
How do you match up against fellow FAB players in your country and around the world?

Participate in our OP programs to earn XP and ELO. All you need is a FAB Player ID (obtained by registering).

Elo Rating (Overall) is gained and lost at competitive and professional level events playing Constructed or Limited and is how we rank our champions of champions. It’s cutthroat, punishing in defeat, and the hallmark of excellence. To reign supreme on the Elo leaderboard is the ultimate Flesh and Blood achievement.

Rank Country Name Rating
701  US Jacob Baugh (42383614) 1625
702  GB George Jones (86671164) 1625
703  TW Xincheng Hou (28484578) 1625
704  BR Lucas Aquino (62638238) 1625
705  US Jack Stoney (67534537) 1625
706  US Ulrich Sovitzky (27868642) 1625
707  US Matt Kohls (33466896) 1625
708  DE Sergei Bastrakov (76615572) 1625
709  DE Nica Roth (48731987) 1625
710  PL 원률 신 (17353169) 1624
711  BE Sam Cornelis (89785583) 1624
712  ID Junio Antono (89476695) 1624
713  TW KeDuo Yang (93532547) 1624
714  GB Finlay Shepherd (94214495) 1624
715  CY Nicolas Lazarides (91335664) 1624
716  PL Tomasz Żelazko (48144483) 1624
717  NL David Kuric (66679686) 1624
718  JP Shu Murashima (95713417) 1624
719  DE Preepong Samalee (66839523) 1624
720  US Max Thomas (72321361) 1624
721  US Jason Rice (34586893) 1623
722  SE Tobias Lind (81532369) 1623
723  AU Peter Katsakis (58911274) 1623
724  US James Teeple (34447728) 1623
725  DE Benjamin Adler (76382987) 1623
726  AU Alex Crowther (27278425) 1623
727  AU Lachlan Buchan (25917239) 1623
728  CA John Kruk (51671338) 1623
729  DE Frederic Fuessmann (18135535) 1623
730  US Keenan Humphrey (77253686) 1623
731  HK Roderick So (10162) 1623
732  US Oren Yishai (88233786) 1622
733  GB Daniel Collett (12514235) 1622
734  CA Eric Keilback (49568129) 1622
735  US Simon Aguirre (94634456) 1622
736  EE Andres Dorogan (21436312) 1622
737  US Christopher Little (23187619) 1622
738  US Elyse Symmes (71419586) 1622
739  SG Brandon Peh (54572865) 1622
740  NL Wouter Ouwehand (93592155) 1622
741  US SEAN STELL (66211216) 1622
742  TW Night S (33969747) 1622
743  US Alexander Vore (53486363) 1621
744  US Will Rea (24368736) 1621
745  US Jack Sandau (75196186) 1621
746  US James Kandziolka (89223257) 1621
747  DE Christian Weißling (25438597) 1621
748  NZ Nicholas Holding (42916169) 1621
749  US Ian Becker (57222774) 1621
750  ES Carlos de Dueñas (19121333) 1621