Void Games

Brierley Business Centre, 33 Mirion St, Crewe CW1 2AZ, UK

Ph: 07890529041Email: bigbosstp010@gmail.com

Upcoming Tournaments

- 9 - days away

Armory Event

Wed 2nd Oct, 6 PM Blitz

Unit 8 Brierley Business Centre

Part 3 of our 4 part FAB League, this time it's back to BLITZ

Entry is £3.00 including the Armory kit and entry will go into the end of league prize pool. Registration starts at 6pm for a 6.30pm start. 

- 16 - days away

Social Play Event

Wed 9th Oct, 6 PM Ultimate Pit Fight

Unit 8 Brierley Business Centre

Void Games UPF night returns, jump into the pit and see who is the last man standing. 

Entry is £3.00 including entry promos and additional prizing. 

Registration starts at 6pm for a 6.30pm start

- 26 - days away

Pro Quest Europe

Sat 19th Oct, 11 AM Classic Constructed

Brierley Business Centre, 33 Mirion St, Crewe CW1 2AZ, UK

Void Games is very proud to host it's first Pro Quest Event. This will be using the Classic Constructed format, the rules for this format can be found below:

Flesh and Blood: Classic Constructed (fabtcg.com)

Entry will be £15.00 which will include two booster packs for entry, plus an entry promo from the Pro Quest kit. Top 8 will get an additional entry promo an additional rainbow foil promo. The winner will be awarded a Playmat, a random Gold Cold Foil and a Professional Tournament Invite for the following Pro Tour. There will also be another playmat given to second place and other promos given out in random draws following the top 8 cut. 

Registration will begin at 11am for an 11.30am start. There will be 5 rounds of Swiss followed by a Top 8 cut. 

Deck lists will be required, please provide these using the deck registration forms available at the below web link; 

fab_deck_resgistration_sheet_3 (dhhim4ltzu1pj.cloudfront.net)

This event will be capped at 20 players due to the size of the venue, If you're interested in taking part, please use the following web link; 

VOID GAMES PQ | Go Again Gaming

Hope to see you there. 

1. Liam Blakeman  
2. Tony Blakeman  
3. Ethan Cull 
4. Andrew Mason  
5. Ash Sanaty
6. Callum Elcock
7. Jason Hodgkinson
8. Rob Catton
9. Matthew Whewell
10. Emel Walsh
11. Paul Carr
12. Joe Fletcher
13. Liam Holden
14. Scott Mines
15. Jordan Swales
16. Paul Wright
17. Liam Canning
18. James Brookes
19. Cody Hodkinson
20. Cody Hodkinson

- 30 - days away

Armory Event

Wed 23rd Oct, 6 PM Commoner

Unit 8 Brierley Business Centre

Part 4 of our 4 part FAB League, the final event will be using the COMMONER format 

Entry is £3.00 including the Armory kit and entry will go into the end of league Prize pool which will be drawn at the end of the event. 

Registration starts at 6pm for a 6.30pm start.