Blacklist Cards and Collectables
4 Prime St, Thomastown VIC 3074, Australia
Upcoming Tournaments
Armory Event
Sat 14th Dec, 3 PM Classic Constructed
4 Prime St, Thomastown VIC 3074, Australia
$15 Format: Classic Constructed
All players of any experience welcome, come learn to play as well as compete for some great promotional prizes. Winners receieve additional prizing.
The Hunted Pre-release
Sun 26th Jan, 12 PM Sealed Deck
4 Prime St, Thomastown VIC 3074, Australia
Armory Event
Sat 28th Dec, 3 PM Classic Constructed
4 Prime St, Thomastown VIC 3074, Australia
$15 Format: Classic Constructed
All players of any experience welcome, come learn to play as well as compete for some great promotional prizes. Winners receieve additional prizing.
Armory Event
Sat 21st Dec, 3 PM Classic Constructed
4 Prime St, Thomastown VIC 3074, Australia
$15 Format: Classic Constructed
All players of any experience welcome, come learn to play as well as compete for some great promotional prizes. Winners receieve additional prizing.