Tv. Barão do Triunfo - Marco, Belém - PA, Brazil
Ph: 91981270165 (Rainero)Email: exp.pedidos@gmail.com
Loja EXP CARD STORE localizada Travessa Barão do Triunfo, 3540A, sala 1603, Marco, Belém, PA, Brazil ED. Infinity Corporate.
Trabalhamos com card games e boardgames.
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Upcoming Tournaments
Armory Event
Tue 17th Dec, 7 PM Classic Constructed Event Link
Tv. Barão do Triunfo, 3540 - Marco, Belém - PA, 66095-055, Brazil
Armory Event
Tue 24th Dec, 7 PM Classic Constructed Event Link
Tv. Barão do Triunfo, 3540 - Marco, Belém - PA, 66095-055, Brazil
Armory Event
Tue 31st Dec, 7 PM Classic Constructed Event Link
Tv. Barão do Triunfo, 3540 - Marco, Belém - PA, 66095-055, Brazil
Road to Nationals 2025- Classic Constructed
Sat 22nd Feb, 2 PM Classic Constructed Event Link
Tv. Barão do Triunfo, 3540 - Marco, Belém - PA, 66095-055, Brazil
Aguardem maiores informações.
Skirmish Season 10
Sat 14th Dec, 3 AM Blitz Event Link
Tv. Barão do Triunfo - Marco, Belém - PA, Brazil
The Hunted Pre-release
Sat 1st Feb, 3 PM Sealed Deck Event Link
Tv. Barão do Triunfo, 3540 - Marco, Belém - PA, 66095-055, Brazil
Fiquem ligados em maiores informações