Reprint Policy

Foil cards hold a special place in card collecting, particularly cold foil cards—a printing technique that Flesh and Blood introduced to the global TCG industry with the release of Welcome to Rathe in 2019. This policy outlines our commitment to the community regarding the reprinting of foil cards.

Cold Foils

A cold foil card included in a retail booster set will never be reprinted as a cold foil outside of the original set it was released in, except under the Cold Foil Prize Card clause of this policy. For clarity, a card printed using cold foil can be reprinted using other printing techniques, such as rainbow foil or non-foil.

Cold Foil Prize Cards

We reserve the right to reprint any card using the cold foil printing technique for the purpose of supporting official Flesh and Blood organized play. A card printed as a Cold Foil Prize Card will be visually differentiated from its original printing if that card was previously printed as a cold foil in a retail booster set.

Cold Foil Promo Cards

A cold foil promo card may be reprinted. This clause applies only to cold foil cards that have not been included in a retail booster set. To clarify, once a card has been printed as a cold foil in a retail booster set, it will never be reprinted as a cold foil again, except under the Cold Foil Prize Card clause of this policy.

Rainbow Foils (Effective August 5, 2024)

A rainbow foil card included in a retail booster set will not be reprinted as a rainbow foil outside of the original set it was released in, unless the reprint features new artwork. Exceptions to this are for the purposes of organized play, marketing, or promotional use during the 12 months preceding and following the release of the booster set. For clarity, a rainbow foil card can be reprinted with the same art using non-rainbow foil printing techniques, such as non-foil.