"Greetings, traveller, and welcome to our glorious home! I trust your adventures have been prosperous and enlightening thus far? You need not fear any peril during your stay, for I shall remain by your side to protect you! I hope you enjoy your time here and leave with a story to tell!"

Get round the table for some fun and frenzied shenanigans without any competitive stakes! Social Play Events are perfect for beginners looking to dip their toes into the world of Rathe, as well as seasoned players looking to try new things or have a bit of relaxed fun!
Featuring Ultimate Pit Fight as the first official format for Social Play Events, players can take part in a more casual focused level of organised play, supported with prizes from the awesome Social Play Kit!
Today we are excited to announce the new Social Play Kit - Brevant!

- 4x Brevant, Civic Protector (Cold Foil)
- 2x Hammer of Havenhold (Rainbow Foil)
- 2x Bastion of Duty (Rainbow Foil)
- 2x Civic Peak (Rainbow Foil)
- 2x Civic Steps (Rainbow Foil)
- 2x Civic Guide (Rainbow Foil)
- 2x Civic Duty (Rainbow Foil)
- 22x Chivalry (Rainbow Foil)
- 2x Brevant Playmats
- Marketing posters
How to run Social Play Events:
- Schedule events using the Social Play tournament type in GEM. Format should be Ultimate Pit Fight
- Use the Open Play feature to make it a player list only event.
- Record the details of all players participating
- Social Play events are recommended to be run on a casual, pod on demand basis.
- Pods and pairing/rounds will need to be run manually outside of the GEM software.
- Stores may choose to run a more structured Ultimate Pit Fight event if they choose, see the Ultimate Pit Fight format page for more details.
Social Play events are also the perfect opportunity to try out the new Ultimate Pit Fight Draft format introduced alongside the release of Heavy Hitters!
- Schedule your Social Play event in GEM as above
- Seat players into draft pods and run a Heavy Hitters draft
- Split the players into 4 person UPF Pods
- The winner of each pod then play in a 1 v1 finals match!
How to get a Social Play Kit - Brevant for your store:
Social Play Kits differ from our existing prize kits and Armory event program, in that they are not month-specific and will be distributed to eligible stores over an extended period of time.
- Social Play Kit - Brevant will be offered to eligible stores by LSS and distributors based on organised play metrics and history of hosting Social Play events
- The Social Play Kit - Brevant itself will be supplied free of charge.
- Stores may only receive 1 of a specific Social Play Kit
- Over time some stores may get a second chance to receive each of the Social Play Kits, based on their event history but this is not guaranteed.
If you are interested in receiving a Social Play Kit for your store we invite you to fill out our Social Play Kit Expression of Interest Form. Please note that completing this form is an expression of interest only and does not guarantee that your store will receive a Social Play Kit.
How to use Social Play Kits:
Social Play Kits are designed to support a minimum of 4 events and these should be run across a period of 1-2 months. Stores should allocate Social Play Kit materials to reward participation and attendance at their discretion, such as:
- Random prize draws per event
- Monthly prize draws with entries based on attendance
- Develop a monthly Social Play League table and award points for attendance, heroes defeated per week, pod victories per week, most heroes played etc.
Please note that Social Play Kit materials are not permitted to be sold and must be used to support in store Social Play events.