
Rotwood Harbinger

Creatures of Candlehold, have you heard the news? Death comes to us all, in the end.

They call me the Harbinger, a blight or a blessing, depending on the season. One who walks among the withered and the fallen to remind our reposed Rosetta of the truth.

Those who dwell in the endless summer fear mortality. They fear rot and ruin.

But what is fear to those who cling to a false paradise where life stagnates?

You, dear creatures, understand that life and death are two sides of the same leaf, each giving way to the other. The decay that some Rosetta dread is not an end, but a return to the earth, rich with the promise of renewal.

There is beauty in every wilted petal, poetry in every fallen branch. Here, the real stories are told. The trees whisper of battles fought, lives lived, and echoes in the hollow wood tell the tale.

Let them bask in their illusion of eternal summer. We know the power of the soil beneath us. Fear not the rot, for it is the prelude to rebirth. As long as the leaves fall and the roots drink deep, there will always be a place for those who seek the true face of nature.

Welcome to the Rotwood. May your ending nurture another’s beginning.

Hero Highlights

Germination Ritual

Decompose the remains of the fallen to nourish the blossoms of tomorrow. Use decompose cards to reach Florian’s hero ability threshold, then reap the harvest as your Runechant and Embodiment of Earth aura tokens bloom aplenty.

Cycle of Life

Death is a necessary arc of the cycle of life. Florian understands this well and uses it to his advantage with effects that sacrifice his own auras as part of the process of creation.

Sword and Sorcery

As a Runeblade, Florian is a hybrid fighter, wielding both magic and melee in equal measure. Runeblades can attack from multiple angles, preying on the opponent's vulnerabilities with split damage types.

Gloom and Bloom

Florian, Rotwood Harbinger

It is with heavy shoulders that Florian accepts his role. While many gaze at him with judging eyes for sowing decay, he plays an important part in the eternal cycle. For there cannot be life without death…

Florian, Rotwood Harbinger

It is with heavy shoulders that Florian accepts his role. While many gaze at him with judging eyes for sowing decay, he plays an important part in the eternal cycle. For there cannot be life without death…


Fallen are the fields… from which the future grows.


Fallen are the fields… from which the future grows.

Rotwood Reaper

Wilted leaves… signs of the creeping Rotwood.


From the earth we are born, and to the earth we must return. Prepare the soil so it may nurture new life.

Cadaverous Tilling

Decaying remnants of a lost age lie dormant, waiting to fuel the future. Harness spent cards in your graveyard to unlock fresh possibilities.

Arcane Cussing

Runeblades are masters of verbal incantation, twisting tormented screams into powerful spells. Do not let them silence your sacrifice.

Arcane Seeds||Life

Once you have fulfilled the necessary requirements, nature is yours to command. Each separate seed sowed blooms twice as strong.

Embodiment of Earth

Channel the earth itself, creating a hardened carapace to protect you while you bring your plans to fruition


Arcane tremors felt deep within the Deadwood.