
Dracai of Aether

Arcane Damage

Kano is a cunning mage and master of arcane pyromancy.

Kano, Dracai of Aether
Kano, Dracai of Aether

Kano does not use attack action cards like melee classes, instead using ‘non attack’ action cards to deal arcane damage to the opposing hero.

Scalding Rain
Scalding Rain
Scalding Rain
Scalding Rain
Scalding Rain
Scalding Rain

Arcane damage cannot be defended by the traditional way of defending in combat. Arcane damage can only be stopped by cards that prevent damage, such as cards that have arcane barrier.

Nullrune Hood
Nullrune Hood
Nullrune Robe
Nullrune Robe
Nullrune Gloves
Nullrune Gloves
Eirina's Prayer
Eirina's Prayer

Arcane Modifiers

Kano is at his most dangerous when he is able to catch the opponent with their guard down, then punish them with a combo or arcane damage modifiers that compound into a fiery explosive finish!

Crucible of Aetherweave
Crucible of Aetherweave
Aether Flare
Aether Flare

Arcane damage modifiers are a good way to overwhelm an opponent's arcane barrier. Using effects that create larger arcane attacks will pour damage over the top of even the biggest arcane barrier defenses.

Crucible of Aetherweave
Crucible of Aetherweave
Stir the Aetherwinds
Stir the Aetherwinds
Voltic Bolt
Voltic Bolt

Instant Speed

Kano is the first hero in Flesh and Blood able to play the game at instant speed. This cunning wizard can use his powerful hero ability to turn cards from the top of his deck into instants, punishing opponents during their own turn if they let their guard down.

Kano, Dracai of Aether
Kano, Dracai of Aether

Playing arcane damage action cards during the opposing hero’s turn after they have used their resources to attack, can guarantee that your arcane damage will leave its mark. You can even play your arcane attacks in response to a melee attack, potentially killing an over-zealous attacker before their fatal swing touches you! That’s very much the Kano way!

Absorb in Aether
Absorb in Aether
Voltic Bolt
Voltic Bolt

It’s very important to construct a Kano deck with a lot of pitch 3 blue cards, to be able to activate his hero ability reliably. A typical Kano deck will be all ‘non attack’ action cards, to maximise the effect of Kano’s hero ability.

Aether Arc
Aether Arc
Scalding Rain
Scalding Rain