Savage Swing
Wrecker Romp
Wrecker Romp
Breakneck Battery
Breakneck Battery

You can use multiple instances of intimidate in a turn, removing multiple cards from the opposing hero’s hand, decimating their defenses. Constructing your deck to take advantage of this is a good approach.

Barraging Beatdown
Barraging Beatdown
Awakening Bellow
Awakening Bellow
Primeval Bellow
Primeval Bellow

The Strong Survive

Only the strong survive in the Savage Lands, shown by the importance of 6 power matters. Rhinar’s terrifying hero ability showcases this, triggering whenever you discard a card with 6 or more power.

Alpha Rampage
Alpha Rampage
Smash Instinct
Smash Instinct
Wrecker Romp
Wrecker Romp

Many Brute cards provide additional effects when strength is shown, so including a lot of cards with 6 or more power in your deck is a good idea. When you discard a card with 6 or more power for a card with '6 power matters', you not only get the cards’ effect, you also get to intimidate the opponent with Rhinar’s hero ability.

Reckless Swing
Reckless Swing
Savage Feast
Savage Feast
Breakneck Battery
Breakneck Battery

A Brute’s Bellow

A Brute’s bellow is something no person or beast wants to witness.

Rhinar might not be as quick to the mark as other heroes, but he makes up with it in sheer brute strength and terrifying bellows.

Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
Rhinar, Reckless Rampage
Primeval Bellow
Primeval Bellow

There are many Brute cards that give Rhinar’s attacks significant power boosts while intimidating the opposing enemy. Pair together exciting ‘Bellow’ action cards that have go again on them so that you can tear your opponent's hand apart before unleashing a bone crushing attack. You might only be making one attack, but that’s all a Brute needs to decimate his prey.

Bloodrush Bellow
Bloodrush Bellow
Awakening Bellow
Awakening Bellow

Removing options from the enemy for a turn can be devastating, or other times, may not be that effective. However, when you are able to banish their entire hand and leave them open for a massive attack, it's nothing but devastation!

Alpha Rampage
Alpha Rampage

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