Top 8 Profiles

TCAkl 2020 01

From left to right: Luke Fletcher, Hafiz Hamidon, Nick Butcher, Jasin Long, Mark Tung, Kieran McEntegart
Jacob Pearson (front), Sasha Markovic (front).

Sasha Markovic

Age: 26
Occupation: Software Engineer / Exotic Dancer
Hometown: Wollongong

What did you play and why?
Ninja Drone control, because Brendan Patrick and I spent way too much time testing it without fail against the Road to Auckland metagame.

What is your MVP card this tournament?

What surprised you the most this tournament?
Making 8th on tie-breakers

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
Shooting some arrows and other non-melee related actions

Kieran McEntegart

Age: 29
Occupation: Student
Hometown: Auckland

What did you play and why?
Ninja - played it from the start and Kodachi's are broken.

What is your MVP card this tournament?
Enlightened Strike

What surprised you the most this tournament?
Sasha's ninja control deck.

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
New heroes and a new meta. Shout out to PFF!

Nick Butcher

Age: 25
Occupation: Independent Contractor
Hometown: Sydney

What did you play and why?
Dorinthea, she's got very strong attacking options and using the tunic counters to use shunt is so strong defensively.

What is your MVP card this tournament?
Sigil of Solace red.

What surprised you the most this tournament?
Didn't play a mirror match, unfortunately.

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
Events in Sydney, hopefully.

Luke Fletcher

Age: 23
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Hometown: Melbourne

What did you play and why?
Dorinthea, because I had the deck in foil.

What is your MVP card this tournament?
Enlightened Strike

What surprised you the most this tournament?
No Brute in top cut.

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
More competitive play in Melbourne/Australia

Hafiz Hamidon

Age: 30
Occupation: Consultant
Hometown: Malaysia

What did you play and why?
Dorinthea Ironsong because I started Flesh and Blood with her.

What is your MVP card this tournament?
Steelblade Shunt

What surprised you the most this tournament?
Super defensive Ninja blocking all my damage

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
Some new mechanics and cool looking heroes!

Jacob Pearson

Age: 20
Occupation: Systems Analyst
Hometown: Papakura

What did you play and why?
Guardian, been playing for a very short time, it was the only class I had enough matchup exp with.

What is your MVP card this tournament?
Disable blue

What surprised you the most this tournament?
The enthusiasm of all the players

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
The incoming diversity to the metagame and the challenge it represents.

Jasin Long

Age: 29
Occupation: Engineer
Hometown: Wellington

What did you play and why?
Ninja, it does the most powerful things in the game.

What is your MVP card this tournament?
Razor Reflex

What surprised you the most this tournament?
The defense mindset of everyone else.

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
Direct Damage.

Mark Tung

Age: 38
Occupation: Cerberus Games
Hometown: Wellington

What did you play and why?
I enjoy the Ninja playstyle. Go wide!

What is your MVP card this tournament?

What surprised you the most this tournament?
Defensive Ninja looks really fun

What are you most looking forward to in Arcane Rising?
New classes.