Rosetta + 1st Strike

These release notes are incomplete and will be updated periodically until the official release date of the Rosetta Booster set on 20th September 2024

Last modified 7 September 2024

General Notes

Rosetta contains 258* cards (1 Fabled, 5 Legendary, 49 Majestic, 57 Rare, 128 Common, 14 Token, 24 Marvels)

Rosetta becomes legal for tournaments on its official release date: September 20, 2024


  • {r} Resource Point
  • {p} Power
  • {d} Defense Value
  • {h} Life
  • {i} Intellect

Returning Cards (ROS)

Arcane Rising

  • Oath of the Arknight (RED/YEL/BLU)

Crucible of War

  • Consuming Volition (RED/YEL/BLU)
  • Meat and Greet (RED/YEL/BLU)

Tales of Aria

  • Autumn's Touch (RED/YEL/BLU)
  • Heaven's Claws (RED/YEL/BLU)
  • Lightning Surge (RED/YEL/BLU)
  • Flash (RED/YEL/BLU)
  • Runaways


  • Fyendal's Fighting Spirit (RED/YEL/BLU)


  • Aether Quickening (RED/YEL/BLU)


  • Brush Off (RED/YEL/BLU)

Returning Cards (1ST)

Welcome to Rathe

  • Ironrot Helm
  • Ironrot Legs

Tales of Aria

  • Autumn's Touch
  • Burgeoning
  • Heaven's Claws
  • Lightning Surge
  • Lightning Press
  • Rotten Old Buckler


  • Spell Fray Tiara
  • Spell Fray Leggings

Heavy Hitters

  • Concuss

Returning Tokens

Arcane Rising

  • Runechant

Tales of Aria

  • Embodiment of Earth
  • Embodiment of Lightning


  • Ponder

New Keywords and Rules Notes

Split Cards

  • A split card is a card that has two names/textboxes/typeboxes.
  • A split card is considered a single card, with two names and a combination of all the properties from its two textboxes/typesboxes, except when it is played.
  • You can only include a split card in your card-pool if you can include it with BOTH typeboxes. E.g. if one typebox has “Wizard” and the other has “Earth”, you can only include it in your card-pool if you can include “Earth Wizard” cards.
  • When you play a split card, you must announce which side of the split card will be played. At that point it is considered to be a single card with the properties (name/textbox/typebox) of the chosen side.
  • After you announce which half of the split card you are playing, continuous effects will apply to the card based on the properties (name/textbox/typebox) of that half.
  • You are only allowed to play a split card as one of its halves if it would be a legal play allowed by a game rule or effect. For example, if you play a split card as its side of the card with the “action” type, you would only be able to play the split card as that action card whenever you could legally play an action, regardless if the other half of the card has the “instant” type. In this case, you could only play it when you have priority, if you have an action point, and only as the first layer on the stack. However, if you have an effect that would allow you to play an action as though it were an instant, you could play the split card as its action half whenever you have priority and as any layer on the stack.


You may play 1 or both halves of this card. Each costs X.

  • Meld is an ability keyword and is found on split cards in this set.
  • When you play a split card with the Meld ability, you must announce if you will meld the split card or announce which side of the split card will be played. If you choose to meld a split card, it is considered to be a single card with the properties (name/textbox/typebox) of both sides.
  • After you announce the melded card, continuous effects that apply to either side of the split card will apply to the melded card.
  • After you announce the melded card, continuous effects that apply to either side based on their properties (name/textbox/typebox) apply to the melded card. E.g. a melded card that has Wizard on one side and Earth on the other, is subject to effects that apply to either Wizard or Earth cards.
  • You may only play a melded card if you meet the requirements for playing a card with the combined properties of both.
  • If you want to play a melded card that has the action type on one of its sides, you can only do so on an empty stack and it will cost 1 action point, even if the other side has the instant type. If an effect would allow you to play the melded card as an instant, you do not need to play it on an empty stack or pay an action point.
  • The base cost of a melded card remains the same as the printed cost.
  • The starting resource cost to play a melded card is TWICE the base cost of the card (i.e. you start with paying for the base cost for each side you're playing). Then you apply cost modifications.
  • Effects that increase/decrease the {r} cost of playing a card (e.g. Frostbite), only increase/decrease the total {r} cost required to play the melded card. For example, you want to play a melded card with a base cost of 2 and you control a Frostbite. The total resource cost to pay is 5{r}: 2{r} for each half, plus 1{r} due to the Frostbite effect.
  • When playing a melded card, the card will be placed as a single layer onto the stack. This layer will be resolved twice. The first time the layer resolves on the stack, the right-side of the split card will resolve its abilities and generate effects first. The second time the layer resolves on the stack, the left-side of the split card will resolve its abilities and generate their effects.
  • Players get priority between the resolution of each side of the card. The turn player receives priority after the melded card resolves the first time (i.e. right-side of the card), but before it gets resolved the second time (i.e. left-side of the card).
  • If either half of a melded card gets go again, the entire melded card has go again. When a melded card is fully resolved (i.e. it resolves the second time), if the card has go again the controller gains an action point.
  • If a continuous effect would grant a melded card an ability that triggers when a card resolves, that ability would resolve when the melded card’s layer resolves on the stack a second time.
  • If a melded card is negated or otherwise fails to resolve a second time while on the stack, the controller does not gain an action point from go again.


  • Macros are a new type of object that exist in Flesh and Blood. They are game objects whose abilities interact with other objects in the game. They are not cards, or tokens, or permanents etc.
  • Macros are given to players to use under special circumstances such as playing a Rosetta limited format.
  • You cannot name a macro for effects that require you to name a card.
  • You cannot choose a macro for effects that allow you to choose cards/tokens. Similarly, you cannot choose it for effects that require a target card/token.
  • When a macro leaves the arena, it ceases to exist.
  • Macros cannot exist in a player's card-pool.
  • Macros exist in the game before player's present their hero.

Arcane Shelter X

If you would be dealt arcane damage, destroy this to prevent X of that damage.

  • Arcane Shelter is a static ability that generates a fixed-prevention effect.
  • The amount of arcane damage prevented by this ability’s prevention effect is determined by the number directly following the arcane shelter keyword.
  • The prevention effect is not optional. It applies whenever arcane damage would be dealt to your hero.
  • If another prevention effect reduces a damage event to 0, the replacement condition is no longer met (damage would not be dealt), so arcane shelter will not apply.
  • The prevention amount applies to a single arcane damage event. The leftover prevention amount does not apply to any future damage that would be dealt to your hero.
  • If the damage prevention can not be applied due to an effect, the object with arcane shelter on it is still destroyed as part of the replacement effect application (similar to Ward).


Decompose - You may banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard. If you do, [EFFECT].

  • Decompose is a label keyword.
  • Decompose is an optional effect and the effect itself does not target. When the effect resolves, you may choose the cards in your graveyard to banish. If you choose to resolve the decompose effect, you must be able to banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard.
  • To decompose, you need to banish 3 cards in total: two Earth cards, and one action card. The Earth cards may be action cards, and the action card may be an Earth card. Banishing an Earth action card will count towards either one of the two Earth cards being banished or the action card being banished, not both at the same time.

Earth Bond

Earth Bond - If an Earth card was pitched to play this, [EFFECT].

  • Earth Bond is a label keyword.
  • Existing resource points generated from pitching Earth cards do not satisfy the condition for Earth Bond. You must pitch an Earth card while paying for the costs of the card being played.

Lightning Flow

Lightning Flow - If you've played a Lightning card this turn, [EFFECT].

  • Lightning Flow is a label keyword.
  • Activating the ability of a Lightning card, or playing just the non-Lightning side of a split card is not considered playing a Lightning card. You must play a card with the Lightning type.

Amp (originally from Part the Mistveil)

The next time you would deal arcane damage this turn, instead deal that much plus 1.

  • Amp is an effect keyword.
  • Amp generates a replacement effect that applies to any one event of arcane damage that the player controls. This can include arcane damage events that are generated from actions, weapons (e.g. Kraken’s Aethervein), heroes (e.g. Brainstorm), etc.
  • If an effect would deal 0 arcane damage, it's the same as no effect occurring, and therefore Amp does not apply to it.
  • For cards with an effect that deals arcane damage to multiple heroes/allies (e.g. Forked Lightning, Singe, Aether Arc), amp will only increase the damage dealt by the first arcane damage event from the effect. For example, if you target two different heroes with Forked Lightning, Forked Lightning’s effect will result in two arcane damage events. Amp will apply to the first arcane damage event against one of the targeted heroes, but will not apply to the other arcane damage event against the other hero.
  • If you have a melded split card that has an effect that deals arcane damage on each half of the card (e.g. Comet Storm||Shock), amp will be applied to the first available arcane damage event from that layer after the amp replacement effect has been generated. If an amp effect is active before the melded split card’s layer resolves for the first time, then that amp will apply to the arcane damage event produced by effect on the right side of the card. Similarly, if an amp effect is active before the melded split card’s layer resolves for the second time, then that amp replacement effect will apply to the arcane damage event produced by effect on the left side of the card.

Rosetta Card Notes

Will of Arcana

Wizard Resource - Gem



When this is pitched, amp 1.

  • If you pitch this to pay for a cost of playing a card, activating an ability, paying for triggered effect, etc. that has an effect that deals arcane damage, Will of Arcana’s Amp 1 replacement effect may be applied to that effect. This is assuming no other arcane damage events occur after Will of Arcana “when this is pitched” triggered effect resolves but before the card/ability/effect resolves.


Elemental/Earth Runeblade

Florian, Rotwood Harbinger | Florian

Elemental Runeblade Hero | Elemental Runeblade Hero - Young

4{i} 40{h} | 4{i} 20{h}

If there are 8|4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, Florian gets "If you would create 1 or more aura tokens, instead create that many plus 1 of each of those tokens."

Essence of Earth

  • The condition for Florian’s ability differs between its adult and young hero versions. The adult version of the hero requires 8 or more Earth cards to be in Florian’s banished zone, while the young version requires only 4 or more Earth cards to be in Florian’s banished zone.
  • This has a static ability which constantly checks the number of Earth cards in your banished zone. If you have 3 Earth cards in your banished zone, and then you banish an Earth card, this gets the ability. If you then remove an Earth card from your banished zone, it loses the ability.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.
  • If you would create two or more different auras, you would create one more of each of those different auras. For example, if an attack wagers an Agility, a Might, and a Vigor token, and Florian wins the wager, Florian instead creates 2 Agility, 2 Might, and 2 Vigor tokens.
  • If there are multiple replacement effects that can be applied to an event that would create 1 or more aura tokens (e.g. Florian and Ripple Away), the turn player will decide which player’s effects will be applied first. If a replacement effect is applied first that results in the number of aura tokens created to be 0 (e.g. applying Ripple Away), Florian’s effect would no longer apply and no aura tokens would be created.


Rotwood Reaper

Earth Runeblade Weapon - Sword (2H)


Once per Turn Action -- {r}{r}: Attack

If you've played or created an aura this turn, this gets +2{p}.

  • If you play or create your first aura of the turn before the damage step of this weapon’s attack, the weapon will get the +2{p} and will be calculated in the total power of the attack when damage is calculated.
  • If you play or create your first aura after the attack’s damage step, the weapon will still gain the power; however, you will not retroactively deal damage equal to the power increase since the damage was already dealt.



Earth Runeblade Action

(BLU) XX{r} 3{d}

Florian Specialization

Create a Runechant or Embodiment of Earth token. Repeat this process X more times.

Gain X+1{h}.

  • You will choose whether to create a Runechant or Embodiment of Earth token when the layer begins to resolve on the stack. Each time you repeat the process, you may choose to create a different token.
  • Replacement effects that can be applied to an event that would create 1 or more tokens, those effects will be applied each time the player executes Germinate’s “Create a Runechant or Embodiment of Earth token.” This can include each time the process is repeated. For example, Florian’s effect will apply to the first Runechant/Embodiment of Earth token you create from Germinate and will also apply to the subsequent create events from repeating the process
  • The value of X is locked in when you declare it during the process of playing Germinate. Even if you do not create any tokens, this will not affect the previously declared value of X.


Thistle Bloom||Life

Runeblade Action||Earth Instant

(YEL) 0{r} 3{d}


Create X Runechant tokens, where X is the total {h} you've gained this turn.



Gain 1{h}

  • Thistle Bloom||Life is an Earth Runeblade card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Earth Runeblade cards.
  • The value of X is based on how much {h} you’ve gained this turn when Thistle Bloom resolves on the stack, not when you first play it.
  • When resolving Thistle Bloom, if you have not gained any life this turn, you do not create any runechant tokens and replacement effects that increase the number of tokens created (e.g. Florian) would not apply.
  • If you meld Thistle Bloom||Life, you will resolve the Life side of the card the first time the melded-card’s layer resolves. Any {h} gained will contribute to the value of X when you resolve the Thistle Bloom side when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time.


Arcane Seeds||Life

Runeblade Action||Earth Instant

(RED) 0{r} 3{d}


Create a Runechant token. Create a Runechant token.

Go again



Gain 1{h}

  • Arcane Seeds||Life is an Earth Runeblade card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Earth Runeblade cards.
  • Arcane Seeds generates two separate events that create a Runechant token. Replacement effects that modify events that create 1 or more tokens during the turn (e.g. Florian, Mordred Tide, Ripple Away) are applied to each event separately.
  • If you meld Arcane Seeds||Life, you will receive an action point from go again when you resolve the Arcane Seeds side when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time. You will not receive it when you resolve the Life side of the card the first time the layer resolves.


Elemental/Lightning Runeblade

Aurora, Shooting Star | Aurora

Elemental Runeblade Hero | Elemental Runeblade Hero - Young

4{i} 40{h} | 4{i} 20{h}

Once per Turn Instant -- {r}{r}: Create an Embodiment of Lightning token. Activate this only if you've played a Lightning card this turn.

Essence of Lightning


Star Fall

Lightning Runeblade Weapon - Sword (2H)


Once per Turn Action -- {r}: Attack

If you've played a Lightning card this turn, this card's attacks get +1{p} and go again.

  • Whether you’ve played a Lightning card this turn is checked while Star Fall is in the arena.
  • If you haven't played any Lightning cards this turn, then play a Lightning card (e.g. instant) before damage is dealt, this will have +1{p} during damage calculation.
  • You don't retroactively deal extra damage if you've passed the Damage step (i.e. damage calculation) without playing a Lightning card, and then proceed to play a Lightning card.
  • Go again is checked at the beginning of the Link step. If you haven't played any Lightning cards this turn, then play a Lightning card (e.g. instant) during the attack's resolution step (i.e. after damage is dealt, but before playing another attack), you will gain an action point from go again during the link step.
  • You don't retroactively get an action point from go again if you've passed the Link step without playing a Lightning card, and then proceed to play a Lightning card. (e.g. after you've played another attack, closed the combat chain etc.)


Arc Lightning

Lightning Runeblade Action

(YEL) 0{r} 2{d}

Aurora Specialization

Whenever you go again this turn, deal 1 arcane damage to any target.

The next action card you play this turn gets go again.

Go again

  • Arc Lightning’s first ability generates a triggered effect that triggers every time “go again” on an object is resolved that turn (e.g. resolving a card or activated ability with go again). Specifically, you must gain the action point from resolving go again to trigger this effect.
  • “Go again” on non-attack actions on the stack will resolve after all other resolution abilities have resolved. “Go again” on attacks on the active chain link will resolve first in the link step, after both damage and resolution steps of the active chain link have passed.
  • An object cannot have more than one “go again” ability. If an effect would give the “go again” ability to an object that already has the “go again” ability, then that part of the effect fails.
  • Gaining an action point can only happen on your turn during your action phase. If you resolve a card or activated ability that has a “go again” ability on your opponent’s turn, "go agin" will fail to resolve and you will not trigger Arc Lightning as you are unable to gain action points on your opponent’s turns.
  • When resolving Arc Lightning’s card on the stack, all effects will be generated in the order written on the card. This means the ”go again” on Arc Lightning’s card will trigger its own triggered effect that it generated for the turn.



Runeblade Instant||Lightning Instant

(YEL) 0{r} 3{d}


Destroy an aura permanent with cost X or less and/or up to X aura tokens, where X is the total arcane damage you've dealt to opposing heroes this turn.



Deal 1 arcane damage to any target.

  • Vaporize||Shock is an Lightning Runeblade card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Lightning Runeblade cards.
  • The value of X is based on how much arcane damage you’ve dealt to opposing heroes this turn when Vaporize resolves on the stack, not when you first play it.
  • Arcane damage dealt to non-hero cards (e.g. allies) does not contribute toward the value of X.
  • Vaporize is not a targeted effect. When Vaporize resolves, you will choose which aura permanent and/or aura tokens to destroy.
  • When Vaporize resolves, if you choose to destroy aura tokens, you may choose to destroy any number between 0 and X; if you choose 0, you do not destroy any tokens.
  • When Vaporize resolves, you may choose not to destroy any aura permanent or aura tokens. (i.e. choosing only to destroy 0 tokens).
  • Base cost is the printed cost value on a card. (Located at the top right corner of a card.)
  • Destroyed cards go to their owner’s graveyard. If a token is destroyed (leaves the arena), it ceases to exist.
  • If you meld Vaporize||Shock, you will resolve the Shock side of the card the first time the melded-card’s layer resolves. Any arcane damage dealt to an opposing hero will contribute to the value of X when you resolve the Vaporize side of the card when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time.


Burn Up||Shock

Runeblade Action||Lightning Instant

(RED) 0{r} 3{d}


The next time an attack you control hits a hero this turn, deal 4 arcane damage to them.

Go again



Deal 1 arcane damage to any target.

  • Burn Up||Shock is a Lightning Runeblade card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Lightning Runeblade cards.
  • If you meld Burn Up||Shock, you will resolve the Shock side of the card the first time the melded-card’s layer resolves. You will resolve the Burn Up side of the card when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time.
  • If you meld Burn Up||Shock, you will receive an action point from go again when you resolve the Burn Up side when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time. You will not receive it when you resolve the Shock side of the card the first time the layer resolves.
  • The arcane damage generated by Burn Up’s delayed triggered effect is not considered to be damage dealt by the attack. It is considered to be arcane damage dealt by Burn Up (or Burn Up||Shock).


Elemental/Earth Wizard

Verdance, Thorn of the Rose | Verdance

Elemental Wizard Hero | Elemental Wizard Hero - Young

4{i} 40{h} | 4{i} 20{h}

If there are 8|4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, Verdance gets "Whenever you gain {h} during your turn, you may deal 1 arcane damage to any opposing target."

Essence of Earth

  • The condition for Verdance’s ability differs between its adult and young hero versions. The adult version of the hero requires 8 or more Earth cards to be in Verdance’s banished zone, while the young version requires only 4 or more Earth cards to be in Verdance’s banished zone.
  • This has a static ability which constantly checks the number of Earth cards in your banished zone. If you have 3 Earth cards in your banished zone, and then you banish an Earth card, this gets the ability. If you then remove an Earth card from your banished zone, it loses the ability.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.


Staff of Verdant Shoots

Earth Wizard Weapon - Staff (2H)

Once per Turn Action -- {r}{r}{r}: Amp 1. Go again

When one or more Earth cards are pitched this way, the next time you deal arcane damage this turn, create an Embodiment of Earth token.

  • Staff of Verdant Shoots has a trigger-static ability that is connected to its preceding activated ability and triggers only when one or more Earth cards are pitched as part of activating that ability (e.g. paying for its cost).
  • You must pitch Earth cards to trigger this effect; paying to activate this using already generated resources from previously pitched Earth cards will not trigger this effect.
  • When Staff of Verdant Shoots’ triggered effect resolves on the stack, it will create a delayed triggered effect that triggers the next time you deal arcane damage this turn. When that delayed triggered effect resolves, you will create an Embodiment of Earth token.


Heartbeat of Candlehold

Earth Wizard Action

(BLU) 1{r} 3{d}

Verdance Specialization

Gain 1{h}. Gain 1{h}. Gain 1{h}.

Go again

  • When Heartbeat of Candlehold resolves, it will generate three separate gain 1{h} events.
  • If a replacement effect is active that would replace the next time a player would gain {h} with an event that loses {h}, it would only apply to the first “Gain 1{h}” event on Heartbeat of Candlehold. If there are two of these replacement effects active, the first one would apply to the first gain {h} event, and the second would apply to the second gain {h] event.


Rampant Growth||Life

Wizard Instant||Earth Instant

(YEL) 0{r}


Amp X, where X is the total {h} you've gained this turn.



Gain 1{h}

  • Rampant Growth||Life is a Earth Wizard card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Earth Wizard cards.
  • The value of X is based on how much {h} you’ve gained this turn when Rampant Growth resolves on the stack, not when you first play it.
  • The value of X for Amp X will not increase if you were to gain {h} between resolving Rampant Growth and applying the Amp X to the next time you would deal arcane damage this turn.
  • If you meld Rampant Growth||Life, you will resolve the Life side of the card the first time the melded-card’s layer resolves. This will contribute to the value of X when you resolve the Rampant Growth side of the card when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time.


Pulsing Aether||Life

Wizard Action||Earth Instant

(RED) 1{r} 3{d}


Deal 4 arcane damage to any target.



Gain 1{h}

  • Pulsing Aether||Life is a Earth Wizard card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Earth Wizard cards
  • If you meld Pulsing Aether||Life, you will resolve the Life side of the card the first time the melded-card’s layer resolves. You will resolve the Pulsing Aether side the second time the melded-card’s layer resolves.


Elemental/Lightning Wizard

Oscilio, Constella Intelligence | Oscilio

Elemental Wizard Hero | Elemental Wizard Hero - Young

4{i} 36{h} | 4{i} 18{h}

Once per Turn Instant -- Discard an instant: Draw a card.

Essence of Lightning

  • You may discard a split card that has the action type on one side and the instant type on the other to pay for Oscilio’s activated ability’s cost.


Volzar, the Lightning Rod

Lightning Wizard Weapon - Staff (2H)

If you control an aura permanent with Sigil in its name, this costs {r} less to activate.

Once per Turn Instant -- {r}: Amp X, where X is the number of Lightning cards you've played this turn.

  • The value of X is based on how many lightning cards you’ve played this turn when Volzar’s activated ability layer resolves on the stack, not when you first activate it.
  • The value of X for Amp X will not increase if you were to play additional lightning cards between resolving Volzar’s activated ability and applying the Amp X to the next time you would deal arcane damage.
  • Auras become permanent when they enter the arena except when they are added as a defending card to a chain link. Aura permanents with sigil in their name that were added as defending cards to a chain link do not count towards meeting the if-condition of Volzar’s first ability.


Sigil of Brilliance

Lightning Wizard Instant - Aura

(YEL) 0{r}

Oscilio Specialization

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, draw a card.

  • Sigil of Brilliance’s first ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Brilliance’s second ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will draw a card.



Wizard Instant||Lightning Instant

(YEL) 1{r}


If target instant card has cost less than the total arcane damage you've dealt to opposing heroes this turn, negate it.



Deal 1 arcane damage to any target.

  • Null||Shock is a Lightning Wizard card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Lightning Wizard cards
  • When you play Null or play it as a melded Null||Shock, you can only target an instant card that is currently on the stack waiting to resolve for its conditional negate effect; it does not have to meet the if-condition at this time. When resolving Null, you will negate that targeted instant card on the stack only if its base cost is less than the arcane damage you’ve dealt to opposing heroes this turn.
  • When a melded card with both the action and instant types is added to the stack, it can be targeted by Null as the melded card has the instant type.
  • When a split card has both the action and instant types, but is played with its action side only (not the instant side), it cannot be targeted by Null as the card only has the action type.
  • If you were to target a melded card on the stack with the instant type, the base cost of a melded card (the printed cost) is evaluated against the condition when Null resolves.
  • When the Null side of the card resolves and negates a card, if it is a melded card, the entire layer is removed from the stack and neither side of the melded card will resolve. If the melded card had go again, its controller does not get an action point.
  • You can target a melded action-instant card on the stack after it has resolved once but before it resolves the second time. When the Null side of this card resolves it will remove that melded card from the stack. You do not retroactively remove the effect of the first resolution of that melded card. If the melded card had go again, its controller does not get an action point.
  • If you meld Null||Shock, you will resolve the Shock side of the card the first time the melded-card’s layer resolves. Any arcane damage dealt to an opposing hero will contribute to the total arcane damage dealt when you resolve the Null side of the card when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time.
  • The targets of each side are considered targets for the whole card. If only one of the targets (i.e. for one side) is no longer valid, the card will still resolve. If both targets are no longer valid, the card will fail to resolve and be put into the graveyard.


Comet Storm||Shock

Wizard Action||Lightning Instant

(RED) 2{r} 3{d}


Deal 5 arcane damage to any target.



Deal 1 arcane damage to any target.

  • Comet Storm||Shock is a Lightning Wizard card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Lightning Wizard cards
  • If you meld Comet Storm||Shock, you may announce the same target for both of the effects or you may announce a different target for each effect.
  • If one of the targets of a melded Comet Storm||Shock is no longer legal when the layer resolves but the other target remains, the layer is not removed from the stack and any remaining effects will resolve. The layer is only removed from the stack if all targets for the melded card are no longer legal.
  • Card-based buffs that increase a card’s arcane damage will apply to both Comet Storm’s and Shock’s arcane damage effects.
  • Effect buffs like Amp will only apply to the next arcane damage dealt. If you have an Amp effect generated before a melded Comet Storm||Shock resolves the first time on the stack, that Amp effect will increase the arcane damage dealt by the Shock side of the card. If you were to generate an Amp effect after the Shock side resolves (the first time) but before the Comet Storm side resolves (the second time), that Amp effect will increase the arcane damage dealt by the Comet Storm effect.


Earth Cards

Barkskin of the Millennium Tree

Earth Equipment - Chest


When this defends, if there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, create an Embodiment of Earth token.


  • The number of Earth cards in your banished zone is checked upon resolution of the trigger, not when the card is declared as defending.


Helm of Lignum Vitae

Earth Equipment - Head


If there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, this gets +1{d}.

Blade Break

  • This has a static ability which constantly checks the number of Earth cards in your banished zone. If this is attacking with 3 Earth cards in your banished zone, and then you banish an Earth card, this gets +1{d}. If you then remove an Earth card from your banished zone, it loses the +1{d}.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.


Well Grounded

Earth Equipment - Legs


Instant -- Destroy this: Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to you this turn. Activate this only if there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone.

  • You may activate this ability only if there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone. If the number of Earth cards in your banished zone becomes less than 4 after you’ve activated this, Well Grounded’s activated layer will still continue to resolve.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.
  • This is a shielding-prevention effect that prevents the next 2 damage in total that would be dealt to your hero. This can be over separate events of damage (i.e. 1 damage, then 1 damage).


Felling of the Crown

Earth Action - Attack

(RED) 3{r} 4{p} 3{d}

If there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, this gets +4{p}.

Decompose - When this attacks, you may banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard. If you do, each hero puts a card from their hand on the bottom of their deck.

  • This has a static ability which constantly checks the number of Earth cards in your banished zone. If this is attacking with 3 Earth cards in your banished zone, and then you banish an Earth card, this gets +4{p}. If you then remove an Earth card from your banished zone, it loses the +4{p}.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.
  • You choose whether to banish for the decompose effect when the trigger resolves.
  • There is no priority between choosing to banish for the decompose effect and each hero putting a card from their hand on the bottom of their deck.
  • If a hero doesn’t have any cards in their hand, they don’t put anything on the bottom of their deck.


Plow Under

Earth Action - Attack

(YEL) 2{r} 2{p} 3{d}

If there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, this gets +4{p}.

Decompose - When this attacks, you may banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard. If you do, each hero puts a card from their arsenal on the bottom of their deck.

  • This has a static ability which constantly checks the number of Earth cards in your banished zone. If this is attacking with 3 Earth cards in your banished zone, and then you banish an Earth card, this gets +4{p}. If you then remove an Earth card from your banished zone, it loses the +4{p}.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.
  • You choose whether to banish for the decompose effect when the trigger resolves.
  • There is no priority between choosing to banish for the decompose effect and each hero putting a card from their arsenal on the bottom of their deck.
  • If a hero doesn’t have any cards in their arsenal, they don’t put anything on the bottom of their deck.


Channel the Millennium Tree

Earth Action - Aura

(RED) 3{r} 3{d}

Go again

When this enters the arena and at the beginning of your action phase, amp 3.

Channel Earth - At the beginning of your end phase, put a flow counter on this, then destroy it unless you put an Earth card from your pitch zone on the bottom of your deck for each flow counter on it.

  • This card’s second ability triggers when it enters the arena AND at the beginning of your action phase.


Earth's Embrace

Earth Action - Aura

(BLU) 1{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your end phase, create an Embodiment of Earth token. Then, if you haven't banished an Earth card this turn, destroy this.

  • Earth’s Embrace’s triggered ability triggers and resolves at the beginning of the end phase. During the end phase, neither player receives priority and triggered layers can not be responded to.
  • Destroying this card at the beginning of your end phase is conditional on if you have banished an Earth card this turn. This conditional effect is not dependent on whether you created the Embodiment of Earth token from the preceding effect.


Seeds of Tomorrow

Earth Instant

(BLU) 0{r}

As an additional cost to play this, put a card from your arsenal on the bottom of your deck.

Prevent the next 5 damage that would be dealt to you this turn.

  • You cannot play this if you don’t have a card in arsenal to put on the bottom of your deck to pay for its additional cost.
  • You cannot play this from your arsenal unless you have another card in your arsenal to put on the bottom of your deck.
  • This is a shielding-prevention effect that prevents the next 5 damage in total that would be dealt to your hero. This can be over separate events of damage (i.e. 1 damage, then 1 damage, then 3 damage).


Earth Form

Earth Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 3{r} 7/6/5{p} 2{d}

When this hits, create an Embodiment of Earth token.


Summer's Fall

Earth Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r} 6/5/4{p} 2{d}

Decompose - When this attacks, you may banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard. If you do, put up to 1 target aura on the bottom of its owner's deck.

  • You may choose not to target any auras, or target an aura controlled by any player including yourself.
  • If you choose to target an aura, you choose when this card attacks and the trigger is put on the stack. There is priority between choosing the target aura and resolving the trigger.
  • If you choose to target an aura and the target becomes invalid (or ceases to exist), the trigger fails to resolve and you can’t banish.
  • You choose whether to banish for the decompose effect when the trigger resolves.
  • There is no priority between choosing to banish for the decompose effect and the target aura being put on the bottom of its owner’s deck.


Rootbound Carapace

Earth Defense Reaction

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3/2/1{d}

Decompose - You may banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard. If you do, this gets +1{d}.

  • This effect only resolves if this card resolves as a layer on the stack. If this is added to a chain link as a defending card without resolving, the effect doesn’t resolve and you can’t choose to banish for the decompose effect to gain +1{d}.
  • There is no priority between choosing to banish for the decompose effect and this getting +1{d}.


Sigil of Sanctuary

Earth Instant - Aura

(BLU) 0{r}

Arcane Shelter 1

When this leaves the arena, create an Embodiment of Earth token.

  • Sigil of Sanctuary triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.). When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will create an Embodiment of Earth token.
  • If this card is destroyed as part of applying its Arcane Shelter prevention effect to an arcane damage event, the Embodiment of Earth token is not automatically created. This is because the Embodiment of Earth token has not yet been generated from the trigger resolving on the stack. When this card is destroyed as part of applying the Arcane Shelter effect, the trigger layer will only be added to the stack after the damage event is finalized and players once again receive priority.


Blossoming Decay

Earth Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r} 5/4/3{p} 2{d}

Decompose - When this attacks, you may banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard. If you do, gain 1{h}.

  • You choose whether to banish for the decompose effect when the trigger resolves.
  • There is no priority between choosing to banish for the decompose effect and gaining 1{h}.


Cadaverous Tilling

Earth Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 3{r} 6/5/4{p} 2{d}

Decompose - When this attacks, you may banish 2 Earth cards and an action card from your graveyard. If you do, this gets +2{p}.

  • You choose whether to banish for the decompose effect when the trigger resolves.
  • There is no priority between choosing to banish for the decompose effect and this gaining +2{p}.


Fruits of the Forest

Earth Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 3{r} 7/6/5{p} 2{d}

Instant -- Discard this: Gain 2{h}

  • You can only activate this ability if it’s in your hand. You can’t discard this to pay the cost if it’s not in your hand.


Strength of Four Seasons

Earth Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r} 4/3/2{p} 2{d}

If there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, this gets +4{p}.

  • This has a static ability which constantly checks the number of Earth cards in your banished zone. If this is attacking with 3 Earth cards in your banished zone, and then you banish an Earth card, this gets +4{p}. If you then remove an Earth card from your banished zone, it loses the +4{p}.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.


Harvest Season

Earth Action - Aura

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this, then gain 3/2/1{h}.

  • Harvest Season’s second ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.


Strong Yield

Earth Action - Aura

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this, then your next attack this turn gets +3/2/1{p}.

  • Strong Yield’s second ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • The continuous effect generated from resolving Strong Yield’s triggered effect will apply to your next attack this turn (i.e. playing an attack action card, activating an attack ability on an weapon/ally you control).


Fertile Ground

Earth Instant

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r}

Gain 2{h}

If there are 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone, instead gain 5/4/3{h}.

  • To get the additional {h}, you have to have 4 or more Earth cards in your banished zone when Fertile Ground’s layer resolves on the stack. If you do, you will gain 5/4/3{h} instead of 2{h}.
  • Earth cards that are face-down in your banished zone do not count towards Earth cards in your banished zone.


Sigil of Earth

Earth Action - Aura

(BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, create an Embodiment of Earth token.

  • Sigil of Earth’s first ability is go again. You will only gain an action point from go again if Sigil of Earth resolves on the stack. If it is put into the arena by a card or an effect, you are not considered to “go again” and you will not receive the action point from it.
  • Sigil of Earth’s second ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Earth’s third ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will create an Embodiment of Earth token.


Lightning Cards

Lightning Greaves

Lightning Equipment - Legs


Instant -- {r}, destroy this: Instant cards you play this turn get go again.

Arcane Barrier 1


  • You can only gain action points from "go again" during your own action phase (during your turn.)
  • This effect only applies to instant cards you play after this effect resolves. If you play an instant card before activating this, or you activate this before an instant card resolves, the instant card will not have “go again”.
  • Instant cards that give action points (e.g. Blink) will give an action point in addition to the action point granted by go again.
  • An action card played as though it were an instant will not get "go again" from Lightning Greaves’ effect unless it has the instant type as well.
  • Cards with multiple types in their type box will get this effect if one of them is the instant type. For example, a melded split card that has both the “action” and “instant” types will get go again.
  • An object cannot have more than one “go again” ability. If an effect would give the “go again” ability to an object that already has the “go again” ability, then that part of the effect fails. For example, if you play Burn Up // Shock as just Shock (no meld), it will get “go again” from Lightning Greaves’ effect. However, if you play a melded Burn Up // Shock, Lightning Greaves effect will not apply because it already has “go again” from its Burn Up half of the card.


Flash of Brilliance

Lightning Equipment - Head


When this defends, you may discard a Lightning card. If you do, return an aura you control to its owner's hand.

Blade Break

  • You choose whether to discard a Lightning card, and what aura to return to hand when the trigger resolves.
  • There is no priority between choosing to discard a Lightning card and returning an aura to hand.
  • If the aura you control is owned by an opponent, it’s returned to their hand, not yours.


Twinkle Toes

Lightning Equipment - Legs


Instant -- Destroy this: Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to you this turn. Activate this only if you've played an instant card this turn.

  • You may activate this ability after playing an instant card, but before the instant card resolves.
  • Discarding a card from hand as a cost to activate its own instant ability is not considered playing an instant card.
  • This is a shielding-prevention effect that prevents the next 2 damage in total that would be dealt to your hero. This can be over separate events of damage (i.e. 1 damage, then 1 damage).


Current Funnel

Lightning Action - Attack

(BLU) 0{r} 2{p} 3{d}

If the last action card you played this turn was Lightning, this and the next action card you play this turn get go again.

  • Current Funnel triggers when it resolves on the stack and becomes an attacking card. Whether your last action card you played this turn was a Lightning card is checked on the resolution of the trigger (during the attack step).
  • Current Funnel does not consider itself when checking the last action card you played. The card that is checked is the last action card that you played, excluding Current Funnel.
  • Cards without the action type (e.g. instants, attack reactions etc.) are not considered. Split cards are only considered action cards if they are played with the action type (e.g. playing Burn Up||Shock melded, or just as Burn Up).


Eclectic Magnetism

Lightning Action - Attack

(RED) 1{r} 5{p} 3{d}

When this attacks, you may play a non-attack action card this chain link as though it were an instant.

  • You may use this effect on any one non-attack action card this chain link, not just the next non-attack action card you play this chain link.
  • You may only use this effect once, and only during this attack’s chain link. Once you play another attack (in the link step) or close the combat chain, you can no longer use this effect to play a non-attack action card as an instant.
  • An action card played as though it were an instant does not cost an action point and can be played whenever the player has priority, otherwise it is still considered to be an action card.
  • If a card with go again is played as though it were an instant, you will gain an action point from the go again when the card resolves if it is your turn. Otherwise, you do not.


Gone in a Flash

Lightning Action - Attack

(RED) 0{r} 4{p} 3{d}

When this attacks, the next time you play an instant card this chain link, you may return this to its owner's hand.

  • Playing a non-attack action card as though it were an instant does not count as playing an instant card.
  • If you play an instant card after the trigger resolves but before damage is dealt (attack, defend, or reaction steps), this card returns to your hand and the combat chain closes - you would not gain an action point from go again.
  • If you play an instant after damage is dealt (resolution or link step), this card returns to your hand, but the combat chain does not close.
  • If you return this to hand in the resolution step, last known information is used to determine if it had go again and if you would gain an action point during the link step. You cannot give it go again after it has already left the combat chain.


Channel Lightning Valley

Lightning Instant - Aura

(YEL) 0{r}

The first time you deal damage to an opposing hero each turn, draw a card.

Channel Lightning - At the beginning of your end phase, put a flow counter on this, then destroy it unless you put a Lightning card from your pitch zone on the bottom of your deck for each flow counter on it.

  • This triggers when you as a hero deal damage to an opposing hero each turn. It does not trigger when an ally you control deals damage, or when you deal damage to an opposing ally.
  • If you have already dealt damage to an opposing hero, and then this card enters the arena, it will not trigger when you deal damage again that turn because it missed the first time you dealt damage.


High Voltage

Lightning Instant

(BLU) 0{r}

Amp 1


Blast to Oblivion

Lightning Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 4/3/2{p} 2{d}

When this attacks, the next time you play an instant card this chain link, you may return target aura permanent with cost 1 or less or target aura token to its owner's hand.

  • When Blast to Oblivion attacks and the attack trigger resolves, it creates a delayed-triggered effect that will trigger when the next instant card is played.
  • If you play an instant after Blast to Oblivion attacks, but before the attack-trigger of Blast to Oblivion is resolved, the delayed-triggered effect will not trigger because it is not created yet.
  • If the delayed-triggered effect is created, you choose the target aura at the time you play an instant card (when the delayed-triggered effect is triggered from playing an instant).
  • There is priority between choosing the target aura and returning it to its owner’s hand.


Lightning Form

Lightning Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 5/4/3{p} 2{d}

When this hits, create an Embodiment of Lightning token.


Electromagnetic Somersault

Lightning Instant

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r}

Choose up to 2 attack action cards with cost 0/1/2 or more on the active chain link. Return them to their owner's hand when the chain link resolves.

  • When Electromagnetic Somersault resolves, you may choose up to 2 attack action cards on the active chain link with the prescribed cost. You may choose the attacking attack action card or any defending attack action cards on the active chain link. Then, when the chain link resolves (i.e. the beginning of the resolution step of the attack), Electromagnetic Somesault’s delayed triggered effect triggers and returns those chosen cards to their owner’s hand.
  • You may choose no attack action cards when resolving this card.
  • If the combat chain closes before the resolution step (e.g. the attack-source for the active chain link is destroyed) and you’ve chosen cards with Electromagnetic Somersault effect, those cards are not returned to their owner’s hand. In this situation, players will move to the close step where the combat chain will close and the chain link does not resolve.
  • If the attacking attack action card on the active chain link is returned during the resolution step or after, the combat chain will not close. Last known information (LKI) about the attack will be used for the purposes of other cards and effects.
  • The turn player ultimately chooses which player resolves their triggers first. They may choose to resolve their own triggers in the resolution step before an opponent's Electromagnetic Somersault, or vice versa.
  • Any attack action cards returned this way after the damage step has concluded will not retroactively adjust the damage dealt to any defending objects.
  • Base cost is the printed cost value on a card. (Located at the top right corner of a card.)


Sigil of Conductivity

Lightning Instant - Aura

(BLU) 0{r}

Arcane Shelter 1

When this leaves the arena, create an Embodiment of Lightning token.

  • Sigil of Conductivity triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.). When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will create an Embodiment of Lightning token.
  • If this card is destroyed as part of applying its Arcane Shelter prevention effect to an arcane damage event, the Embodiment of Lightning token is not immediately created. This is because the Embodiment of Lightning token has not yet been generated from the trigger resolving on the stack. When this card is destroyed as part of applying the Arcane Shelter effect, the trigger layer will only be added to the stack after the damage event is finalized and players once again receive priority.


Flittering Charge

Lightning Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 4/3/2{p} 2{d}

If you've played an instant card this chain link, this gets go again.

  • Attacks are moved onto a chain link at the start of the attack step. If an instant is played before this, it isn’t counted for this effect.
  • Go again is checked at the beginning of the link step (after damage and resolution steps). If you play an instant card before the link step of Flittering Charge’s chain link, it will get go again and give you an action point.
  • Discarding a card from hand as a cost to activate its own instant ability is not considered playing an instant card.



Lightning Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3/2/1{p} 0{d}

Go again


Second Strike

Lightning Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3/2/1{p} 2{d}

When this attacks, if you've dealt damage this turn, this gets +1{p} and go again.

  • Second Strike triggers when it resolves on the stack and becomes an attacking card. Whether you’ve dealt damage this turn is checked on the resolution of the trigger (during the attack step). If you haven’t dealt damage at that point, dealing damage later will not give this +1{p} and go again.


Trip the Light Fantastic

Lightning Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 5/4/3{p} 2{d}

Instant -- Discard this: Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to you this turn.

  • You can only activate this ability if it’s in your hand. You can’t discard this to pay the cost if it’s not in your hand.
  • This is a shielding-prevention effect that prevents the next 2 damage in total that would be dealt to your hero. This can be over separate events of damage (i.e. 1 damage, then 1 damage).


Electrostatic Discharge

Lightning Instant

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r}

The next attack action card you play this turn with cost 1 or less gets +3/2/1{p}.

  • Base cost is the printed cost value on a card. (Located at the top right corner of a card.)


Sigil of Lightning

Lightning Instant - Aura

(BLU) 0{r}

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, create an Embodiment of Lightning token.

  • Sigil of Lightning’s first ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Lightning’s second ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will create an Embodiment of Lightning token.


Runeblade Cards

Face Purgatory

Runeblade Equipment - Head


When this defends together with an attack action card and a non-attack action card, the attacking hero discards a card and you draw a card.

Blade Break

  • To defend together with an attack action card and a non-attack action card, this must become a defending card at the same time as the other cards. This can either be done by declaring all the cards during the defend step of combat, or by an effect that puts all of the cards onto the chain link as defending cards at the same time.
  • This does not trigger if it's defending alone and then an attack action card and a non-attack action card are added as defending cards later.
  • If there is no attacking hero (e.g. the opponent is attacking with an ally), the opponent does not discard a card, but you will still draw a card.


Bloodtorn Bodice

Runeblade Equipment - Chest


Action -- Destroy this and an aura you control: Gain {r}. Go again

  • You cannot activate this ability if you don't control an aura to destroy to pay its cost.
  • When you destroy an aura owned by an opponent, it goes to their graveyard, (or ceases to exist if it's a token).


Runehold Release

Runeblade Equipment - Arms


Action -- Destroy this: Create a Runechant token. Go again


Snuff Out

Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED) 1{r} 5{p} 3{d}

When this hits a hero, you may destroy an aura you control. If you do, they discard a card.

  • You choose whether or not to destroy an aura at the time the trigger resolves. There's no priority between choosing to destroy an aura, the hero discarding a card.
  • When you destroy an aura owned by an opponent, it goes to their graveyard, (or ceases to exist if it's a token).


Machinations of Dominion

Runeblade Action

(BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

The next Runeblade attack action card you play this turn gets overpower and "If you've played or created an aura this turn, this gets go again."

Go again

  • The gained ability "If you've played or created an aura this turn, [...]" constantly checks. If you play or create an aura any time before the link step of combat, the attack action card will have go again and you will gain an action point. (e.g. resolve an on-hit trigger that creates a Runechant token)


Succumb to Temptation

Runeblade Action

(YEL) 0{r} 3{d}

If you've dealt arcane damage this turn, you may play this as though it were an instant.

The next time a Runeblade attack action card you control hits a hero this turn, look at their hand and choose a card. They discard it.

Go again

  • The effect triggers the next time you hit. If the next attack action card you play does not hit, the effect may still trigger on a future attack later in the turn.
  • There is no priority between you choosing a card and the hero discarding it.
  • An action card played as though it were an instant does not cost an action point and can be played whenever the player has priority, otherwise it is still considered to be an action card.
  • If a card with go again is played as though it were an instant, you will gain an action point from the go again when the card resolves if it is your turn. Otherwise, you do not.


Haunting Rendition

Runeblade Block

(RED) 4{d}

Instant -- Discard this: Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to you this turn. The first time you prevent damage this way, create a Runechant token.

  • You can only activate this ability if it’s in your hand. You can’t discard this to pay the cost if it’s not in your hand.
  • This is a shielding-prevention effect that prevents the next 2 damage in total that would be dealt to your hero. This can be over separate events of damage (i.e. 1 damage, then 1 damage).
  • If you prevent 1 or more damage, you met the condition to create a Runechant token.
  • You only create a Runechant the first time you prevent damage. If you prevent two events of 1 damage, you still only create 1 Runechant token.
  • If the damage cannot be prevented, the prevention effect fails and you do not generate a Runechant token. In this scenario, the next time you prevent damage with this prevention effect, it will be considered the first time you prevent damage with this prevention effect and you will create the Runechant token.


Splintering Deadwood

Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 3{r} 7/6/5{p} 3{d}

When this attacks or hits, you may destroy an aura you control. If you do, create a Runechant token.

  • This may trigger twice: once when it attacks and once when/if it hits.
  • You choose whether or not to destroy an aura at the time the trigger resolves. There's no priority between choosing to destroy an aura, creating a Ruenchant token.
  • When you destroy an aura owned by an opponent, it goes to their graveyard, (or ceases to exist if it's a token).


Vantage Point

Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 3{r} 7/6/5{p} 3{d}

If you've played or created an aura this turn, this gets overpower.

  • Whether you’ve played or created an aura this turn is checked while this is attacking on the combat chain.
  • If this is defended by two or more action cards, and then this gains overpower, no action cards are retroactively removed, but no more can be added.


Condemn to Slaughter

Runeblade Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 3{d}

Your next Runeblade attack this turn gets +3/2/1{p}.

You may destroy an aura you control. If you do, each opponent destroys an aura permanent they control.

Go again

  • You choose whether or not to destroy an aura at the time the trigger resolves. There's no priority between choosing to destroy an aura you control, and each opponent destroying an aura they control.
  • You don't choose the aura permanent for the opponent's to destroy, each opponent chooses their own aura to destroy.
  • When you destroy an aura you control but that's owned by an opponent, it goes to their graveyard, (or ceases to exist if it's a token).


Malefic Incantation

Runeblade Action - Aura

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Go again

This enters the arena with 3/2/a verse counter(s). When it has none, destroy it.

Once per turn, when you play an attack action card, remove a verse counter from this. If you do, create a Runechant token.

  • Discarding an attack action card from hand as a cost to activate its own instant ability is not considered playing an attack action card.


Sigil of the Arknight

Runeblade Action - Aura

(BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, reveal the top card of your deck. If it's an attack action card, put it into your hand.

  • Sigil of the Arknight’s first ability is go again. You will only gain an action point from go again if Sigil of the Arknight resolves on the stack. If it is put into the arena by a card or an effect, you are not considered to “go again” and you will not receive the action point from it.
  • Sigil of the Arknight’s second ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of the Arknight’s third ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you must reveal the top card of your deck. Then, if it’s an attack action card, you must put it into your hand.


Arcanic Spike

Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r} 5/4/3{p} 3{d}

If you've dealt arcane damage this turn, this gets +2{p}.

  • Whether you’ve dealt arcane damage this turn is checked while this is attacking on the combat chain.
  • If you haven't dealt arcane damage this turn, then deal arcane damage before attack damage is dealt, this will have +2{p} during damage calculation.
  • You don't retroactively deal extra damage if you've gone passed the Damage step (i.e. damage calculation) without dealing arcane damage, and then proceed to deal arcane damage.


Hit the High Notes

Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 4/3/2{p} 3{d}

If you've played or created an aura this turn, this gets +2{p}.

  • Whether you’ve played or created an aura this turn is checked while this is attacking on the combat chain.
  • If you haven't played or created an aura this turn, then played or created an aura before damage is dealt, this will have +2{p} during damage calculation.
  • You don't retroactively deal extra damage if you've gone passed the Damage step (i.e. damage calculation) without playing or creating an aura, and then proceed to play or create an aura.


Hocus Pocus

Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3/2/1{p} 3{d}

When this attacks, create a Runechant token.


Runerager Swarm

Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3/2/1{p} 3{d}

If you've played or created an aura this turn, this gets go again.

  • Whether you’ve played or created this turn is checked while this is attacking on the combat chain.
  • Go again is checked at the beginning of the Link step. If you haven't played or created an aura this turn, then play or create an aura (e.g.on-hit create a runechant) during Runerager Swarm's resolution step (i.e. after damage is dealt, but before playing another attack), you will gain an action point from go again during the link step.
  • You don't retroactively get an action point from go again if you've gone passed the Link step without playing or creating an aura, and then proceed to play or create an aura. (e.g. after you've played another attack, closed the combat chain etc.)


Arcane Cussing

Runeblade Action - Aura

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 2{d}

Go again

When you deal or are dealt damage, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena during your turn, create 3/2/a Runechant token(s).

  • Arcane Cussing is destroyed if you either deal damage (typically on your turn) or are dealt damage (typically on your opponent's turn). Losing life from an effect is not considered dealing or being dealt damage.
  • Arcane Cussing’s first ability is go again. You will only gain an action point from go again if Arcane Cussing resolves on the stack. If it is put into the arena by a card or an effect, you are not considered to “go again” and you will not receive the action point from it.
  • Arcane Cussing’s third ability triggers when it leaves the arena during your turn (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you must create the prescribed number of Runechant tokens.


Deadwood Dirge

Runeblade Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Destroy an aura you control. If you do, create 3/2/a Runechant token(s).

Go again

  • When you destroy an aura controlled by you but owned by an opponent, it goes to their graveyard, (or ceases to exist if it's a token).
  • Deadwood Dirge may destroy a defending card you control with the aura subtype.


Sigil of Deadwood

Runeblade Action - Aura

(BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, create a Runechant token.

  • Sigil of Deadwood’s first ability is go again. You will only gain an action point from go again if Sigil of Deadwood resolves on the stack. If it is put into the arena by a card or an effect, you are not considered to “go again” and you will not receive the action point from it.
  • Sigil of Deadwood’s second ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Deadwood’s third ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will create a runechant token.


Wizard Cards

Aether Bindings of the Third Age

Wizard Equipment - Arms


Instant -- Destroy this: Until end of turn, whenever an aura permanent you control with Sigil in its name leaves the arena, amp 1.

Blade Break

  • If two or more aura permanents you control with Sigil in their name leave the arena at the same time, this still triggers for each of those auras.
  • A token aura permanent with Sigil in their name is still considered to have left the arena if it ceases to exist.


Ink-lined Cloak

Wizard Equipment - Chest


Instant -- Destroy this: Gain {r}. Activate this only if you control an aura permanent with Sigil in its name.

  • If you successfully activate this, and then you don't control any aura permanents with Sigil in their name, the activated ability still resolves.


Hold Focus

Wizard Equipment - Arms


Action -- Destroy this: Amp 1. Go again


Destructive Aethertide

Wizard Action

(BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Deal 1 arcane damage to any target.

Surge - If this deals more than 1 damage to a hero, destroy a card in their arsenal.

  • If there are two or more cards in the hero's arsenal, you choose which card to destroy.


Eternal Inferno

Wizard Action

(RED) 1{r} 3{d}

Deal 4 arcane damage to any target.

Surge - If this deals more than 4 damage, banish it. You may play it this turn.

  • If this is banished, it becomes a new object with no relation to its previous existence. Any effects that applied to it, no longer apply to the new object. e.g. If you play Stir the Aetherwinds, then Eternal Inferno, and it gets banished this way, Stir the Aetherwinds' effects no longer apply to the new Eternal Inferno card.
  • If this is banished, you may play it, but this effect does not allow you to play it as an instant (i.e. you may have an action point to play it). However, being able to play it from the banished zone this way can be combined with an effect that does allow it to be played as an instant (e.g. Storm Striders).


Sigil of Aether

Wizard Instant - Aura

(BLU) 0{r}

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, deal 1 arcane damage to any target. If damage is dealt this way, amp 1.

  • Sigil of Aether’s first ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Aether’s second ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When you add the triggered effect to the stack, you must announce your target for the deal arcane damage effect it will generate. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will deal 1 arcane damage to that target.
  • You will generate the Amp 1 replacement effect only after you have dealt arcane damage to your target with the preceding effect. This Amp 1 effect will not retroactively increase the amount of arcane damage dealt by the preceding effect.


Mental Block

Wizard Block

(BLU) 2{d}

Instant -- Discard this: Prevent the next 2 damage that would be dealt to you this turn. The first time you prevent damage this way, create a Ponder token.

  • You can only activate this ability if it’s in your hand. You can’t discard this to pay the cost if it’s not in your hand.
  • This is a shielding-prevention effect that prevents the next 2 damage in total that would be dealt to your hero. This can be over separate events of damage (i.e. 1 damage, then 1 damage).
  • If you prevent 1 or more damage, you met the condition to create a Ponder token.
  • You only create a Ponder the first time you prevent damage. If you prevent two events of 1 damage, you still only create 1 Ponder token.
  • If the damage cannot be prevented, the prevention effect fails and you do not generate a Ponder token. In this scenario, the next time you prevent damage with this prevention effect, it will be considered the first time you prevent damage with this prevention effect and you will create the Ponder token.


Chorus of the Amphitheater

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r} 2{d}

Deal 4/3/2 arcane damage to any target.

Instant -- Discard this: If an action or instant card you control would deal arcane damage this turn, instead it deals that much plus 1.

  • You can only activate this ability if it’s in your hand. You can’t discard this to pay the cost if it’s not in your hand.
  • The activated ability effect applies to all events arcane damage (from action and instant cards) this turn. If a card deals two events of arcane damage, it applies to each of them separately (e.g. Forked Lightning)


Glyph Overlay

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 3{d}

Deal X+3/2/1 arcane damage to target hero, where X is the number of aura permanents you control with Sigil in their name.

Surge - If this deals more than 3/2/1 damage, gain 1{h}, then shuffle all aura permanents you control with Sigil in their name into their owner's deck.

  • X is evaluated at the time this card resolves. If you control 2 aura permanents with Sigil in their name at the time you play this, and then control 1 when this resolves, X will be 1.
  • Auras on the active chain link that are defending cards are not considered aura permanents.
  • Shuffling aura permanents this way may trigger any “when this leaves the arena” abilities those auras may have.


Pop the Bubble

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Deal 3/2/1 arcane damage to target hero.

Surge - If this deals more than 3/2/1 damage to a hero, destroy an aura permanent they control.

  • You choose the aura permanent to destroy at the time this card resolves after you've dealt damage. There's no priority between choosing the aura and destroying it.


Save the Thought

Wizard Instant

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r}

Shuffle up to 3/2/1 non-attack action cards from your graveyard into your deck.

Create a Ponder token.

  • You may choose to shuffle 0-3/2/1 cards into your deck. If you choose 0, you must still shuffle.
  • You choose the non-attack action cards at the time Save the Thought resolves.


Sigil of Temporal Manipulation

Wizard Instant - Aura

(BLU) 0{r}

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, banish the top card of your deck. If it's a non-attack action card, you may play it this turn as though it were an instant.

  • Sigil of Temporal Manipulation’s first ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Temporal Manipulation’s second ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you must banish the top card of your deck. If it’s a non-attack action card, you may play it this turn as though it were an instant.
  • An action card played as though it were an instant does not cost an action point and can be played whenever the player has priority, otherwise it is still considered to be an action card.
  • If a card with go again is played as though it were an instant, you will gain an action point from the go again when the card resolves if it is your turn. Otherwise, you do not.


Arcane Twining

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Deal 3/2/1 arcane damage to any target.

Instant -- Discard this: Amp 1

  • You can only activate this ability if it’s in your hand. You can’t discard this to pay the cost if it’s not in your hand.


Etchings of Arcana

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Deal 3/2/1 arcane damage to target hero.

Surge - If this deals more than 3/2/1 damage, you may return an aura with Sigil in its name from your graveyard to your hand.

  • You choose the Sigil to return at the time this card resolves after you've dealt damage. There's no priority between choosing the aura and returning it to your hand.


Exploding Aether

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r} 2{d}

Amp 3/2/1

Go again


Open the Flood Gates

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r} 3{d}

Deal 3/2/1 arcane damage to target hero.

Surge - If this deals more than 3/2/1 damage, draw 2 cards.


Overflow the Aetherwell

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Deal 3/2/1 arcane damage to target hero.

Surge - If this deals more than 3/2/1 damage, gain {r}{r}.


Perennial Aetherbloom

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Deal 3/2/1 arcane damage to target hero.

Surge - If this deals more than 3/2/1 damage, put it on the bottom of its owner's deck.


Photon Splicing

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 1{r} 3{d}

Deal 4/3/2 arcane damage to any target.

Instant -- Discard this: Amp 1

  • You can only activate this ability if it’s in your hand. You can’t discard this to pay the cost if it’s not in your hand.


Trailblazing Aether

Wizard Action

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Deal 3/2/1 arcane damage to target hero.

Surge - If this deals more than 3/2/1 damage, it gets go again.


Sigil of Forethought

Wizard Instant - Aura

(BLU) 0{r}

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, create a Ponder token.

  • Sigil of Forethought’s first ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Forethought’s second ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you will create a Ponder token.


Generic Cards

Arcanite Fortress

Generic Equipment - Chest


This card's {d} is equal to the number of equipment you control with Arcanite in their name.

Spellvoid X, where X is the number of equipment you control with Arcanite in their name.


  • This card's {d} is constantly evaluated. If the number of equipment you control with Arcanite in its name changes, this card's {d} will change appropriately.
  • The value of X for spellvoid is evaluated at the time Spellvoid is applied as a replacement effect.


Hood of Second Thoughts | Bruised Leather | Four Finger Gloves

Generic Equipment - Head | Generic Equipment - Chest | Generic Equipment - Arms


Instant -- Destroy this: Prevent the next 1 damage that would be dealt to you this turn. Activate this only if you've been dealt damage this turn.

  • These are just Runaways, but as a goofy hat, silly vest, and swag gloves, respectively.


Cut Through the Facade

Generic Action - Attack

(RED) 3{r} 7{p} 2{d}

This can't be defended by auras.

When this hits a hero, you may destroy an aura they control.

  • You choose the aura permanent to destroy at the time this card resolves after you've dealt damage. There's no priority between choosing the aura and destroying it.


Ten Foot Tall and Bullet Proof

Generic Action - Attack

(RED) 3{r} 10{p} 10{d}

When this attacks or defends, your hero gets -2{i} during your next end phase.

  • This triggers when it either resolves on the stack and becomes an attacking card or when it is added as a defending card.
  • If you transform from a hero into a demi-hero (e.g. Levia, Redeemed; Teklovossen, the Mechropotent) while under the effect of Ten Foot Tall and Bullet Proof’s continuous effect, this card’s effect will not apply to the new demi-hero.
  • During your end phase, you do not discard cards down to your {i} value if the current number of cards you have in your hand is greater than your current {i}.
  • If you go second and defend with this during the first turn of the game, it will not affect your intellect when you draw up at the end of that turn and will instead affect you when you draw at the end of your turn.


Call to the Grave

Generic Action

(BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Search your deck for a card, put it into your graveyard, then shuffle.

Go again

  • You can not fail to find If you have any cards remaining in your deck when this card resolves.



Generic Action - Aura

(BLU) 2{r} 3{d}

When this enters the arena, choose an opponent.

At the beginning of their end phase, destroy this and you each gain 3{h}.

When you or a card you control is the target of an attack they control, destroy this and draw a card.

  • Truce’s first ability triggers when it enters the arena (e.g. resolves on the stack or when it is put into the arena from another card’s effect). When the trigger effect begins to resolve, you must choose an opponent remaining in the game.
  • Truce’s second ability triggers at the beginning of the end phase of the opponent who you chose when the first ability’s trigger resolved. Players do not receive priority during the end phase.
  • Truce’s third ability triggers when you or a card you control is the target of an attack controlled by the opponent you chose when the first ability’s trigger resolved. For example, Truce will trigger when any of your allies are the target of an attack by that chosen opponent. This ability’s triggered effect will resolve before the opponent’s attack resolves and becomes attacking on the combat chain.
  • If the target of that opponent’s attack is an object you control with spectra, the spectra triggered effect and Truce’s triggered effect will be added to stack before any player receives priority. In this situation, the turn player may choose which player’s triggers will be added to the stack first, and that player will choose the order in which their triggers will be added and resolved. When the Spectra trigger resolves, the object with spectra is destroyed and the combat chain closes. During the close step, any remaining layers on the stack will continue to resolve but players do not receive priority during this step.


Hand Behind the Pen

Generic Action - Attack

(RED) 2{r} 6{p} 2{d}

When this hits a hero, turn a card in their arsenal face-up, then banish a non-attack action card from their arsenal.

  • When resolving this card’s triggered effect, you must turn a face-down card in that hero’s arsenal face up if there is one available.
  • Banishing a non-attack action card from the arsenal is not dependent on whether or not you have turned an arsenal card face-up from the prior effect.
  • If there are multiple non-attack action cards face-up in the hero’s arsenal when resolving this triggered effect, you may banish exactly one of those face-up non-attack action cards. The card that you banish does not have to be the one that was turned face-up from the preceding effect.


Smash Up

Generic Action - Attack

(RED) 1{r} 5{p} 2{d}

When this hits a hero, turn a card in their arsenal face-up, then banish an attack action card from their arsenal.

  • When resolving this card’s triggered effect, you must turn a face-down card in that hero’s arsenal face up if there is one available.
  • Banishing an attack action card from the arsenal is not dependent on whether or not you have turned an arsenal card face-up from the prior effect.
  • If there are multiple attack action cards face-up in the hero’s arsenal when resolving this triggered effect, you may banish exactly one of those face-up attack action cards. The card that you banish does not have to be the one that was turned face-up from the preceding effect.


Tongue Tied

Generic Action - Attack

(RED) 3{r} 7{p} 2{d}

When this hits a hero, turn a card in their arsenal face-up, then banish an instant card from their arsenal.

  • When resolving this card’s triggered effect, you must turn a face-down card in that hero’s arsenal face up if there is one available.
  • Banishing an instant card from the arsenal is not dependent on whether or not you have turned an arsenal card face-up from the prior effect.
  • If there are multiple instant cards face-up in the hero’s arsenal when resolving this triggered effect, you may banish exactly one of those face-up instant cards. The card that you banish does not have to be the one that was turned face-up from the preceding effect.


Count Your Blessings

Generic Instant

(RED/YEL/BLU) 2{r}

Gain X{h}, where X is 3/2/1 plus the number of Count Your Blessings in your graveyard.

  • The value of X is determined when Count Your Blessings resolves on the stack, not when it is played.
  • While resolving Count Your Blessings, the card itself is not yet in the graveyard, and will not count towards the number of Count Your Blessings in your graveyard. It will only be moved to the graveyard after you gain {h} from its effect and the card finishes resolving.


Sigil of Cycles

Generic Action - Aura

(BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, discard a card then draw a card.

  • Sigil of Cycles’ first ability is go again. You will only gain an action point from go again if Sigil of Cycles resolves on the stack. If it is put into the arena by a card or an effect, you are not considered to “go again” and you will not receive the action point from it.
  • Sigil of Cycles’ second ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Cycles’ third ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you must discard a card if you have any in hand. Then, you must draw a card, regardless if you had discarded a card or not as part of the preceding effect.


Sigil of Fyendal

Generic Action - Aura

(BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

Go again

At the beginning of your action phase, destroy this.

When this leaves the arena, gain 1{h}.

  • Sigil of Fyendal’s first ability is go again. You will only gain an action point from go again if Sigil of Fyendal resolves on the stack. If it is put into the arena by a card or an effect, you are not considered to “go again” and you will not receive the action point from it.
  • Sigil of Fyendal’s second ability triggers at the beginning of your action phase. Players receive priority during this phase and will have an opportunity to resolve other cards and effects before this triggered layer resolves.
  • Sigil of Fyendal’s third ability triggers when it leaves the arena (for example, when it is destroyed, when it is banished, etc.), even from its own effect. When the trigger resolves on the stack, you gain 1{h}.


Arcane Polarity

Generic Instant

(RED/YEL/BLU) 0{r}

Gain 1{h}

If you've been dealt arcane damage this turn, instead gain 4/3/2{h}.

  • When Arcane Polarity resolves on the stack, you will gain 4/3/2{h} if you’ve been dealt arcane damage this turn before it resolves. If you haven’t been dealt arcane damage by the time this card begins to resolve, you will only gain 1{h}.


Expansion Slot Cards

Widow Veil Respirator | Widow Back Abdomen | Widow Claw Tarsus | Widow Web Crawler

Assassin Equipment - Head | Assassin Equipment - Chest | Assassin Equipment - Arms | Assassin Equipment - Legs

Arcane Barrier 1

Spellvoid 1

  • When you would be dealt arcane damage, you may choose to apply either Arcane barrier or Spellvoid first.
  • If you choose to prevent damage with arcane barrier before preventing with spellvoid, you can still use its spellvoid to prevent further damage on the same arcane damage event.
  • If you choose to prevent damage with spellvoid before preventing with arcane barrier, this card will be destroyed as part of the spellvoid prevention and you will not be able to use its arcane barrier effect to prevent any further damage.


Splatter Skull

Brute Action - Attack

(RED) 2{r} 6{p} 3{d}

When this hits a hero, choose a face-down card in their banished zone that was banished by intimidate this turn. Put it into their graveyard.

  • You choose which face-down card in the hero’s banished zone that was banished by intimidate this turn when the triggered effect resolves. The chosen card is put into the graveyard face-up.


Drink 'Em Under the Table

Guardian Action - Attack

(RED) 4{r} 8{p} 3{d}

Betsy Specialization

When this attacks a hero, you may wager with them. The winner draws a card, and the other hero discards a card.

  • This does not trigger if you attack anything other than a hero (i.e. an ally).
  • Wagering is optional. If you decide to wager, the winner of the wager will draw a card and the other hero must discard a card.


Gustwave of the Second Wind

Ninja Action - Attack

(RED) 0{r} 4{p} 3{d}

Combo - If Surging Strike was the last attack this combat chain, this gets go again.

  • Surging Strike must be the last attack on the combat chain for Gustwave of the Second Wind to get go again.


Adaptive Dissolver

Mechanologist Equipment - Base


Action -- 0: Equip this to another equipment zone.

Arcane Barrier 1

  • This may be equipped to any of the arms, chest, head, or legs zone during the start-of-game procedure.
  • During the start-of-game procedure, each player privately selects their equipment and weapons, and then each player equips their selected equipment and weapons starting with the first turn player.
  • You can not equip this to a zone that already has something equipped to it. You may still activate its ability even if there are no valid zones to equip to (the effect just fails).
  • When this is not in the arena (including when it is underneath another card) its activated ability is not functional and you cannot activate it to equip it to another zone.
  • You cannot equip this to an equipment zone your opponent controls.


Plan for the Worst

Ranger Action

(BLU) 0{r} 3{d}

Look at target hero's hand and arsenal. At the beginning of their next end phase, they discard all cards in their hand and destroy all cards in their arsenal.

Search your deck for up to 3 traps, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle 2 cards from your hand into your deck.

  • When you play Plan for the Worst, you must target a hero. When Plan for the Worst resolves on the stack, you may look at the targeted hero’s hand and arsenal.
  • At the beginning of that hero’s end phase, Plan for the Worst’s delayed triggered effect will trigger. When that triggered effect resolves, that hero must discard all cards in their hand and destroy all cards in their arsenal. This effect happens before that player chooses to arsenal a card and draw back up to their intellect.
  • Players do not have priority during the end phase and therefore players cannot respond to this ability.
  • You may choose to search and reveal no cards.
  • Shuffling 2 cards from your hand into your deck is mandatory. If you have 1 card in your hand after searching for the traps and putting them into your hand, you must shuffle that card into your deck. If you have no cards in your hand, you must still shuffle your deck.




Warrior Action

(RED) 0{r} 3{d}

Your next sword attack this turn gets +3{p} and "When this attacks, if its {p} is greater than twice its base, it gets go again."

Go again

  • When Unsheathed resolves, your next sword attack that turn will get +3{p} and a trigger-static ability. The granted ability triggers when your next sword attack resolves on the stack and the sword becomes an attacking card. Whether the sword’s attack power is greater than twice its base is checked on the resolution of the trigger (during the attack step). Effects that specifically increase the power of the attack, are taken into account.
  • Only the next sword attack is what gains the triggered-static ability and the power increase, not the sword itself. If you attack again after the attack where Unsheathed’s effects were applied, it will not retain those effects for those subsequent attacks.
  • “Greater” means “strictly more than”, meaning the power of the attack must be twice than the base {p} of the sword’s attack.


Calming Cloak

Illusionist Equipment - Chest

Instant -- {r}, destroy this: The next aura you play this turn costs {r}{r} less to play.

Arcane Barrier 1


Calming Gesture

Illusionist Equipment - Arms

Instant -- {r}, destroy this: Create a Spectral Shield token.

Arcane Barrier 1

  • There is no priority when applying prevention effects. You cannot pay {r} to apply the arcane barrier prevention effect, and then activate the ability to create a spectral shield to prevent additional damage on the same damage event.



Illusionist Equipment - Legs

When this is destroyed, you may play your next aura this turn as though it were an instant.

Ward 1

  • If this card is destroyed as part of applying its Ward prevention effect to a damage event, Fluttersteps’ first ability will trigger. When this card is destroyed as part of applying the Ward effect, the trigger layer will only be added to the stack after the damage event is finalized and players once again receive priority. When that triggered layer resolves, your next aura that you play this turn may be played as though it were an instant.
  • An aura card with the action type played as though it were an instant does not cost an action point and can be played whenever the player has priority, otherwise it is still considered to be an action card.
  • If a card with go again is played as though it were an instant, you will gain an action point from the go again when the card resolves if it is your turn. Otherwise, you do not.


Dust from the Fertile Fields

Draconic Illusionist Action - Ash

(RED) 0{r} 3{d}

Material - While this is under a permanent other than Ouvia, that permanent gets phantasm.

  • When this resolves as a layer on the stack, it becomes a permanent in the arena under the player’s control.
  • If a Dust from the Fertile Fields is transformed into a dragon, it is put underneath that dragon and the dragon gains Phantasm unless the dragon is named Ouvia.
  • While this is underneath a card, it can not be targeted by effects and is not considered to be controlled by any player.
  • If the card on top of this is destroyed or otherwise removed from the arena, this is put into the owner’s graveyard.



Earth Runeblade Action||Lightning Instant

(BLU) 0{r} 3{d}


Return an attack action card with cost less than X from your graveyard to your hand, where X is the total arcane damage you've dealt to opposing heroes this turn.

Go again



Deal 1 damage to any target.

  • Regrowth||Shock is a Earth Lightning Runeblade card and can only be included in your card-pool if you can include Earth Lightning Runeblade cards
  • The value of X is based on how much arcane damage you’ve dealt to opposing heroes this turn when Regrowth resolves on the stack, not when you first play it.
  • Regrowth is not a targeted effect. When Regrowth resolves, you will choose which attack action card with cost less than X from your graveyard to return from the graveyard to your hand.
  • When Regrowth resolves, if there is at least one attack action card with cost X or less in your graveyard, you must return one of them.
  • Base cost is the printed cost value on a card. (Located at the top right corner of a card.)
  • If you meld Regrowth||Shock, you will resolve the Shock side of the card the first time the melded-card’s layer resolves. Any arcane damage dealt to an opposing hero will contribute to the value of X when you resolve the Regrowth side of the card when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time.
  • If you meld Regrowth||Shock, you will receive an action point from go again when you resolve the Regrowth side when the melded-card’s layer resolves the second time. You will not receive it when you resolve the Shock side of the card the first time the layer resolves.


Macro-specific Notes

Sanctuary of Aria

Rosetta Macro

Instant -- {r}{r}: Prevent the next 1 damage that would be dealt to you this turn by a source of your choice. Destroy this at the beginning of the end phase.

  • Sanctuary of Aria is a macro that is available to each player in Rosetta limited formats, which include the draft, sealed, and blitz pre-constructed deck formats. When you begin a game in one of these Rosetta limited formats, each player places a Sanctuary of Aria into the arena before you reveal your heroes.
  • Sanctuary of Aria is neither a card nor a token. It is a game object that the player controls and exists in the arena with an activated ability that generates a shielding-prevention effect.
  • You choose the source you would like to prevent the next 1 damage from when the activated layer resolves on the stack. Once you've chosen the source to prevent damage from, it cannot be changed.
  • You may activate this as many times as you would like, provided you have the necessary resources to activate this ability.
  • If the source you chose with Sanctuary of Aria’s prevention effect deals damage to you that cannot be prevented, the prevention effect can be applied to the next damage from that chosen source that can be prevented.
  • You cannot name Sanctuary of Aria for effects that require you to name a card.
  • You cannot choose Sanctuary of Aria for effects that allow you to choose card/tokens. Similarly, you cannot target it for effects that require a target card/token.
  • When Sanctuary of Aria leaves the arena, it ceases to exist.


1st Strike (Aurora and Terra)

Aurora Deck

Aether Crackers

Runeblade Equipment - Arms


When an attack you control hits a hero, you may destroy this. If you do, deal 1 arcane damage to them.

  • This triggers when an attack you control hits a hero. It doesn't trigger if you hit anything other than a hero (i.e. an ally), or if something other than an attack you control hits a hero.
  • The triggered effect is optional. You may decide to destroy this when the triggered effect resolves.



Elemental Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL) 0{r} 3/2{p} 3{d}

Lightning Flow - If you've played a Lightning card this turn, this gets +1{p}

  • Whether you’ve played a Lightning card this turn is checked while this is attacking on the combat chain.
  • If you haven't played any Lightning cards this turn, then play a Lightning card (e.g. instant) before damage is dealt, this will have +1{p} during damage calculation.
  • You don't retroactively deal extra damage if you've gone passed the Damage step (i.e. damage calculation) without playing a Lightning card, and then proceed to play a Lightning card.


Photon Rush

Elemental Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/BLU) 0{r} 3/1{p} 3{d}

Lightning Flow - If you've played a Lightning card this turn, this gets go again.

  • Whether you’ve played a Lightning card this turn is checked while this is attacking on the combat chain.
  • Go again is checked at the beginning of the Link step. If you haven't played any Lightning cards this turn, then play a Lightning card (e.g. instant) during Photon Rush's resolution step (i.e. after damage is dealt, but before playing another attack), you will gain an action point from go again during the link step.
  • You don't retroactively get an action point from go again if you've gone passed the Link step without playing a Lightning card, and then proceed to play a Lightning card. (e.g. after you've played another attack, closed the combat chain etc.)


Static Shock

Elemental Runeblade Action - Attack

(RED/YEL) 0{r} 4/3{p} 3{d}

Lightning Flow - When this hits a hero, if you've played a Lightning card this turn, deal 1 arcane damage to them.

  • This triggers when it hits a hero. It doesn't trigger if you hit anything other than a hero (i.e. an ally).
  • Whether you’ve played a Lightning card this turn is checked on the resolution of the trigger. If you haven't played any Lightning cards this turn, then hit a hero with Static Shock, then play a Lightning card (e.g. instant), you will deal 1 arcane damage to the hero when the trigger resolves.


Harness Lightning

Elemental Runeblade Action

(RED/YEL) 0{r} 2{d}

Lightning Flow - If you've played a Lightning card this turn, deal 3/2 arcane damage to target hero.

  • When you play this card, you must target a hero, even if you haven't played a Lightning card this turn.
  • Whether you’ve played a Lightning card this turn is checked when the card resolves. If you haven't played any Lightning cards this turn, then play Harness Lightning, then play a Lightning card (e.g. instant), you will deal 3/2 arcane damage to the target hero when Harness Lightning resolves.



Lightning Action

(RED/YEL) 0{r} 2{d}

Your next Lightning or Elemental attack this turn gets +3/2{p}.

Go again


Spark Spray

Lightning Action - Attack

(YEL/BLU) 0{r} 3/2{p} 2{d}

When this is defended by 1 or more cards, you may pay {r}. If you do, this gets +1{p}.

  • This triggers when it is defended by 1 or more cards. If all defending cards are removed from the chain link before the trigger resolves, then triggered effect will fail.
  • This will not trigger again if there is already at least one defending card already on its chain link then additional defending cards are added (e.g. defense reactions), as there are already 1 or more cards defending it.
  • The triggered effect is optional. You may decide to pay {r} when the triggered effect resolves.


Cloud Cover

Lightning Instant


The next time you would be dealt damage this turn, prevent 2 of that damage.

  • This is a one-shot-prevention effect that prevents 2 damage from a single event of damage that would be dealt to your hero. Any remaining prevention amount does not carry over to the next time you'd be dealt damage. (e.g. if you're dealt 1 damage, you prevent it, and don't prevent any more damage later that turn).


Terra Deck

Redwood Hammer

Earth Guardian Weapon - Hammer (1H)


Once per Turn Action -- {r}{r}{r}: Attack
If an Earth card was pitched to attack with this, the attack gets +1{p}.

  • You must pitch at least one Earth card while paying for this card's resource cost to met the static effect condition. Using resources from previously pitched Earth cards (i.e. pitched before playing this card) does not meet this condition.
  • If you pitch an Earth card to attack with this, the condition has been met even if the Earth card you pitched is removed from the pitch zone (e.g. Potion of Deja Vu).


Hard Knuckle

Generic Equipment - Arms


When you play an attack action card, you may destroy this. If you do, the attack gets +1{p}.

  • This triggers when an attack action card is played (before it resolves on the stack and becomes an attacking card).
  • The triggered effect is optional. You may decide to destroy Hard Knuckle when the triggered effect resolves.


Bracken Rap

Elemental Guardian Action - Attack

(RED/YEL) 3{r} 6/5{p} 3{d}

Earth Bond - When this attacks, if an Earth card was pitched to play this, create a Might token.

  • This triggers when the card resolves on the stack and becomes an attacking card on the combat chain.
  • You must pitch at least one Earth card while paying for this card's resource cost to met the Earth Bond condition. Using resources from previously pitched Earth cards (i.e. pitched before playing this card) does not meet this condition.
  • If you pitch an Earth card to play this, the condition has been met even if the Earth card you pitched is removed from the pitch zone (e.g. Potion of Deja Vu)..


Log Fall

Elemental Guardian Action - Attack

(RED/YEL) 3{r} 5/4{p} 3{d}

Earth Bond - If an Earth card was pitched to play this, this gets overpower.

  • You must pitch at least one Earth card while paying for this card's resource cost to met the Earth Bond condition. Using resources from previously pitched Earth cards (i.e. pitched before playing this card) does not meet this condition.
  • If you pitch an Earth card to play this, the condition has been met even if the Earth card you pitched is removed from the pitch zone (e.g. Potion of Deja Vu).


Strong Wood

Elemental Guardian Action - Attack

(RED/YEL) 3{r} 6/5{p} 3{d}

Earth Bond - If an Earth card was pitched to play this, this gets +1{p}.

  • You must pitch at least one Earth card while paying for this card's resource cost to met the Earth Bond condition. Using resources from previously pitched Earth cards (i.e. pitched before playing this card) does not meet this condition.
  • If you pitch an Earth card to play this, the condition has been met even if the Earth card you pitched is removed from the pitch zone (e.g. Potion of Deja Vu).



Earth Action

(YEL/BLU) 0{r} 2{d}

The next time an attack would gain {p} this turn, instead it gains that much plus 3/2.

Go again

  • Flourish generates a replacement effect that modifies the next time an attack receives a power increase from an effect.
  • Flourish’s replacement effect will only modify power increases to attacks after Flourish resolves. It does not retroactively modify power increases for effects that have already been applied.
  • Flourish’s replacement effect applies to effects that increase the power of a weapon’s attack (e.g. Star Fall). However, Flourish’s replacement effect does not apply to power gained by a weapon (e.g. Nebula Blade) even while it's attacking as there is a difference between a weapon gaining power and a weapon attack gaining power. Any increase to a weapon’s power will be reflected in the weapon’s attack; however, this is not considered an increase to the weapon’s attack.
  • Flourish’s replacement effect will not apply to power increases from +{p} counters.
  • If an effect that was modified by Flourish were to no longer apply to an attack, but then is re-applied to that attack later, the application of Flourish’s replacement effect on that particular effect would be lost and no longer modify it when it is reapplied.


Seeds of Strength

Elemental Guardian Action

(YEL/BLU) 2{r} 3{d}

Create 2/a Might token(s).

Earth Bond - If an Earth card was pitched to play this, instead create 3/2 Might tokens.

  • You must pitch at least one Earth card while paying for this card's resource cost to met the Earth Bond condition. Using resources from previously pitched Earth cards (i.e. pitched before playing this card) does not meet this condition.
  • If you pitch an Earth card to play this, the condition has been met even if the Earth card you pitched is removed from the pitch zone (e.g. Potion of Deja Vu).



Earth Action

(YEL) 0{r} 2{d}

If an attack would gain {p} this turn, instead it gains that much plus 1.

Go again

  • Thrive generates a replacement effect that modifies the effects that cause attacks to gain power this turn.
  • Thrive’s replacement effect will only modify power increases to attacks after Thrive resolves. It does not retroactively modify power increases for effects that have already been applied to the attack.
  • Thrive’s replacement effect applies to effects that increase the power of a weapon’s attack (e.g. Star Fall). However, Flourish’s replacement effect does not apply to power gained by a weapon (e.g. Nebula Blade) even while it's attacking as there is a difference between a weapon gaining power and a weapon attack gaining power. Any increase to a weapon’s power will be reflected in the weapon’s attack; however, this is not considered an increase to the weapon’s attack.
  • Thrive’s replacement effect will not apply to power increases from +{p} counters.
  • If an effect that was modified by Thrive were to no longer apply to an attack, but then is re-applied to that attack later, the application of Thrive’s replacement effect on that particular effect would be lost and no longer modify it when it is reapplied.


Sigil of Shelter

Guardian Instant

(YEL/BLU) 0{r}

The next time you would be dealt damage this turn, prevent 2/1 of that damage.

  • The prevention amount applies to a single damage event. The leftover prevention amount does not apply to any future damage that would be dealt to your hero.


Canopy Shelter

Earth Block

(BLU) 2{d}

When this defends, create a Might token.

  • For real though, don’t put this in your arsenal.
