Hobbits Land

Praceta Bartolomeu Dias, 2765 Estoril, Portugal

Ph: +351 21 825 2178Email: hobbits.land@hotmail.com


Hobbit's Land is a store with 10+ years of experience in Trading Card Games and Boardgames. With a huge focus on community driven events, it takes pride to have a little bit of everything, for everyone.

Upcoming Tournaments

- 6 - days away

Armory Event

Wed 25th Sep, 8:30 PM Blitz Event Link

Praceta Bartolomeu Dias, 2765 Estoril, Portugal

A névoa em Misteria está a pousar e o nosso caminho segue para Aria. Vamos descobrir esta região de Rathe com o novo set Roseta. Preparem-se para os Wizards e Runeblades que vão mostrar o poder de Earth e Lightning.

Junte,-se para dominar os elementos!

Valor de entrada: 2 recursos / 6 recursos (1 booster de participação)
Recebem: Armory promos


The mist in Misteria is landing and our path heads towards Aria. Let's discover this region of Rathe with the new Rosette set. Get ready for Wizards and Runeblades that will showcase the power of Earth and Lightning.

Join, come together to master the elements!

Entry fee: 2 resources / 6 resources (1 participation booster)
Receive: Armory promos