

There’s talk of a kindly old man that roams the breadth of Aria, carrying upon his back the treasures from a thousand lost kingdoms. They call him the Roaming Bazaar, and what a spectacle he is! A friendly face in unfamiliar lands, a helping hand in your hour of need. His pack overflows with riches both wonderful and strange, as he spreads the joy of the Everfest far and wide.

Of his past, little is known; some say he’s a swindler who peddles mullock to the unaware, while others whisper of his mysterious powers that reminds them of the provisioners of old. But out of his endless backpack he pulls forth a million trinkets, baubles, potions and amulets, and all your questions will melt away as you gawk at the joyful things he brings!

So ready your Silvers as you shout his name; Genis’ got what chu need!

Hero Highlights

Your Wish is My Command

What you need young hero, could be as close at hand as a simple silver. Power? Life? Resources beyond your wildest imagination... the roaming bazaar that is Genis, always has what you need.

What You Need?

Genis Wotchuneed

Genis is a roaming bazaar. Whatever your looking for Genis offers the chance to have it for the low price of 1 silver. All major cards accepted, a 3.5% merchant fee may apply.