Errata Bulletin #9

Bonds of Attraction / Bonds of Memory

Bonds of Attraction and Bonds of Memory were originally designed with the goal that they should not trigger on the first card they banish, and you should only gain 1{h} for each subsequent card you banish with the same name/color. However, because there is no such thing as the “intervening-if” for triggered effects for Flesh and Blood, these triggered effects did not work as intended. This mistake lead to an unintended, and frankly unintuitive, interaction where banishing two cards before resolving the triggered effects would lead to you gaining 2{h} of its base banishing effect. As such, we are issuing errata to update the text to the cards to integrate the condition for checking the name/color as part of the initial banish trigger condition (i.e. changing "if" to "and"). Note that you can still gain 2+{h}, if you combine the Bonds cards with other banishing effects like Nuu.

To understand how these cards work, please see the Rules Reprise article for Part the Mistveil.

Bonds of Attraction
When this hits a hero, banish the top card of their deck, then banish a card from their graveyard.
Whenever this banishes a card and this has banished another card with the same color, gain 1{h}.

Bonds of Memory
When this hits a hero, banish the top card of their deck, then banish a card from their graveyard.
Whenever this banishes a card and this has banished another card with the same name, gain 1{h}.

Endless Arrow / Gaze The Ages

These two cards failed to be updated in a previous errata bulletin that addressed cards going to their owner's decks (Errata Bulletin #5). To ensure that these cards work consistently with similar effects that put cards into the hand/arsenal/deck/pitch zones, we are issuing errata to explicitly specify that they return to the owner's hand, not the controller.

Endless Arrow
When this hits, put it into its owner's hand.

Gaze the Ages
Opt 2
If you've played another Wizard non-attack action card this turn, put this into its owner's hand.

Weapon Attacks and Go Again

Reality Refractor and Cosmo, Scroll of Ancestral Tapestry opened up a can of interactions that were previously only possible in games of UPF with Yorrick. Specifically, you can use cards with base go again, as weapons, and their go again would have applied to their attacks as well. An example would be Burn Them All. Because Burn Them All has base go again, it stands to reason that all of its attacks as a weapon would also have go again. However, this severely limited the design space of auras which were heavily restricted from adding go again onto certain auras (or other cards for that matter) especially as those cards may be used to produce attacks with go again.

As such, we’ve updated the rules where the attack, not the original weapon (or otherwise), must have the go again for the attacker to gain the action point. This does come with non-functional errata for the following cards to ensure that they function as intended under this update to the rules of the game:

Harmonized Kodachi
Once per Turn Action -- {r}: Attack
If you have a card in your pitch zone with cost 0, this card’s attacks get go again.

Mandible Claw (already reprinted in HVY)
Once per Turn Action – {r}{r}: Attack
If you have discarded a card with 6 or more {p} this turn, this card’s attacks get go again.

Quicksilver Dagger
If another weapon you control has gained go again this turn, this card’s attacks get go again.

Searing Emberblade
Once per Turn Action -- {r}{r}: Attack
If you control 2 or more Draconic chain links, this card’s attacks get go again.

Blood on Her Hands
Kassai Specialization
As an additional cost to play Blood on Her Hands, destroy any number of Copper you control. Choose that many modes. You may choose each mode twice;

  • Target 1H weapon’s attacks get +1{p} this turn.
  • Target 1H weapon’s attacks get go again this turn.
  • Target 1H weapon may attack twice this turn.

Go again

Ironsong Determination
Target weapon’s attacks get +1{p} and dominate until end of turn.
Go again

No Errata for these Cards

We would like to apologize for any misunderstanding caused by the cards database beta which showed the true text of Enchanting Melody as having Ward, and Down and Dirty as having Ambush.

The true text for the card database had been developed over a long period and during the review we had considered errata for the following cards to update them to match the relevant keywords. However, we have ultimately decided against issuing an official errata for these cards at this time. Errata are not issued lightly, and large relevant changes such as this (where text is replaced entirely) cannot be made in good conscience without having physical cards that do what they say to back them up. It was our mistake to have left this text in the card database beta without an official errata, and have since updated the true text to its correct form. We will reconsider an errata if/when we reprint these cards.

Enchanting Melody
Enchanting Melody
Down and Dirty
Down and Dirty