Road to Auckland $10k

On the 8th of February, our first professional level constructed event comes to Auckland - but there's no need to wait to get a taste of the constructed format. The Road to Auckland $10k events will give you a chance to tune your constructed decks and win some fantastic prizes at selected stores in New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia.

For each Road to Auckland event outside of Auckland, the winner will receive two nights free accommodation in Auckland for the event. Auckland events will receive additional product prize support from Legend Story Studios for each event in lieu of accommodation.

The top player in each class at the end of swiss rounds will take home a People's Champion playmat, and for the very first time, a Cold Foil adult Hero card of the hero they played!

For those of you who are wondering where the events are for your region, never fear, as we have big plans for Organized Play everywhere in 2020!


Classic Constructed
Round time: 50 mins

Prize Structure

The prizes other than the free accommodation is unique to each event and is therefore under the discretion of the store owner.