TC Sports Cards

9479 E Riley St, Zeeland, MI 49464, USA

Ph: 6162391415Email:

Armory day: Monday


We are a brick & mortar retail store. We carry a wide variety of trading cards, including sports cards, Flesh and Blood, and other TCGs.

Join our Discord server to see our Event Schedule:

Upcoming Tournaments

- 15 - days away

The Hunted Pre-release

Mon 27th Jan, 6 PM Sealed Deck

9479 E Riley St, Zeeland, MI 49464, USA

Entry Fee - Two Choices

$30.80 for 8 packs plus one Promo Pack

$38.50 for 8 packs plus one Promo Pack plus 2 prize packs

(Cost per pack $3.85, up from prevoius sets of $3.50, due to increase in Booster Box MSRP)