Pro Tour: London - Invited Players

The race for the title of Pro Tour: London champion enters its next phase as we announce the list of qualified players for the Pro Tour main event! Over 500 players have successfully made it into the field for one of the pinnacle events of the Flesh and Blood calendar. Players will be battling it out all weekend long for their share of the $175,000 USD prize pool on offer.


If you intend to redeem or gift a PTI for the event, then please see the event page for details on how to go about doing this.

If you didn't make it through to the Pro Tour itself, there is still a fantastic weekend of events lined up, including the open entry $30,000 USD Calling event, Battle Hardened London, and a full weekend of public side events.

Congratulations again to all of the qualified players, and we look forward to seeing you in London!

Pro Tour London: Invited Player List

Name Player ID ProQuest Invites Elo Rating (Overall)
Aaron Grace 12965718 ✔️ -
Aaron Moore 57895736 ✔️ -
Aaron Murphy 77387551 ✔️ -
Aaron Rose 88138853 ✔️ -
Adam Collins 11493722 ✔️ -
Adam Fischer 12951683 ✔️ -
Adam Urban 31499131 ✔️ -
Adrián Marín 84473835 ✔️ -
Adrian Słowiński 51276998 ✔️ -
Aidan Berkel 96783166 ✔️ -
Aidan Ward 96353997 ✔️ -
aiden anable 32526912 ✔️ -
Akihiro Takano 42591845 ✔️ -
Akira Takezaki 26688118 ✔️ -
Alan Bainbridge 24153626 ✔️ -
Alaric Ng 76746861 ✔️ -
Alban Bonnefoux 97499948 ✔️ -
Alberto Hernández Martin 12146376 ✔️ -
Alessandro Bracci 65322242 ✔️ -
Alessio Bouko 33998792 ✔️ -
Alex Becker 78552919 ✔️ -
Alex Chițu 52582252 ✔️ ✔️
Alex Routliffe 43914318 ✔️ -
Alex Tyler 94632227 ✔️ -
Alexander Vore 53486363 ✔️ -
Alexandre Castanheira 98784159 ✔️ -
Alexandros Argyriou 85767485 ✔️ -
Allen Lau 25688385 ✔️ ✔️
Amelia Hulin-Bobart 48954357 ✔️ -
András 'Kaptain' Kovács 41117488 ✔️ -
Andre Ryan See 96416373 ✔️ -
Andrea Malpassi 33394118 ✔️ -
Andrea Mengucci 45272648 ✔️ -
Andrea Nicastro 67645563 ✔️ -
Andrei Joghiu 37986424 ✔️ -
Andrew Bingemann 88488188 ✔️ -
Andrew Blackwell 24591313 ✔️ -
Andrew Cook 72591496 ✔️ -
Andrew Coppley 85259294 ✔️ -
Andrew Henderson 65499188 ✔️ -
Andrew Lorenz 71357474 ✔️ ✔️
Andrew Rayner 33428193 ✔️ -
Andrew Rothermel 48922766 ✔️ -
Andy Pham 88759741 ✔️ -
Anthony Perry 11516727 ✔️ -
Anthony Puskas 52455262 ✔️ -
Anthony Vero Cerenzio 86116162 ✔️ ✔️
Antonin Poubeau 22873564 ✔️ -
Antonio Otero 29918155 ✔️ -
Arjun Garg 78768912 ✔️ -
Armin Soleimanpor 77163368 ✔️ -
Arthur Mills 47749637 ✔️ -
Arthur Murta 92385819 ✔️ -
Arthur Nijssen 23887874 ✔️ -
Arthur Reynolds 89214139 ✔️ -
Arthur Trehet 21361948 - ✔️
Artie Hamelin 47652398 ✔️ -
Austin Henson 41837313 ✔️ -
Austin Kim 55858913 ✔️ -
Austin Redington 91643872 ✔️ -
Austin Somers 23824395 ✔️ -
Bartosz Ziemba 82923123 - ✔️
Ben Dodd 77797294 ✔️ ✔️
Ben Thomas 76715737 ✔️ -
Benjamin Schneider 82898864 ✔️ -
Bernardo Cardoso 52321144 ✔️ -
Bertrand Guillot 71469955 ✔️ -
Billy Horn 65114611 ✔️ -
Bino Nolting 59572987 ✔️ -
Birgir Hrafn Buason 96823313 ✔️ -
Bogdan-Andrei Oros 26369526 - ✔️
Brandon Ejupi 59131844 ✔️ -
Brenden Jones 55365325 ✔️ -
Breno Santos 39566227 ✔️ -
Brian Lu-Trinh 27596319 ✔️ -
Brodie Spurlock 78449312 ✔️ -
Bruno Cracco 83858488 ✔️ -
Bruno Reible 96814488 ✔️ -
Bryan Sweeney 54412611 ✔️ -
Bryce Henschel 82884659 ✔️ -
Caleb Lolley 58495849 ✔️ -
Carlo Ople 99349528 ✔️ -
Carlos Cruz 58343222 ✔️ -
Carlos Eduardo Amaral da Silva 23816842 ✔️ -
Caroline Flamia 27369129 ✔️ -
Carson Osborne 51679477 ✔️ -
Cas Mulder 32793662 ✔️ -
Casey Wilson 73158145 ✔️ -
Cass Emerson 31493797 ✔️ -
Cayle Mccreath 1943 ✔️ ✔️
Cayne Wilbur 32723913 ✔️ -
Cedric DeRouchie 29132121 ✔️ -
Celso Alves Lima Neto 51698599 ✔️ -
Chandler To 29299428 ✔️ ✔️
Chanon Puttaree 88422745 ✔️ -
Charles Dunn 96665649 - ✔️
Charles Martin 13812628 ✔️ -
Charlie Herren 21419115 ✔️ -
Cheaman Buckwalter 58115952 ✔️ -
Choi Tae seong 14633516 ✔️ -
Chris Brummett 55982578 ✔️ -
Christian Dale Sayson 78459793 ✔️ -
Christian Drabusenigg 93789293 ✔️ -
Christian Hauck 47346524 - ✔️
Christopher Benoit 62479734 ✔️ -
Christopher Bizau 46617853 ✔️ -
Christopher Iaali 49429466 ✔️ -
Christopher Reyes 67122426 ✔️ -
Christopher Spescha 11543791 ✔️ -
Cody Gebert 19179537 ✔️ ✔️
CODY READY 75238825 ✔️ -
Cody Williams 28483625 ✔️ ✔️
Colin Swisher 68395691 ✔️ -
Colin Tang 21928285 ✔️ ✔️
Connor Bloodworth 82765696 ✔️ -
Connor McGrath 53875453 ✔️ -
Conrad Niebuhr 75272438 ✔️ -
Cristopher Allen 32262628 ✔️ -
CYK Lionel 26355256 ✔️ -
Cynthia Boutot 62212477 ✔️ -
Dagan White 98661172 - ✔️
Damien Riggins 29695835 ✔️ -
Daniel Brouillet 32369374 ✔️ -
Daniel Edwards 75754633 ✔️ -
Daniel Ferrara 14122841 ✔️ -
Daniel Goetz 48228413 ✔️ -
Daniel murray 65153323 ✔️ -
Daniele Frattarelli 53721144 ✔️ -
Danny Halstad 15464726 ✔️ -
Darcy Camargo 11122216 ✔️ -
David Chirulescu 62132493 ✔️ -
David Jose Iglesias Lopez 41378976 - ✔️
David Rowley 16123862 ✔️ -
David Wadley 92842754 ✔️ -
David Yau 16845179 ✔️ -
Dawid Mrówczyński 85436111 ✔️ -
Deitrich Mohan 26482263 ✔️ -
Dennis Zhang 22442327 ✔️ -
Denny Koh 61668497 ✔️ -
Derell Horne 23686956 ✔️ -
Devon Killebrew 86637364 ✔️ -
Devon Porcher 98116931 ✔️ -
Diorge Brognara 86564942 ✔️ -
Dominic Blasius 76581484 ✔️ -
Dominik Piatkowski 52484177 ✔️ -
Domonkos Kiss 11397949 ✔️ -
Douglas Levy 92834361 ✔️ -
Drew Bosco 78366571 ✔️ -
Dylan Thompson 73151816 ✔️ -
Ed Bracamontes 78561838 ✔️ -
Edison Yue 29297198 ✔️ -
Eduardo Melo 49636245 ✔️ -
Edward Knight 25132425 ✔️ -
Eik hwan Yu 41424588 ✔️ -
Elizabeth Sprinkle 66281427 ✔️ -
Elly Bird 24997776 ✔️ -
Elyse Symmes 71419586 ✔️ -
Emerson França 93969777 ✔️ -
Emily Froese 68826118 ✔️ -
Emlyn Ingram 71769256 ✔️ -
Enes Findik 65273658 ✔️ -
Enki Dupaquier 43463614 ✔️ -
enzo costa 64118534 ✔️ -
Eric Gaudreault 45943482 ✔️ -
Eric Lin 52712828 ✔️ -
Erik Baalhuis 79255197 ✔️ -
Erik Skinstad 42893236 ✔️ -
Erika Forslöf 99493642 ✔️ -
Esmond Heng 29346453 ✔️ -
Etienne BARIOULET 95774175 ✔️ ✔️
Euan Ansell 48776769 ✔️ -
Eugene C 10191 ✔️ -
Eugenio Papavero Crusca 15754291 ✔️ -
Evan Bridges 37453985 ✔️ -
Evan Herndon 74942341 ✔️ -
Evan Tanguy 68973688 ✔️ ✔️
Ezequiel Emeraldo 23435577 ✔️ -
Fabio Albrecht 36442333 ✔️ -
Fahad Rahman 41858829 - ✔️
Fedir Kokhan 91167569 ✔️ -
Felipe Rita 24912257 ✔️ -
Felix Krisch 87192413 ✔️ -
Filipe Lima Cardoso 46298748 - ✔️
Finn Kleine 43371981 ✔️ -
Flávio Castro 84431173 ✔️ -
Florian Huepper 42162925 ✔️ -
Florian Vanbrakel 92826393 - ✔️
Florin-Cristian Loghin 94458185 ✔️ -
Francesco Giorgio 38313277 - ✔️
Franche Tan 81834514 ✔️ -
Fred God 63244287 ✔️ -
Frederik Emil Hansen 57861815 ✔️ -
GAICHI YAMADA 96281248 ✔️ -
Geoffrey Donneger 76674125 ✔️ -
Geoffroy Massard 17661833 ✔️ -
George Ferris 91363332 ✔️ -
George Jones 86671164 ✔️ -
George Melissakis 37549179 ✔️ -
George Rodger 18546692 ✔️ -
Gianluigi Lia 53425114 ✔️ -
Gints Dreimanis 41995375 ✔️ -
Giulio Monaco 71735621 ✔️ -
Gordon Koh Koh 59753974 - ✔️
Grant Rockefeller 11347142 ✔️ -
Grant Strom 27689238 ✔️ -
Greg Mansfield 98536245 ✔️ -
Grégory Lefebvre 73238818 ✔️ -
Gregory Patellis 12959859 - ✔️
Grzegorz Kowalski 32152382 - ✔️
Gui Cohen 89547914 ✔️ -
Gui Landgraf 83531588 ✔️ -
Guilherme Brito silva 14314634 ✔️ -
Guillem Las Heras Aixandri 25893731 - ✔️
Gustavo Caperan 45226128 ✔️ -
Handy Wijaya 19148783 ✔️ -
Hanno Lünser 19566444 ✔️ -
Hariz Hamdan 56689845 ✔️ -
Harpreet Singh Dhillon 51284453 ✔️ -
haruka sonoda 22214896 ✔️ -
Harvey Jade Jadena 57333481 ✔️ -
Haste Sompong Leartvimolkasame 55826345 ✔️ -
Hatta Rin 10167 ✔️ -
Hayashi Takashi 31514583 ✔️ -
Hayden Dale 7666 ✔️ -
Hazuki Mori 83581572 ✔️ -
Henrique Gouvêa 95214615 ✔️ -
Hugo Jobe 88133483 ✔️ -
Ian Fraser 37463972 ✔️ -
Ian Holland 55771772 ✔️ -
IAN MESQUITA 71966477 ✔️ -
Ian Siczewicz 98919791 ✔️ ✔️
Ian Zhang 75916243 ✔️ -
Ilias Karamanis 58434939 - ✔️
Ilmari Lahtinen 95593996 ✔️ -
Isaac Brooks 35619822 ✔️ -
Isaac Katsakis 65489873 - ✔️
Isaac Murray 85528141 - ✔️
Isaac Ward 95164415 ✔️ -
Ivan Taranto 23256535 ✔️ -
Jaap IJlst 64546991 ✔️ ✔️
Jack Mountford 56323382 ✔️ -
Jacob Baugh 42383614 - ✔️
Jacob Clements 42541471 ✔️ ✔️
Jacob Friis Nielsen 72195289 ✔️ -
Jacob Lantz 49135278 ✔️ -
Jacob Pacheco 44949475 ✔️ -
Jacob Shaker 34642783 ✔️ ✔️
Jacob West 99751694 ✔️ -
Jake mccormack 88514757 ✔️ -
Jakob Allan 84297463 ✔️ -
Jakub "Lemur" Siedlecki 65321153 ✔️ -
Jamal Armand 92519453 ✔️ -
James Adams 97275563 ✔️ -
James Cæruleus Silver 17637648 ✔️ -
james Hohn 71549243 ✔️ -
James LeResche 91355659 ✔️ -
James Yirra 14219666 ✔️ -
Jamie Faulkner 56872833 ✔️ -
Jamie Foster 35278869 ✔️ -
Jan Eid 52986179 ✔️ -
Jan Van Nieuwenhove 84334473 - ✔️
Jan-Hendrik Brinkforth 16412276 ✔️ -
Janbert Dela Cruz 39228951 ✔️ -
Jascha Werth 97524226 ✔️ -
Jason Nakata 55737786 ✔️ -
Jason Rolfe 97389552 ✔️ ✔️
Jeremy Werner 48357356 ✔️ -
Jesse Hudak 85293396 ✔️ -
Ji Timm Lee 83657339 ✔️ -
Jian Botor 28416156 ✔️ -
Jimmy Nguyen 37919264 ✔️ -
Jimmy Niro Demers 89522426 ✔️ ✔️
Jin Han Toh 78561671 ✔️ ✔️
Joe Cassidy 93467165 ✔️ -
Joe Colon 68592363 ✔️ -
Joe DeCaussin 53758635 ✔️ -
Joe Whetter 97226316 ✔️ -
Joel Gibbons 79771863 ✔️ ✔️
Joel Recinos III 49453354 ✔️ -
John Cooper 22183753 ✔️ -
John Milner 49495732 ✔️ -
John Reed 64832528 ✔️ -
John Zapata 73241415 ✔️ -
John-Paul DiVittore 18245716 ✔️ -
Jonathan Asquith 74966714 ✔️ -
JONATHAN HENLEY 98871958 ✔️ -
Jonathan Lemire 79974282 ✔️ -
Jonathan Richards 69411273 ✔️ -
Jonathan Riddell 45432412 ✔️ -
JORDAN BEANGE 41615927 ✔️ -
Jordan Jalbert-Ross 32646746 ✔️ -
Jose Lau 29974741 - ✔️
Jose Luis Saenz Soria 68164729 ✔️ -
Jose Ricardo Ordoñez Muller 49219298 ✔️ -
Josef Mendez 77452513 ✔️ -
Josep Giné 88139321 ✔️ -
Joseph Kaiser 21389935 ✔️ -
Joseph Schelling 99512182 ✔️ -
Joshua Baines 24329243 ✔️ -
Joshua Lau 64912678 ✔️ -
Joshua Myles Lim 21472157 ✔️ -
Joshua Paris 14191984 ✔️ -
Joshua Tavares 81514925 ✔️ -
Josu Landazabal 56935315 ✔️ -
Jude Cornett 37126739 ✔️ -
Julia De Biasi 32497761 ✔️ -
Julian Sniffen 72135433 ✔️ -
Jumpei Nasu 44537394 ✔️ -
Justin Cu 58244955 ✔️ -
Justin Fernandes 67573111 ✔️ -
Justin Irby 49914153 ✔️ -
Justin Kinison 85412936 ✔️ -
Justine DeLuise 84714455 ✔️ -
Kai Young Tan 57796554 ✔️ -
Kaiser Wong 17829487 - ✔️
Kaloyan Nikov 82638155 ✔️ -
Kamerin Points 76893889 ✔️ -
Kamil "Kaka" Żerek 96988753 ✔️ -
Karl Wulff 11228731 ✔️ -
Kazuaki Fukui 79816157 ✔️ -
kazuma kuwahara 10271 ✔️ -
kei furuta 14695199 ✔️ -
kei iikubo 32737643 ✔️ -
Kelvin Ng 47172815 ✔️ -
Kelvin Tan 81289463 ✔️ -
kento shiraki 10097 ✔️ -
Kevin Brayer 61784579 ✔️ -
Kevin Murphy 86323377 ✔️ -
Kim Barroso 64464679 ✔️ -
Kiran Ganesan 35378389 ✔️ -
Kiran Lee 79813895 ✔️ -
Konrad Paziewski 64731847 ✔️ -
kou rui yang 25243133 ✔️ -
Krishaal Kumar 59257133 ✔️ -
Kristian Čurla 45478211 - ✔️
kuba tambor 97363678 ✔️ -
Kyle Carrington 35798916 ✔️ -
Kyle James 23849164 ✔️ -
Kyle Pollitz 46269142 ✔️ -
Laksana Eka S.P. 69811373 ✔️ -
Larissa Chow 71494359 ✔️ -
Laura Wichert 42836551 ✔️ -
Laurin Niehues 51996721 ✔️ -
Law Wen 51398692 ✔️ -
Lee Ming-Han 17126988 ✔️ -
Léo Dupraz 97637442 ✔️ -
Léo Vézinet 85366113 ✔️ -
Leonardo Pessôa 39412741 ✔️ -
Liam Canning 94726641 ✔️ -
Liang Hsi Ho 72522948 ✔️ -
Linus Albat 85621468 ✔️ -
Lloyd McBride 41731169 ✔️ -
Logan King 96663455 ✔️ -
Logan Petersen 61371334 ✔️ -
Long Tran 17316193 ✔️ -
Lorenzo Brambilla Pisoni 45953664 - ✔️
Lorenzo Latino 32371862 ✔️ -
Lorenzo Miele 69321146 ✔️ -
Lorenzo Tarateta 67938593 ✔️ -
Louis Shum 65561653 ✔️ -
Lucas Bortolucci 82296982 ✔️ -
Lucas Codato 67189444 ✔️ -
Lucas Izumi 61355474 ✔️ -
Lucas Molho 46984112 ✔️ -
Lucas Navarro 43442296 ✔️ -
Lucas Ng 71112789 ✔️ -
Lucas Nijssen 75611152 ✔️ -
Lucas Oswald 73894792 ✔️ ✔️
Lucas Saillour 96393644 ✔️ -
Luis Felipe Bueno da Silva 68753219 ✔️ -
Luis Silva 17149814 ✔️ -
Luis Toeffels 81587693 ✔️ -
Luiz Bretas 55821891 ✔️ -
Luka Kramaric 51866968 ✔️ -
Lukasz Bigos 84314118 ✔️ -
Majin Bae 86168764 ✔️ -
Man Hiem Cheung 77144478 ✔️ -
Manu Van Driessche 69634925 ✔️ -
Mara Faris 57899695 ✔️ -
Marc Mehlenbacher 17859366 ✔️ -
Marcel Eggimann 72582567 ✔️ -
Marcos Vassão 98784647 ✔️ -
Marijn Lybaert 67716292 ✔️ -
Mário Abrantes 59487543 ✔️ -
Marshall Stevenson 8112 ✔️ -
Martin Andreasson 29882222 ✔️ -
Martin Holík 68491691 ✔️ -
Martin Krentz 56697182 ✔️ -
Martin Okruhlica 67523138 ✔️ -
Mateus Batista 38383793 ✔️ -
Matheus Pereira 96123968 ✔️ -
Matt Muus 33717241 ✔️ -
Matt Rogers 8717 - ✔️
Matthew Allan 26536964 ✔️ -
Matthew Brown 93529883 ✔️ -
Matthew Dilks 12332725 ✔️ -
Matthew Feeney 42319825 ✔️ -
Matthew Horne 62123491 ✔️ -
Matthew McInnis 49235889 ✔️ -
Matthew Renz 13142538 ✔️ -
Matthew Tickal 64779424 ✔️ -
Matthew W 10305 ✔️ -
Matthew White 77824595 ✔️ -
Maurice Hostettler 41436621 ✔️ -
Mauro Giuseppe Di Lauro 52717739 ✔️ -
Max Dieckmann 62329447 ✔️ -
Maximilian Schmidt 96192161 - ✔️
May Made 31638937 ✔️ -
Menion Croll 25531921 ✔️ -
Mercy Bickell 88868484 ✔️ ✔️
Mert Gezgin 21323668 ✔️ -
Metodi Nikolaev 89423223 ✔️ -
Michael Dalton 71722762 - ✔️
Michaël Emery 73943565 ✔️ -
Michael Feng 51553785 ✔️ ✔️
Michael Hamilton 34331578 ✔️ ✔️
Michael Jaszczur 41361832 ✔️ -
Michael MacLeod 75498259 ✔️ -
Michael Metallo 41426315 - ✔️
Michel Verissimo da Silva Luiz 29114217 ✔️ -
Mira Kubiczak 25875594 ✔️ -
Mirko Dolce 16759958 ✔️ -
Mirko Macchia 35588253 ✔️ -
Mortal Absolute 76776388 ✔️ -
Muhamad Agus Suriyanto 69479861 - ✔️
Mykel Kramer 99214481 ✔️ -
Naib Mobassir 25857792 ✔️ -
Nanami Oochi 31313931 ✔️ -
Nathan Crawford 95593898 ✔️ -
nathan lapham 71693458 ✔️ -
Nathan Youngblut 98393686 ✔️ -
Nathanael Hunt 44963221 ✔️ -
Nathaniel Lansangan 12242261 ✔️ -
Nghia Tran 16569596 ✔️ -
Nguyen Giang 45843333 ✔️ -
Nicholas Jackson 97819299 ✔️ -
Nicholas Porter 17968494 ✔️ -
Nicholas Tran 17713917 ✔️ -
Nicholas Wong 47855776 ✔️ -
Nick Butcher 51987736 ✔️ ✔️
Nick Gabler 48682912 ✔️ -
Nick Webb 64926574 ✔️ -
Nico Grieco 13442316 ✔️ -
Nicolas Kyriakou 55815655 ✔️ -
Nicolas Nobrega 36719236 ✔️ -
Nikola Kramarić 99284425 - ✔️
Noah Beygelman 56952555 ✔️ ✔️
Nova Chan 97711595 ✔️ ✔️
Oh Oh 64843588 ✔️ -
Oli Cornish 76891556 ✔️ -
Oliver Berry 78453332 ✔️ -
Omar Soubra 56211353 ✔️ -
Oscar Ojeda Gomez 62693329 ✔️ -
Pankaj Bhojwani 73489619 ✔️ -
Pat Eshghy 55234782 ✔️ -
Patrick Cohea 57129544 ✔️ -
Patrick Fowley 27924165 ✔️ -
Patrick McGregor 93788556 ✔️ -
Patrick Steele 43234138 ✔️ -
Paul Dollé 37615899 ✔️ -
Paul LE GOUEZ 88631412 ✔️ -
Paul White 54286944 ✔️ -
Paweł Leszuk 62499812 ✔️ -
Paweł Roman 32457452 ✔️ -
Pei-Tung Liao 92819458 ✔️ ✔️
Peng Joon 24749728 ✔️ -
Peter Bråss 42471766 ✔️ -
Peter Buddensiek 61767867 ✔️ -
Peter Nethan Henriksen 92367786 ✔️ -
Pheano Black 59957253 ✔️ -
Phil Hensley 83885686 ✔️ -
Philip Connolley 93447872 ✔️ -
Philip van Donselaar 48821756 ✔️ -
Phillip martinez 86995584 ✔️ -
Pierre-Nicolas Perrin 54292276 ✔️ -
Pietro Motta 21489624 ✔️ -
Piotr Chudobinski 55814456 ✔️ -
Pudding Tam 31914943 ✔️ ✔️
quintin ludtke 53218226 ✔️ -
Rafael Durán 93231464 ✔️ -
Rafael Martin Marcelo 39173935 ✔️ -
Raj Parikh 17485465 ✔️ -
Ralph Schlauri 69118899 - ✔️
Raphael Rosa 68719283 ✔️ -
Ray lam 93191888 - ✔️
Raymond Baligaya 65755594 ✔️ -
Raymond Mauge 53646461 ✔️ -
Renz Mascardo 62916542 ✔️ -
Richard Kruithof 37832726 ✔️ -
Risa Shioji 10287 ✔️ -
Rob Catton 96675674 ✔️ ✔️
Robbert Valkeneers 93462678 ✔️ -
Robin Avenoso 58278849 ✔️ -
Rocko Yan 75388631 ✔️ -
Roger Bodee 87757911 ✔️ -
Rokas Pocius 48976177 ✔️ -
Romain Garcin 88588962 ✔️ -
Roman Legíň 19744323 ✔️ -
Rose smyth 36284827 ✔️ -
Ruairidh Wasson 69637783 ✔️ -
Russell Howse 23823645 ✔️ -
Ryan Baker 59467933 ✔️ -
Ryan Cochran 32789595 ✔️ -
Ryan Hill 75558655 ✔️ -
Ryan Newberry 19142383 ✔️ -
Ryosuke Urase 47968999 ✔️ -
ryutaro Doi 12428974 ✔️ -
Sam Cornelis 89785583 ✔️ -
Sam Lau 68515754 ✔️ -
Sam Martinez 45424277 ✔️ -
Sam Sutherland 83313384 ✔️ ✔️
Sam Tsafalas 36218789 ✔️ -
Sammy Weckx 42931869 ✔️ -
Samuel Young 97389388 ✔️ -
Samuele Costantini 94712579 ✔️ -
Scott Mackenzie 52844566 ✔️ -
sean Burke 38669719 ✔️ -
Sean Knowelden 59467877 ✔️ -
SEAN STELL 66211216 ✔️ -
Sebastian Grøndal 37223951 - ✔️
Sebastian Kleiner 89743556 ✔️ -
Shahmir Samee 35844257 ✔️ -
Shane Tilbury 57529177 ✔️ -
Shawn Dhaliwal 69775991 ✔️ ✔️
Shing Tsang 82325829 - ✔️
shoma yamamura 57677931 - ✔️
Siméon Gruel 42881397 ✔️ -
simon diaz 12932511 ✔️ -
Simon Duruy 12825853 ✔️ -
Simon Flathmann 59841649 ✔️ -
Simon Nielsen 25334147 ✔️ -
Sophia Claire 92515135 ✔️ -
Soya Okuda 94132569 ✔️ -
Stefano Meoni 26275334 ✔️ -
Stephan Schwarz 95658358 ✔️ -
Steven Leyva 32569654 ✔️ -
steven lim 28271378 ✔️ -
Stew Fraser 34372791 ✔️ -
Suciu Andrei 93349871 ✔️ -
suk kyo suh 34717957 ✔️ -
Sylvain Poirree 96455764 ✔️ -
Szabolcs Egri 77465369 ✔️ -
Tanner Lee 14756481 ✔️ -
Taotao Chu 32841154 ✔️ -
Tatsuaki Tsuchida 21293598 ✔️ -
Taylor Crawford 21632979 ✔️ -
Taylor Morrow 79388755 ✔️ -
Taylor Nifong 49751674 ✔️ -
Tee Thebeau 97894393 ✔️ -
Thanthawat "Vespa" Chujitngamsuwong 97152172 ✔️ ✔️
theofanis neofotistos 62587336 ✔️ -
Thomas Bailey Galbraith 1426 ✔️ ✔️
Thomas Battaglia 68555563 ✔️ -
Thomas Dowling 43728151 ✔️ -
Thomas Harle 89773553 - ✔️
Thomas Johnson-Averette 91772166 ✔️ -
Thomas Juliano 14665967 ✔️ -
Thomas Mifsud 74215859 ✔️ -
Tiago Polónio 19627416 ✔️ -
Tiago Rodrigues 36537124 ✔️ -
Tilen Blazinšek 88836495 ✔️ -
Tim McCarthy 42684555 ✔️ -
Tom Escoffier 96689831 ✔️ -
Tom Malek 68778388 ✔️ -
Tom Simon 41657539 ✔️ -
Tom Tucek 84374156 ✔️ -
Tomasz Żelazko 48144483 - ✔️
Tommaso Fabbri 11285359 ✔️ -
Tommaso Viscido 43166493 ✔️ ✔️
Trent Nguyen 39418532 ✔️ -
Tsubasa Ueda 78871739 ✔️ -
Tuomas Kainulainen 44791464 ✔️ -
Tyler Bailey 87683972 ✔️ -
Tyson Au 29887912 ✔️ -
valentin mackl 28722421 - ✔️
Victor Mercado 24797713 - ✔️
Victor Reis 32571357 ✔️ -
Viet Pham 10028 ✔️ -
Ville Schalin 21938299 ✔️ -
Ville Teräväinen 25287696 ✔️ -
Vincent Lim 18269158 ✔️ -
Vincent Weinzierl 56924861 ✔️ -
Vinicius Toniazzo 47861586 ✔️ -
Vladislovas Kofyrinas 72611725 ✔️ -
Wesley Chandler 75917894 ✔️ -
Wesley Dong 76745837 ✔️ -
Will Rea 24368736 ✔️ -
William Bradshaw 59166293 ✔️ -
William Pearlman 16681151 ✔️ -
William Pistel 41457215 ✔️ -
Wyatt Schmitt 13556917 ✔️ -
Xavier McLean 10166 ✔️ -
Yannis Smith 37631378 ✔️ -
Yassine Echafai Tripiana 58442431 ✔️ -
Yi Jun Loh 26394525 ✔️ -
Yoshiki Mizutani 10308 ✔️ -
Yuanji Li 96371481 - ✔️
YuDi Chen 65127115 ✔️ -
Yuki Lee Bender 22253482 ✔️ -
Yuta Maruo 10149 ✔️ -
YUTO NIIDA 83874283 ✔️ -
Yuto Suzuki 86175914 ✔️ -
Zachary Cauchi 25749648 ✔️ -
Zachary Wallach 95989628 ✔️ -
Zack Phillips 75384753 ✔️ -
Zak Miller 65778155 ✔️ -
Zayne Johnson 68823878 ✔️ -
Zoe Morgan 86456124 ✔️ -
Αναστάσιος Παπαγιάννης 45664141 ✔️ -
松本 悠希 28597472 ✔️ -
賢 奥田 14244937 ✔️ -

Pro Tour London: PTI Redemptions

  • Redeeming a PTI (Professional Tournament Invitation) obtained from a previous event, such as a Battle Hardened or Calling.
    • Redeeming a PTI - PTIs can be redeemed by emailing with your name and GEM player ID. The player redeeming their PTI must send this email from the same email address registered to their GEM player account. PTI redemptions can be submitted up until Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:59 pm PDT. If the player does not attend the Pro Tour, their PTI will still be deemed to have been used.
    • Gifting a PTI - A player may also gift a PTI to another player by emailing with your name and GEM player ID number, and the name and GEM ID number of the recipient. The player gifting the PTI must send this email from the same email address registered to their GEM player account. PTI gifting requests can be submitted up until Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:59 pm PDT. Please note that a gifted PTI must be used by the recipient to play at Pro Tour: London. If the recipient does NOT attend Pro Tour: London, the PTI will cease to exist.
  • PTI redemptions for Pro Tour: London will be processed in January (Do not send multiple requests unless you wish to redeem multiple PTI's).
Player ID Name Invitation
86611621 Aaron Shantz ✔️
18227376 Adam Fronsee ✔️
12716642 Anton Cid Mejias ✔️
33161211 Ashkan Rashid-Sanaty ✔️
19621727 Barrett Goss ✔️
43618194 Bartosz Dominiak ✔️
42989356 Brian Hoffman ✔️
39697648 Brian Lorenz ✔️
79174636 Bun Ar ✔️
48899492 Chu Heng Eng ✔️
96722268 Connor Bryant ✔️
32184172 Daniel Correas ✔️
41745352 Daniel Dreisziger ✔️
42767595 Daniel Rutkowski ✔️
23145218 Didier Deurloo ✔️
28412627 Dyllon Dietz ✔️
52945497 Easton Douglas ✔️
81644971 Emad Kashy ✔️
48445694 Filip Mikołajczyk ✔️
89979887 Gabe Sher ✔️
43982357 Gary Gold ✔️
69942438 Gary White ✔️
71772324 George Chew ✔️
89547914 Gui Cohen ✔️
15774589 Jack Raven ✔️
95288145 Jacob Trossing ✔️
17798232 James Brookes ✔️
77617377 James Miller ✔️
72272419 Jared Contaldi ✔️
39645421 Jean Luka Zorko ✔️
95418691 John Kitsos ✔️
82517137 Jose Raúl Megías Iglesias ✔️
97419446 Jyry Soinio ✔️
64441531 Kamil Rejman ✔️
34631135 Karan Gill ✔️
96672814 Leonardo Paixão Viana ✔️
35986482 Lewis Foulkes ✔️
23324112 Liam Holden ✔️
45473733 Luke Magnuson ✔️
69327971 Maciej Chmielewski ✔️
96524117 Maciej Janik ✔️
78594864 Manuel Wachouschek ✔️
33631789 Marcus Brown ✔️
93745373 Mario Cioffi ✔️
32917365 Mark Henderson ✔️
13845158 Mark Morrison ✔️
72272885 Michael Clair ✔️
19293327 Mike Morelli ✔️
76713961 Niklas Bengtsson ✔️
12374294 Pablo Pintor ✔️
82996881 Paul van Gijssel ✔️
81492371 Rasmus Møller ✔️
84157788 Reese Toomre ✔️
99459891 Richard McMahon ✔️
75669387 Scott "HowlingMines" Mines ✔️
42538933 Sébastien Spilliaert ✔️
55364376 Tariq Patel ✔️
47449782 Taylor Gates ✔️
61695444 Thomas Preyer ✔️
68428885 Vulpe Razvan ✔️
97674677 William Bodo ✔️
63265999 Wiroon Juesathainrat ✔️
93957883 Yoshiaki Okamoto ✔️