Embrace the fires of war and join the Uprising in Sydney! One of three events happening in a landmark weekend, the Uprising World Premiere in Sydney is your opportunity to be one of the first players in the world to play with the brand new booster set, Uprising, a standalone product that plunges you into the heart of a civil war.

Rally your friends and join the battle in Sydney from June 10-12. The action begins with a massive sealed deck event on Friday, a Team Blitz Calling event on Saturday, with a Battle Hardened event on Sunday to round out this monumental occasion.
The Legendary Dragons of Volcor are descending upon World Premiere events with a Legendary Dragons of Volcor playmat exclusive to the Uprising World Premiere weekend, plus event-specific Legendary Dragons of Volcor Dragon Shield 100ct sleeves.
Quick Details:
Date: Friday, June 10th
Venue: Sydney Masonic Center, 66 Goulburn Street, Sydney, NSW 2000
- Friday - Uprising World Premiere event (Sealed Deck)
- 6x Sealed Deck Swiss rounds (no cut, no playoff)
- Saturday/Sunday - Calling (Team Blitz)
- Saturday: 7-9x Team Blitz Constructed Swiss rounds (Top 24, or X-2 cut)
- Sunday: 3-5x Team Blitz Constructed (Top 4 team cut)
- Top 4 - Single Elimination Team Blitz Constructed (untimed)
- Sunday - Battle Hardened
- 5-7x rounds Classic Constructed Swiss rounds (Top 8 cut)
- Top 8 - Single Elimination Classic Constructed (untimed)
Ticketing: eventbrite.com

World Premiere (Sydney) - Friday, June 10th
Be amongst the first in the world to try the very latest Flesh and Blood set: Uprising! Battle it out over six rounds of sealed deck. Will you choose to play as Dromai, the Imperial Illusionist; Fai, the hot-headed Ninja; or Iyslander, the mysterious ice Wizard? Summon forth the Dragons of Volcor, freeze your opponent in their tracks, or rise up against the oppression of the Imperials. It's all happening in Sydney at the Uprising World Premiere!
Date: Friday, June 10th
Format: Sealed Deck
Entry Fee: AU$60
Registration link: eventbrite.com
Eligibility: Open
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Casual
Every player will get an Extended Art Phoenix Flame promo card (Rainbow Foil) and a Helio's Mitre promo card (Rainbow Foil).
Pack War: The winner of each round will receive an extra Uprising booster pack, allowing players to win up to six (6) additional boosters in Pack Wars.
In addition, all players at 6-0 will receive one (1) Uprising booster box.
Calling: Sydney - Saturday, June 11th
The World Premiere events are a chance to bring the global community together for one fantastic weekend of Flesh and Blood Organised Play, and in the spirit of coming together the weekend will also feature the first ever Team Blitz Calling event! Grab your friends and battle it out over two days of fast and furious blitz action. These Calling events will each feature a USD20,000 prize pool, plus PTIs and a Golden Cold Foil Legendary prize card for each member of the top four teams.

Date: Saturday, June 11th - Sunday, June 12th
Format: Team Blitz Constructed
Entry Fee: AU$70
Registration link: eventbrite.com
Eligibility: Open
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Professional
Tournament Information:
Teams Registration:
- Each team member must purchase tickets individually for the Calling.
- To register on Saturday morning, all three (3) members must be present, then registered as a team.
- All three (3) decklists must be handed in at this time.
- The decklists will be stapled together and labeled clearly as A, B & C.
- Player A is loaded into GEM.
- Searching for “Player A” is how the team will search for Pairings and Standing throughout the event.
- The team then gets one (1) SET of three (3) promos to distribute among themselves.
Swiss Rounds:
- Swiss rounds are best-of-one.
- Swiss rounds are 30 + 5 minutes in duration. (30 + 5 means there are 5 minutes allocated for the start of game procedure. Players must have presented their deck and revealed their equipment and weapons within this 5 minute window. If both players complete the start of game procedure in less than 5 minutes, they may begin playing their match immediately.)
- The number of rounds of Swiss is determined by the number of players at the beginning of round 1.
Top 4:
- Top 4 playoffs are single elimination, best-of-one matches.
- Top 4 matches have no time limit. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace and Slow Play penalties will be enforced.
- For each Top 4 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or second.
- $20,000 cash prize pool, 12x Random Gold Foil Legendary drops, 3 each for Top 4 teams.
- While PTIs are available to the Top 4 Teams, there is no XP for this event.
Per Team (Total) | Per Player | Total Prize Pool | |
1st | US$7500 + 3 Random Gold Foil Legendary cards | US$2500 + PTI | US$7500 |
2nd | US$3000 + 3 Random Gold Foil Legendary cards | US$1000 + PTI | US$3000 |
3rd-4th | US$1500 + 3 Random Gold Foil Legendary cards | US$500 + PTI | US$3000 |
5th-8th | US$900 | US$300 | US$3600 |
9th-16th | US$450 | US$150 | US$3600 |
- Decks must be Blitz legal as defined by the Card Legality Policy.
- Each team member must play a different young hero
- Deck registration must be done using full English card names only and be clearly legible.
- The official Deck Registration Sheet is available here.
- Players may not change their registered deck during the tournament.
- Deck checks will be conducted by event staff throughout the tournament.
- It is the responsibility of each player to ensure there are no distinguishing marks or patterns on their cards or card sleeves for the duration of the tournament. Vendors will be onsite to purchase sleeves if required.
Battle Hardened: Sydney - Sunday, June 12th

Date: Sunday, June 12th
Format: Classic Constructed
Entry Fee: AU$60
Registration link: TBA
Eligibility: Open
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Competitive
Tournament Information:
Swiss Rounds:
- Swiss rounds are best-of-one.
- Swiss rounds are 50 + 5 minutes in duration. (50 + 5 means there are 5 minutes allocated for the start of game procedure. Players must have presented their deck and revealed their equipment and weapons within this 5 minute window. If both players complete the start of game procedure in less than 5 minutes, they may begin playing their match immediately.)
- The number of rounds of Swiss is determined by the number of players at the beginning of round 1.
Top 8:
- Top 8 playoffs are single elimination, best-of-one matches.
- Top 8 matches have no time limit. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace and Slow Play penalties will be enforced.
- For each Top 8 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or second.
1st | USD$500 + Random Drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat |
2nd | USD$500 + PTI + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat |
3rd-4th | USD$250 + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat |
5th-8th | USD$125 + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat |
- Decks must be Classic Constructed legal as defined by the Card Legality Policy.
- Deck registration must be done using full English card names only and be clearly legible.
- The official Deck Registration Sheet is available here.
- Players may not change their registered deck during the tournament.
- Deck checks will be conducted by event staff throughout the tournament.
- It is the responsibility of each player to ensure there are no distinguishing marks or patterns on their cards or card sleeves for the duration of the tournament. Vendors will be onsite to purchase sleeves if required.
Ticket Packages
Fabled Main Event Package: AU$200
- Entry into BOTH Uprising World Premiere and The Calling Main Event
- All Main Event Promos
- Extended Art Phoenix Flame promo card (Rainbow Foil)
- Helio's Mitre promo card (Rainbow Foil)
- Rare Foil Hero
- 1 set of Dominia Dragon Shield Sleeves
- Exclusive World Premiere Playmat
World Premiere AU$60.00
- Entry into the Uprising World Premiere
- Extended Art Phoenix Flame promo card
- Helio's Mitre promo card (Rainbow Foil)
Calling Sydney AU$70 per player
- Entry into the Calling Sydney Main Event
- Rare Foil Hero promo card
- Note: The Calling is a TEAM ENTRY.
- Teams must have 3 players to participate
- Each team member must purchase their own ticket.