Victor Goldmane

High and Mighty

From the moment Victor drew his first breath, it was clear that he was destined for greatness. Born into a world of privilege and entitlement where devotion was as ordinary as the air he breathed, Victor was showered with praise and adoration from those around him. From his earliest days, he displayed an uncanny knack for winning, effortlessly outshining his peers in every endeavor he undertook.

With each victory, Victor's ego swelled to unimaginable proportions, fueled by the constant stream of accolades and applause that followed in his wake. To him, the world was nothing more than a stage upon which he could showcase his unmatched brilliance, and he reveled in the attention and admiration that it brought. As Victor grew older, his insatiable appetite for success only intensified. He craved more—more victories, more accomplishments, more adulation. And when he was inevitably entangled in turmoil, his family, a boisterous gang of enablers, rushed to his rescue, shielding him from the consequences of his actions— deciding to celebrate how powerful he was instead. Yet, even for them, Victor's excesses proved too much to bear, pushing the boundaries of tolerance until he became a burden too heavy to carry.

In Victor's mind, the world existed solely to cater to his own desires, and he saw no reason to temper his ambitions or consider the needs of others. He was blind to the suffering and hardship that surrounded him, so consumed was he by his own sense of entitlement and self-importance.

And so, when his family could no longer stomach the havoc wreaked by his indiscretions, they reached a unanimous decision: to rid themselves of the relentless nuisance that was Victor. With a mix of relief and exasperation, they orchestrated his banishment to the farthest reaches of the world, hoping that in the vast expanse beyond their borders he might either stumble upon land to call his own or, failing that, cause chaos far away from their own lives.

But far from learning from his mistakes, Victor saw his exile as an opportunity—a chance to conquer new lands and assert his dominance over those he deemed lesser than himself. To him, it was not a punishment, but a grand adventure—a chance to prove to the world just how dominant he truly was.

And so, with his head held high and his heart filled with boundless confidence, Victor set out into the world, blissfully unaware of the mayhem and destruction that lay in his wake. For him, the journey was not about self-discovery or personal growth—it was about conquest, pure and simple. And woe betide anyone who dared to stand in his way, for Victor was ‘The Golden Son’, unstoppable in his quest for glory and self-aggrandizement.