Lost World

Rua Poeta António Aleixo 3 Loja 3, 7520-171 Sines, Portugal

Ph: 967828459Email: lostworldcomics@gmail.com


 We are a brick and mortar shop that sells games,toys, and comics. We mostly deal with games and run and play all kinds of different games at our shop. We have been open for over 13 years and we also help and teach people how to play and get into games. We have a youtube channel teaching all kinds of rules in Portuguese. We were also the first to make a facebook FAB tcg Portugal group to help promote this great game out here.

Upcoming Tournaments

- 49 - days away

Rosetta Pre-release

Sat 14th Sep, 2:30 PM Sealed Deck

Rua Poeta António Aleixo 3 Loja 3, 7520-171 Sines, Portugal