LIVE COVERAGE: Check out the action live on the Fayble YouTube Channel all weekend long!

The Calling series is coming to Asia for the first time! All eyes turn to Taiwan in April as players compete for the prestigious title of Calling Champion.
Legend Story Studios (LSS) and Fayble are proud to announce that the Calling: Taiwan will showcase the Classic Constructed format, featuring cards from the brand new Everfest set. LSS and Fayble are proud to offer players a full slate of high profile events as part of the first ever Calling weekend in Asia.
Legend Story Studios (LSS)與飛博很榮幸為大家帶來經典構築賽制的「英雄召集令:台灣」,牌池也包含了最新系列 Everfest 在內。LSS和飛博精心為玩家規劃一系列備受矚目的賽事活動,為亞洲首次「英雄召集令」大賽添色。
The Calling: Taiwan will have the newly upgraded cash prize pool on top of the other incredible prizes up for grabs, with USD20,000 of Cash Prizes, Professional Tournament Invitations, and Golden Cold Foil Legendary prize cards!
「英雄召集令:台灣」將擁有全新升級的獎品規格,除了總獎金高達 20,000 美金,還有職業錦標賽邀請函(PTI)和金箔傳奇卡!
For players located in Taiwan, this is your chance to make your mark on the Classic Constructed metagame. With the event scheduled to be one of the first Classic Constructed Premier Organised Play events after the release of Everfest, it provides a great opportunity for players to demonstrate their deckbuilding prowess and innovation to a global audience.
對於台灣玩家來說,這將是您在經典構築主流賽事中名留青史的絕佳機會。這場大賽將是 Everfest 發售後的首波經典構築頂級賽事的其中一場,玩家們請把握機會,向全球玩家展示您精湛的套牌構築技巧和嶄新的構築概念!
The carnival is coming and the Calling is the best show in town. Who will rise to the occasion and be the star of the show? There’s only one way to find out!

Date: Saturday 23 April - Sunday 24 April
Format (Main Event): Classic Constructed
Entry Fee (Main Event): NTD1400
Venue: No. 60, Tianbao St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City (Taichung World Trade Center 3rd Floor)
日期:2022/4/22~2022/4/24 週五至週日
會場資訊:台中世貿展覽中心三樓 (台中市西屯區天保街60號)
Saturday 23 April - Sunday 24 April 2022: The Calling Main Event - Classic Constructed

Put your deck building and playing skills to the test as players compete to etch their name into the history books! Who will rise to the occasion and claim the first ever Calling title in Asia? Glory, cash and special prizes await!
This is a Professional-level, open-entry tournament (no invitation or qualification is required, anyone can play!)
Date: Saturday 23 April - Sunday 24 April
Format (Main Event): Classic Constructed
Entry Fee (Main Event): NTD1400
Venue: No. 60, Tianbao St., Xitun Dist., Taichung City (Taichung World Trade Center 3rd Floor)
- Day 1: 7x Swiss Rounds → Cut to Top 48 or all X-2 and better records (whichever is greater)
- Day 2: 4x Swiss Rounds → Cut to Top 8 → Top 8 playoff.
日期:2022/4/23~2022/4/24 週五至週日
會場資訊:台中世貿展覽中心三樓 (台中市西屯區天保街60號)
- Day 1:瑞士制7輪預賽→取 前48名 或 兩敗以下玩家 (兩者取其高)
- Day 2:瑞士制4輪預賽→取前8名玩家→ 八強賽
Swiss rounds are best of one and will be 50 + 5 minutes in duration.
There will be a cut to the Top 48 players (or to all players with records X-2 or better, whichever is higher) at the conclusion of the final Swiss round on Day 1. These players from Day 1 will move on to Day 2 to compete for the glory and title of Calling Champion!
The format of Day 2 will be Classic Constructed
There will be a cut to Top 8 at the conclusion of the Swiss rounds on Day 2.
- Top 8 matches are best of one. Top 8 matches have no time limit. Players are still expected to play at a reasonable pace and Slow Play penalties will be enforced.
- For each Top 8 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or second.
Participants will receive a ‘Calling’ exclusive Pulse of Volthaven playmat!
第 2 天的賽制仍是經典構築賽。
在第 2 天的瑞士制預賽結束時,將取前 8 名進行八強賽。
- 八強賽採BO1單淘汰制,每一局沒有時間限制。希望玩家仍應以合理的速度進行比賽,惡意拖延比賽時間依然會被判罰。
- 八強對局中,由瑞士制預賽積分較高者選擇先手或後手。
參賽者將獲得「英雄召集令」特製—Pulse of Volthaven桌布!
Champion | USD7000 + Golden Cold Foil Extended Art Fyendal's Spring Tunic + Professional Tournament Invite (PTI) | 7000美金 + 金箔擴圖閃卡Fyendal's Spring Tunic + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) |
Finalist | USD3000 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI | 3000美金 + 隨機金箔傳奇卡 + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) |
3rd - 4th | USD1000 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI | 1000美金 + 隨機金箔傳奇卡 + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) |
5th - 8th | USD800 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI | 800美金 + 隨機金箔傳奇卡 + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) |
9th - 32nd | USD200 | 200美金 |
The path to the biggest stage in Flesh and Blood TCG Organized Play begins with a Professional Tournament Invitation, and one of the best places to secure these prize assets is Battle Hardened. Prize tickets are up for grabs, as well as exclusive Battle Hardened series playmats to the Top 8, a Golden Cold Foil Legendary to the Champion, and coveted Professional Tournament Invites (PTIs) to both the winner and runner-up. You read that correctly, there is not one but two PTIs on offer at Battle Hardened!
PTIs can be used to enter any Professional level tournament (including Pro Tours and the World Championship) and do not expire, whereas invitations from the in-store ProQuest series are only valid for their associated Pro Tour event.
通往FAB系列賽事最高舞台的門票,來自於職業錦標賽邀請資格(PTI)。而取得這些資格的最佳方法之一便是 Battle Hardened。獎項包括八強玩家獨有的 Battle Hardened 紀念桌布,冠軍還能獲得金箔傳奇卡,而冠軍及亞軍都能獲得令人垂涎的專業錦標賽邀請資格(PTI)。您沒看錯,Battle Hardened 一次就提供了兩個 PTI ! PTI 可用於參加任何專業級別的錦標賽(包括專業巡迴賽和世界錦標賽)並且永久有效,而由店家舉辦所獲得的專業賽邀請資格僅適用於對應的專業賽。

Friday 22 April 2022: Battle Hardened (Classic Constructed)
Entry Fee: NTD1100 or see the amazing event packages up for grabs!
Registration: Available on-site.
Format: Classic Constructed
Additional details:
- Deck lists will be required for this event.
- Swiss rounds are best of one and will be 50 minutes in duration
Shop host: 鬥樂 GEM ID 74848239
Venue: 4F., No. 9, Zunxian St., North Dist., Taichung City 404009 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Date: Friday 22nd of April
Time: 13:00
Entry fee: 1100 NTD
Cap: 64 players
Format: Classic Constructed
比賽時間:4月22日 星期五 13:00
Up to 64 Players:
- 6 Swiss rounds of Classic Constructed (followed by cut to Top 8)
64+ Players:
- 7 Swiss rounds of Classic Constructed (followed by cut to Top 8)
Top 8 playoff
- Top 8 playoff matches will have no time limit. (Players are still expected to play at a normal pace and complete playoff matches in a reasonable amount of time.)
- In the Top 8, the player that finished higher in the Standings during the Swiss rounds chooses either to play first or second.
64 位玩家以下:
- 至多6 輪瑞士制, 經典構築 (隨後取TOP8晉級八強賽)
64+ 位玩家以上:
- 至多7 輪瑞士制, 經典構築 (隨後取TOP8晉級八強賽)
- 八強對局無時間限制。希望玩家仍應以合理的速度進行比賽,惡意拖延比賽時間依然會被判罰。
- 八強對局中,由瑞士制預賽積分較高者選擇先手或後手。
1st | USD500 + Random Drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 500美金 + 隨機金箔傳奇卡 + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
2nd | USD500 + PTI + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 500美金 + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
3rd-4th | USD250 + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 250美金 + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
5th-8th | USD125 + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 125美金 + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
Sunday 24 April 2022: Battle Hardened (Blitz Constructed)
Entry Fee: NTD1100 or see the amazing event packages up for grabs!
Registration: Available on-site.
Format: Blitz Constructed
Additional details:
- Deck lists will be required for this event.
- Swiss rounds are best of one and will be 30 minutes in duration
報名費(Battle Hardened):新台幣1100元
- 此活動需準備套牌構築表
- 採BO1瑞士制,每局30分鐘。
Up to 152 Players:
- 10 Swiss rounds of Blitz Constructed (followed by cut to Top 8)
153+ Players:
- 11 Swiss rounds of Blitz Constructed (followed by cut to Top 8)
Top 8 playoff
- Top 8 playoff matches will have no time limit. (Players are still expected to play at a normal pace and complete playoff matches in a reasonable amount of time.)
- In the Top 8, the player that finished higher in the Standings during the Swiss rounds chooses either to play first or second.
152 位玩家以下:
- 至多10 輪瑞士制,閃擊構築賽(隨後取TOP8晉級八強賽)
153 位玩家以上:
- 至多11 輪瑞士制,閃擊構築賽(隨後取TOP8晉級八強賽)
- 八強對局無時間限制。希望玩家仍應以合理的速度進行比賽,惡意拖延比賽時間依然會被判罰。
- 八強對局中,由瑞士制預賽積分較高者選擇先手或後手。
1st | USD500 + Random Drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 500美金 + 隨機金箔傳奇卡 + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
2nd | USD500 + PTI + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 500美金 + PTI(職業錦標賽邀請資格) + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
3rd-4th | USD250 + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 250美金 + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
5th-8th | USD125 + Battle Hardened Series Exclusive Playmat | 125美金 + Battle Hardened 八強紀念桌布 |
Friday 22 April 2022 - Super Skirmish!

Start off an amazing weekend of great games by heading down to one of the two amazing Local Game Stores running a Skirmish event in Taichung! This event is the perfect opportunity to test out your updated Blitz lists and win some awesome Skirmish prizes.
This is an open-entry tournament (no invitation or qualification is required, anyone can play!)
More details will be announced in the coming weeks regarding these events.
Participating Stores: TBC
Start Time: TBC
Entry Fee: TBC
Registration: TBC
Format: Blitz Constructed