Road to Auckland $10k Retrospective

Feb 05, 2020 Alan Hale

The Road to Auckland 10K series is done and dusted, with twelve events leading up to this weekend's Auckland 10K. This was the first chance for players to play constructed outside an Armory event, a chance to shape the meta-game before the main event.

Each store submitted their top cut deck lists to reveal the current meta going into this weekend. The top cut brackets were dominated by Warrior and Ninja (with Ninja 5 players above Warrior). Guardian in third and Brute rumbling along in fourth. When finals played out Warrior posted the best finish with 6 wins. Brute was frozen out as Guardian and Ninja split the other six top finishes.

Top Cut Heroes:

  • 27 Ninja
  • 22 Warrior
  • 15 Guardian
  • 8 Brute

Winning Heroes

  • 6 Warrior
  • 3 Guardian
  • 3 Ninja

Stay tuned for this weekend's coverage to see how the 10K metagame plays out.

Catch live twitter coverage using #tcakl