Wild Cards

Felsenstrasse 6, 8570 Weinfelden, Switzerland

Ph: +41 71 622 11 10Email: info@wild-cards.ch

Armory day: Friday


Wild-Cards ist dein Lokaler Sammelkarten Shop in der Schweiz. Bei uns findest du TCG wie Flesh and Blood, Magic the Gathering, Pokémon und Yu-Gi-Oh!

Upcoming Tournaments

The Hunted Pre-release

Fri 24th Jan, 7 PM Sealed Deck

Felsenstrasse 6, 8570 Weinfelden, Switzerland

Entry Fee: CHF 40.- 

4 Swiss Rounds 

8 Packs per Person to build Sealed Deck, two Booster per Person in Pricepool.

- 58 - days away

Skirmish Season 11

Sat 22nd Mar, 11 AM Living Legend

Felsenstrasse 6, 8570 Weinfelden, Switzerland