Join the battle to become the 2022 country National Champion! Seize glory, fame, and your step on the path to greatness at the first World Championship in November.

Quick Details
Date: TBA
Venue: TBA
Format: Classic Constructed
Event Partner: Scry Games
Registration: TBA
Philippines National Championship - TBA
Date: TBA
Format: Classic Constructed
Entry Fee: TBA
Registration: TBA
Eligibility: Open-entry
Rules Enforcement Level (REL): Professional
Venue: TBA
Player Cap: 48
Swiss Rounds: 6
- Swiss rounds are best-of-one.
- Classic Constructed Swiss rounds are 50 + 5 minutes in duration. (50 + 5 means there are 5 minutes allocated for the start of game procedure. Players must have presented their deck and revealed their equipment and weapons within this 5-minute window. If both players complete the start of game procedure in less than 5 minutes, they may begin playing their match immediately.)
- Top 8 playoffs are single elimination, best-of-one matches.
- Top 8 matches have no time limit. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace and Slow Play penalties will be enforced.
- For each Top 8 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or second.
- Decks must be legal as defined by the Card Legality Policy.
- Deck registration must be done using full English card names only and be clearly legible.
- The official Classic Constructed Deck Registration Sheet is available here.
- Players may not change their registered deck during the tournament.
- Deck checks will be conducted by event staff throughout the tournament.
- It is the responsibility of each player to ensure there are no distinguishing marks or patterns on their cards or card sleeves for the duration of the tournament. Vendors will be onsite selling sleeves if required.
Champion | USD$500 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI |
Finalist | USD$500 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI |
3rd-4th | USD$250 |
5th-8th | USD$125 |
Total | USD$2,000.00 |