Road to L.A. - Retailer FAQ

Road to L.A. - FB Post Image

As the hype builds for Pro Tour Los Angeles in March 2024, your 'Road to L.A.' Event will bring eager and excited players together in the Flesh and Blood.

What are Road to L.A. events?

One-off tournaments that provide players a chance to win an exclusive Energy Potion promo card at a casual fun event. These events are assigned to selected stores in the LA region.

What format is Road to L.A.?

Road to L.A. events should be Blitz format to make it accessible for newer players.

Entry fee?

FREE! We want new players to come along and enjoy.

Can I add prizes to the prize pool?

Stores are welcome to add additional participation or performance-based prizes to their Road to L.A. event.

Season Dates

What are the season dates and when can I sanction the event?

Road to L.A. 2024 will run from Friday, 8th March - Sunday, 17th of March 2024. Events can be sanctioned now! Please sanction your event by 28th February (local time).

Is there any flexibility on the event dates?

Events must be run in this window. If stores cannot run the event during this time the event MUST be canceled and the Prize Kit MUST be returned to your distributor.

Event Structure

Is there a minimum number of players to run this event?

Road to L.A. events do not require a minimum to run. This is a casual event focusing on new and casual players.

Road to L.A. Prizes and Distribution

Energy Potion - Extended Art Cold Foil

Prizes Distribution
1 x Energy Potion Extended Art Cold Foil Random draw prize at the event. Any participating players are eligible to win.
6 x Heavy Hitters Blitz Decks To hand out, free, to new players, if they don’t have a Blitz deck.
24 x Welcome Decks To hand out and provide new players with a deck to practice with.
1 x Free Ticket to Pro Tour Player’s Reception and Keynote In order to qualify for the free ticket to the Pro Tour opening reception, your event needs to be booked in GEM no later than February 28th.
This is for you, the store owner, to attend the reception (or a person in your place).
The reception is 5pm on Thursday, March 21st at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 1260 S Figueroa Street, Los Angeles. Mingle with the players and enjoy some drinks and food on us!

Rules Enforcement, Judges and Decklists

Are decklists required?

No! This is a casual, fun event.

Will I need a Judge for this event?

No, since this is a casual event. We suggest you have a T.O. to help run the event. If you can get a local Judge to attend to help with the new players then that would be great!

Digital Assets and Marketing

Where do I find digital assets for social media?

Digital assets for social media can be found below.

Road to L.A. - Marketing Assets

I still need help! Who can I reach out to?

Email the team at, and an account manager will be in contact with you.