Skirmish Season 4 Hero Showcase Series: Part II

Mar 22, 2022 Legend Story Studios

This weekend the Blitz Constructed Skirmish Season 4 kicks off and runs March 26-April 17 worldwide! Today we continue taking a closer look at the young heroes of Rathe who received Specializations for the first time, or made their first appearance as a hero with the release of Everfest in part two of this three part series.

Last week we checked in with Valda Brightaxe and Kayo, Berserker Runt, next week we'll catch up with Kassai, Cintari Sellsword and Iyslander but today, we explore Data Doll MKII and Benji, the Piercing Wind.

Jump in and get to know some of the young heroes of Rathe a bit better just in time for Skirmish Season, Armories, Battle Hardeneds, Callings or the kitchen table!

Data Doll MK II

Buried deep beneath Iron Assembly headquarters there lies a vast, secret chamber. Inside rests Data Doll, a steam-powered automaton delicately suspended by a web of wires and hoses. Night and day, her pneumatic mind surges with an influx of data reported from all across Metrix. Her purpose: to provide pertinent data to the Iron Assembly’s most elite members. These select few jealously guard the secret of Data Doll’s existence; afraid that the key to their copiously cognizant intelligence network might be discovered. Compliant as ever, Data Doll obeys them without complaint and with all the cold, calculated accuracy of the Assembly itself.

Data Doll MKII
Data Doll MKII

Key Cards:

- Microprocessor

- Teklo Foundry Heart

- Zero to Sixty

- Fate Forseen

Basic Strategy:

With the latest cerebral upgrades to Data Doll from Everfest, she has a new lease on life, and in today's build we're showcasing a midrange version of the deck. Watch as Data Doll snowballs incremental advantage turn after turn if your opponent is unable to apply enough pressure. Boost attacks like Zero to Sixty constantly hitting high value items off the top synergise well with cards like Fate Forseen and Optekal Monacle to ensure there's always another intriguing item at the ready.

Thankfully with Mechanologist's latest toolkit from Everfest which includes cards such as her new specialization Microprocessor and Boost attack action T-Bone, we are able to afford slots for defensive options like Sink Below and Fate Forseen. These defense reactions help us sculpt the deck order, catch a glimpse of what's to come and aim to ensure we always have what we want, when we want it, whether that be in hand or on top of our deck while allowing us keep two cards in hand. With Data Doll, boosting early is extremely important, as we are almost always going to want to play a Boost attack action followed up by activating our Teklo Foundry Heart to send more cards from the top of our deck to the banished zone and increase the ever-growing assortment of trinkets and steam punk shennaigains.

Signal Jammer is another piece of exciting new technology from Everfest. This item will see no player play more than one non-attack action each turn, however as Data Doll likes to put items into play, as opposed to always playing them, she is able to hack this detriment and turn it into an upgrade.

With a combination of cheap, aggressive attack actions which push damage and Boost cards into your banished zone and the new Specialization, Microprocessor allowing you to Opt, draw a card then put one on top of your deck, banish a card (and slam it straight down into the area) and gain an action point each turn, Data Doll's latest update is a marvel of modern day technology.

01110111 01101000 01101111 00100000 01100001 01101101 00100000 01101001

Teklo Foundry Heart
Teklo Foundry Heart
Zero to Sixty
Zero to Sixty
Fate Foreseen
Fate Foreseen

Benji, the Piercing Wind

Deep within the Gorge of a Thousand Winds, a young ninja trains alone, as swift and sharp as the racing winds that tear into the rock face below. As a member of the Mugenshi clan, Benji is keenly aware of the threats that lie beyond the gorge, and those who would see his clan erased altogether.

In spite of his age, Benji is diligent and focused, harnessing his innate talent through years of careful study. He deeply respects the Mugenshi elders, and hopes to one day number among the most skilled members of his clan. A devoted student, he has dedicated himself to the task at hand, working to hone his skills and uphold the ancient traditions of the Mugenshi.

A swift and technical fighter, Benji has learned to use his size to his advantage, whittling down his opponents with a flurry of attacks. Yet as a storm brews on the horizon, one question remains: will Benji be able to protect his clan from the trials that lie ahead?

Benji, the Piercing Wind
Benji, the Piercing Wind

Key Cards:

- Spring Tidings

- Ride the Tailwinds

- Razor Reflex

- Breeze Rider Boots

- Zephyr Needle

Basic Strategy:

We are going to peck away at our enemies until we draw Benji's spectacular new specialization Spring Tidings with any attack reaction and try to push for a wild turn! Any number of attacks with two or less power on the combat chain leading into our first Spring Tidings will lead our opponent down a path where they must defend with equipment. However, with a combination of attack reactions, we can push through, hit and trigger our Mask of the Pouncing Lynx and Breeze Rider Boots. These game breaking triggers allow us to search for another Spring Tidings, give all our Combo attacks go again and draw so many cards your enemies won't know how to deal! At this point, watch Benji's training come to fruition as you finish your opponent off with unblockable attack actions.

When not trying for this cataclysmic combination, we play like a typical Benji deck, getting value from our small Combo cards and Zephyr Needles to constantly poke damage while wait for our super explosive turn. Things like blue Snatch and Ride the Tailwind are key here. Snatch at the end of a non-Tidings turn (or anywhere on the combat chain, thanks to Ride the Tailwind's on-hit trigger, granting your next 2 or less power attack action go again) can put your opponent in a very tough spot of whether to use precious equipment- which may be better saved for an incoming Spring Tidings- or allow you to dig deeper into your deck in pursuit of the Benji specialization. Ride the Tailwind is an incredible new addition to Benji which can give your attack actions go again when you're not going for a one-turn-kill of unblockable attack actions, allowing you to whittle the opponent's life total down, where victory without Spring Tidings is still well within reach.

We tend to excel against other lightly armored aggressive decks, but begin to struggle sometimes against heavily defensive decks where we have to rely an unfortunate amount on our pool of attack reactions to trigger our on-hit abilities. Choosing to start is usually a good idea with Benji, however if you are going second, take the turn one opportunity to defend with cards that don't contribute to your combo and get yourself one step closer to Spring Tidings.

Zephyr Needle is a delicate yet dangerous weapon. Benji's hero ability gives your next attack of any kind +1, so after you hit with your first attack action, a Needle for three can again put your opponent under pressure; give up a card to defend the Needle and put less pressure on Benji while giving him more time for Tidings, or take the damage and slowly wither away.

Benji is an exciting, refeshing take on the way Blitz games are played as he brings new questions to the arena and always keeps your opponents' reflexes razor sharp.

Spring Tidings
Spring Tidings
Ride the Tailwind
Ride the Tailwind
Razor Reflex
Razor Reflex
Breeze Rider Boots
Breeze Rider Boots
Zephyr Needle
Zephyr Needle