
"The Hype" Nitro

Maxx Nitro. Thrill seeker, smash and grab specialist, and a right pain in the Teklo family jewels. A force of chaos since his earliest years, Maxx is the bane of Metrix’s law enforcers, pushing all to their limits in the name of riotous fun.

Picked up off the streets, aged six, and placed into the care of a Rosario orphanage, Maxx’s aptitude for disruption drew the attention of the upper ranks. It wasn’t long before he was ‘upgraded’ to Rosario Hills Institute, where he continued to hone his uncanny ability to hack systems and create mischief.

For a while, he was considered a boon for the institute’s faculty members, who studied his special talents until he used those same talents to blow a hole in their outer wall and escape.

Maxx believes that for Metrix to remain the city of wonder that it claims to be, the systems of old need a facelift of the panel beating kind. He has no care for the consequences of his actions and will stop at nothing to bring down every system that binds the city’s citizens into servitude.

Watch out Iron Assembly, Cogwerx and Teklo Industries. Maxx and his flock of disaffected anarchists are headed your way, and they’ve got a taste for destruction!