New Zealand Nationals 2020 FAQ

Sep 08, 2020 Alan Hale

NZ Nationals FAQ

Events Schedule

The New Zealand National Championship Weekend kicks off at 6:30pm on Friday 25th with the Battle Hardened event at the Wellington Bridge Club, 17 Tinakori Road, Thorndon, Wellington 6011.

Doors open for the Battle Hardened event at 5:30pm and will be a 5 round Blitz tournament. Participants will be able to play against the Development team and have the chance to take home a copy of the elusive Welcome to Rathe lore book.

New Zealand National Championship Day One - Saturday 26th 9:00am doors open, 9:45am player meeting

New Zealand National Championship Day Two - Sunday 27th 8:30am doors open, 9:00am New Zealand National Championship round 8 starts, 10.30am Professional Tournament Invitation (PTI) Qualifier starts.

For more information on the main event check here, New Zealand National Championship 2020

For more information on the side events from Calico Keep check here, Calico Keep side events information

Qualification Information

New Zealand National Championship 2020 is an invite only event. You can find the list of current qualified players here, NZ National Championship Qualified Players

Please note qualification by 90 day XP ranking is now closed. The last ways to qualify for the New Zealand National Championship is through the final Road to Nationals event at Card Merchant West City on the 19th of September or by use of a Professional Tournament Invite by contacting the Organized Play team before the 18th of September.

For more information check the link Road to Nationals - Card Merchant

Running a safe National Championship

Legend Story Studios is committed to running a safe event in accordance with New Zealand law. In order to do so, we will be putting in place the following event guidelines:

  • To manage numbers for this event, all qualified players must register using the "Join Event" function in their GEM player account login, with event code,
  • Players will need to sign in at the venue using the NZ Covid Tracer app. There will be a hard cap of 100 people allowed in the venue space at any one time, including National Championship competitors, public event players, and spectators. National Championship competitors will be prioritize. If necessary, non-National Championship competitors may be asked to leave the venue space to maintain the 100 person limit.
  • Anyone who is sick, or is showing flu like symptoms, will not be admitted into the event venue.
  • Face masks and hand sanitizer will be available all attendees.
  • Pairings for this event will be done using Play Anywhere. Pairings for each round will be viewable through your account, so there is no need to crowd around the pairing boards each round.
  • All players must use hand sanitizer to clean their hands prior to the start of each round. This is available to all attendees at the venue.
  • While not compulsory, we encourage all attendees to wear a face mask while inside the venue.
  • Handshakes are not encouraged. A respectful nod is a suitable replacement.
  • Players will be expected to use their own dice and tokens and avoid the sharing and touching of each other's property. The only things that should be shared are good games and fond memories.
  • We recommend that players do not congregate in the play area during rounds once their match has finished.

Food and Beverage

The event will have limited food and drink available from Calico Keep and Iain Kenderdine and his Mr Coffee Van will be on site Saturday and Sunday morning selling hot drinks.

For additional questions please contact us at