

Everybody has to grow up. Even us troublemakers. And especially those with Teklo as a last name. Not that I’m complaining. When Mom—I mean, Thiroux—offered me the assistant position, I jumped at it. The mech mods coming out of the labs puts my accelerator augments to shame. At Teklo Industries you really can make a difference. I’m making a difference. Besides, working there gives me access to even bigger and better toys!

Sure, corporate life has many a dull moment. Times like that, my mind will wander back to the hijinks of my youth with the Rosario kids—especially rat boy Ricky—but at least I still have Maxx to hang with when the need for adventure calls.

Maxx is one out of the box. He’s adamant the Iron Assembly is spying on everyone. He says we’re all slaved to the systems. Peripherals driven by ones and zeros. He’s always looking over his shoulder, afraid of who’s listening and watching. No matter how often I remind him of the wonder all around us; of the breakthroughs and progress throughout the city, the conversation loops, Maxx ranting about smashing this and that.

Turns out, he’s right and he’s wrong. It’s not the systems that control us. It’s not the technology that controls us. It’s our own imaginations—or lack thereof. When you’re surrounded by bad ideas, come up with a good one. Follow your curiosity. That’s where opportunity lies. I saw an inspiring opportunity and I took it. I don’t know where it’ll lead, but that’s creativity for you.