All eyes turn to Dallas as ‘The Calling’ tournament series makes its second stop on the US tour!
Legend Story Studios (LSS) and ChannelFireball are proud to announce that the first Tales of Aria Limited Calling event will be held in Dallas, and feature both Kingdoms (First Edition) Sealed Deck and Kingdoms (First Edition) Draft. LSS and ChannelFireball have been working hard to offer players a full weekend of high profile events as part of The Calling Weekend in the Lone Star State.
The Calling Weekend will showcase Tales of Aria Sealed, Tales of Aria Draft and Classic Constructed as the featured gameplay formats, while also offering $10,000 of Cash Prizes, Professional Tournament Invitations, and Golden Cold Foil Legendary prize cards!
You have heard the call - how will you respond?
‘Calling’ Weekend - Dallas
Date: Friday 15th October - Sunday 17th October
Venue: Fort Worth Convention Center
Registration: https://fabevents.gg
Friday 15th October 2021 - Side Event Spectacular
Operated & hosted by ChannelFireball
Entry Fee: USD20 - USD30, or check out the amazing package deals on offer!
Registration: https://fabevents.gg
ChannelFireball has organized an incredible slate of awesome side events, with the action kicking off on Friday. Whether your goal is casual gameplay with a chance to catch up with members of the FAB community, winning great prizes to help fill out your collection, or simply to practice for the Main Event the next day, ChannelFireball has you covered.
Full details of side events to be announced, but be sure to sign up for the newsletter here https://fabevents.gg in the meantime to get an idea of what will be on offer.
Saturday 16th October - Sunday 17th October 2021: The Calling Main Event - Tales of Aria (1st Edition) Sealed and Draft
Operated and hosted by ChannelFireball

Put your Sealed Deck skills to the test as players compete to etch their name into the history books. Who will rise to the occasion and claim the trophy as well as the title of Calling Champion? Glory and incredible amounts of cash and special prizes await!
This is a professional level open entry tournament (no invitation or qualification is required, anyone can play!)
All participants will receive a Tales of Aria season ‘Calling’ exclusive playmat.
Entry Fee: USD50, or see the amazing event packages up for grabs!
Registration: https://fabevents.gg
Format: Tales of Aria (First Edition) Sealed Deck
Rounds (Swiss Sealed):
- Day One: 7 Swiss rounds of Sealed Deck (followed by cut to Top 64)
1x Tales of Aria Draft - 3 rounds/draft (followed by cut to Top 32)
- Day Two: 1x Tales of Aria Draft - 3 rounds/draft (followed by cut to Top 8)
1x Tales of Aria Draft - Top 8 playoff (single elimination)
Swiss rounds are best of one and will be 30 + 5 minutes in duration.
There will be a cut to the Top 64 players at the conclusion of Round 7. The Top 64 players at the conclusion of the Sealed portion will move on to Draft #1, after which there will be a cut to Top 32. The Top 32 will move on to Day 2 to compete for the glory and title of Calling Champion! The format of Day 2 will be Tales of Aria Draft.
There will be a cut to Top 8 at the conclusion of Draft #2 on Day 2.
- Top 8 matches are best of one. Top 8 matches have no time limit. Players are still expected to play at a reasonable pace and Slow Play penalties will be enforced.
- For each Top 8 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or secon
Champion | $1200 + Golden Cold Foil Extended Art Fyendal's Spring Tunic + Professional Tournament Invite (PTI) | |
Finalist | $1000 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI | |
3rd - 4th | $700 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI | |
5th - 8th | $400 + Random drop Gold Cold Foil Legendary + PTI | |
9th - 32nd | $200 |
Sunday 17th October 2021 - ProQuest (Classic Constructed)
Operated & hosted by ChannelFireball

The path to the biggest stage in Flesh and Blood TCG Organized Play begins with ProQuest! Booster prizes are up for grabs, as well as Cold Foil Heroes to the Top 8 and a Golden Cold Foil Legendary and coveted Professional Tournament Invite to the winner. Whether it's Light or Shadow, swords or axes, arcane or physical, angels or demons, or fantastical illusions to deceive your opponents, bring your mastery of the old Heroes or the Talented new kids on the block to the forefront of tournament play.
This is an open-entry tournament (no invitation or qualification is required, anyone can play)
Registration (coming soon!): https://fabevents.gg
Format: Classic Constructed - Swiss rounds with a cut to a Top 8.
The number of Swiss rounds to be played will be based on attendance as outlined below. Swiss rounds are best of one and will be 50 + 5 minutes in duration.
The Top 8 players after swiss rounds will advance to the Top 8 single-elimination playoffs. The format of the Top 8 will be Classic Constructed
- Top 8 matches are best of one. Top 8 matches have no time limit. Players are expected to play at a reasonable pace. Slow play penalties will be enforced.
- For each Top 8 match, the player that finished higher in the Swiss portion of the event chooses to play first or second.
Champion | Golden Cold Foil Arcanite Skullcap + Cold Foil Adult Hero + Professional Tournament Invite (PTI) | |
2nd - 8th | Cold Foil Adult Hero + TBC | |
Cold Foil Adult Heroes will be ‘drafted’ by players based on standings at the end of the Swiss portion of the event.
Further prizes for Pro Quest will be based on attendance and announced closer to the date or at the tournament.