1 Katsu, the Wanderer
2 Harmonized Kodachi
1 Ironrot Helm
1 Heartened Cross Strap
1 Breaking Scales
1 Ironrot Legs
Pitch 1 (Red)
3 Blackout Kick
1 Fluster Fist
3 Head Jab
3 Leg Tap
3 Open the Center
3 Rising Knee Thrust
3 Scar for a Scar
3 Surging Strike
3 Whelming Gustwave
Pitch 2 (Yellow)
3 Leg Tap
3 Rising Knee Thrust
3 Surging Strike
3 Springboard Somersault
Pitch 3 (Blue)
3 Fluster Fist
3 Head Jab
2 Scour the Battlescape
3 Whelming Gustwave
3 Wounding Blow
3 Lunging Press
3 Flic Flak
2 Energy Potion
1 Sigil of Solace
1 Katsu