
Ledger of Ancestry

Under the light of the moon, her gaze fixed upon the ethereal horizon, Enigma assumes her timeless vigil. Braziers are lit, the sacred circle illuminated in preparation for transcendence into the cosmos.

The latest incarnation of the Ledger of Ancestry, trained by The School of the Moon, Enigma is duty-bound to guide wayward spirits back into the formless, eternally present embrace of the Cosmic Chi.

Reborn for this purpose alone, she embodies the verses and lessons of the deceased Master Kouki, drawing upon his instruction and ancestral wisdom as she maintains the astral balance.

From the limestone ramparts of the Immortal Lunar Temple, Enigma watches over Misteria with an unassuming dedication, her only companion a spectral scroll imbued with the essence of ancestry.

In service to Misteria, Enigma and Cosmo take to the mist-shrouded villages, quietly attending to the pleas of concerned mortals seeking relief from ghostly aberrations. With nuanced gestures and gentle incantations, Enigma escorts the spirits back, her actions graceful yet precise.

Her role is decided and devotedly she will fulfill it, even as a fragmented memory from her past threatens to distract her from following her true path.

Hero Highlights

Moonlight Made Manifest

Should your eyes catch the angle of a moonbeam just right, you might be lucky enough to glimpse your demise before it comes for you. Enigma’s reverence for the past gives rise to powerful beings in the present, all ready to spend their existence either protecting Enigma or attacking on her behalf.

Phases of her Plan

Enigma knows the flow of a battle will wax and wane. Sometimes Enigma will look to protect her manifestations via her own defenses, other times she will let the spirts ward off the harm that would befall her, and instead spend her resources on building her warding army once more.

Embrace Tradition

Enigma, Ledger of Ancestry

Protector of the delicate thread that intertwines dreams and reality, Enigma is an ever-changing mystery like the waxing and waning moon.