Tamer of Purpose
Misteria is a tapestry of tradition woven in chi. Zen wanders this beautiful landscape, following the threads, observing the patterns and restoring their symmetry, their perfect balance, wherever disruptive forces might fray or tear.
Born of humble origins yet possessing an innate connection to the cosmos, Zen began his journey of self-discovery and enlightenment at the revered Prowling Grounds.
Through years of rigorous training and introspection, he honed his body and mind into instruments of graceful determination. When his proud teachers deemed him ready, Zen left his monastic studies to embrace his greater purpose.
Like the tiger that roars in his soul, Zen stalks through the looming mountain ranges of Misteria, among the rustling leaves and tranquil streams, steering the lost back onto their path, fighting those who have given themselves to selfishness and mischief.
In his travels, Zen has uncovered dangerous secrets, tamed unruly spirits, defeated otherworldly monsters and returned peace to the frightened and disheartened.
His unwavering devotion is a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity. Wherever he goes, his presence is a beacon of wisdom and enlightenment to the people of this land of enshrouding mist.
Hero Highlights

Eye of the Tiger
Turning peace to ferocity, Zen uses moments of calm to plan his next attacks to unfathomable precision. By harnessing the power of Crouching Tigers, he can unleash more attacks than any opponent can hope to defend.

Cat-like Reflexes
Zen can be as elusive as he is deadly. Powerful defense reactions and blocks, as well as the tranquility needed to enter into a defensive Zen State, will surely have Zen’s opponents chasing their tail as they try to pin him down.