Inn Games

16 Clarence St, Moss Vale NSW 2577, Australia

Ph: (02) 4862 5032Email:

Upcoming Tournaments

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Pro Quest Europe

Sat 5th Oct, 12 PM Booster Draft Event Link

16 Clarence St, Moss Vale NSW 2577, Australia

Inn Games is running Pro Quest Europe, 

come in and join in on the Booster Draft Rosetta event, 


Decks must be exactly 30 cards. No more, no less.

Each player starts with a Sanctuary of Aria in the arena.

35 minutes per round, first to 1

1 young hero card from the set

Any amount of each unique card

Booster Draft Swiss rounds will be 35 minutes each.

we allow 60 minutes for to complete each draft, including
15 minutes for draft deck registration and 15 minutes for draft deck
Each player is given 3 booster packs to draft, and then the drafting begins.

Are decklists required?
Yes! Decklists are mandatory for these events, you can find the Deck Registration Sheets here.