
Breaker of Dawn

With light in his heart and sword in his hand, Boltyn will carve the corruption from this land.

The former Baron of Redmoor, Boltyn grew up in the Northern Realms. At an early age, he was inspired by his grandmother’s bedtime stories of a great city of light and knowledge. When the time came for him to accept his inheritance, Boltyn relinquished his title and estate to his honorable cousin, Fyanna Redmoor, and set out on a pilgrimage to Solana.

Embraced by the Hand of Sol, Boltyn spent years in grueling training and dangerous duty. Amidst the Hand’s ranks, he met a cleric named Eirina, whose grace enchanted him from their first meeting. After a blissful romance, they married, and soon after, Eirina gave birth to a baby boy they named Aios. But a few short years later, disaster struck.

While Boltyn was patrolling the Golden Fields, shadowy forces assaulted Solana. Eirina perished in the attack while bravely defending the Solarium.

Bellona Wartune visited the grieving Boltyn in a vision. She showed him a bleak premonition of the Lands of Light grown dark and desolate under the yoke of Shadow. His faith thus renewed, he vowed to fight for a future where his son could grow into a man under the blessed Light of Sol.

At Minerva’s behest, Boltyn accepted a commission as an inquisitor. After placing Aios in the care of the Sisters of Octothesia, he ventured across Solana and the Northern Realms with his loyal knights. Together they rooted out the occultists of the Demonastery, putting their enclaves to the sword and the torch. The servants of Shadow now tremble in fear at the mere mention of the Breaker of Dawn, for he is the physician who cuts the infection from the flesh of Solana, and cauterizes its weeping wounds. Relentless as he is incisive, Boltyn will not rest until his beloved Solana is restored to its righteous glory.

Hero Highlights


Ser Boltyn leads Solana’s vanguard into battle, his radiant soul lighting the way for those who follow. Lead out by charging your soul, so when the time comes, you can light up the battlefield with a dazzling display of steel and soul.

Point of Engagement

Warriors are in their prime at the point of engagement. Boltyn’s valiant strength shines brightest when he’s engaged by a defending hero.

Mind, Body, Soul

A great warrior must have more than a sharp mind and strength of steel. They must have a soul of purpose. With these 3 qualities in harmony, a true hero is forged. Outsmart your opponent with combat tricks that buff your attacks, then unleash your soul to lead the way to victory!

Knight in Shining Armor

Ser Boltyn, Breaker of Dawn

Ser Boltyn leads the warriors of Solana towards victory, as he courageously charges into the battlefield.