Dogpatch Games

1095 Tennessee St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

Ph: +1 415-610-8590

Armory day: Thursday

Upcoming Tournaments

- 45 - days away

Armory Event

Sun 26th Jan, 2 PM Sealed Deck

1095 Tennessee St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

Every closed door harbors a menacing secret, skittering through the darkness, darting in and out of view, knives glinting in the dead of night. A web of danger lies in wait for the approaching Draconic forces. The Hunted features heroes across Ninja, Warrior, and Assassin classes, exceptional Sealed Deck and Booster Draft play with lots and lots of stabbing, and a collection of breathtaking Marvels unlike anything you've ever seen!

- 36 - days away

Armory Event

Fri 17th Jan, 6:30 PM Classic Constructed

1095 Tennessee St, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA

3 round swiss classic constructed tournament. 1 pack per win prize support.


Entry Fee:

$15 for non-members

$5 for members