United States National Championship Round 11 Standings
Rank | Player | Wins |
1 | Evan Herndon | 10 |
2 | Holden Isaacs | 10 |
3 | Charles Dunn | 10 |
4 | Lucas Oswald | 10 |
5 | Michael Hamilton | 9 |
6 | Michael Feng | 9 |
7 | Robin Avenoso | 9 |
8 | Benjamin Hebert | 9 |
9 | Craig Krempels | 9 |
10 | Matt Kohls | 9 |
11 | Tony Mapelli | 9 |
12 | Alan Hoang | 9 |
13 | Lucas Molho | 9 |
14 | Kyle Femmer | 9 |
15 | Pheano Black | 9 |
16 | Daniel Rutkowski | 9 |
17 | Nicholas Porter | 9 |
18 | Andrew Lorenz | 8 |
19 | Alexander Vore | 8 |
20 | Jason Watkins | 8 |
21 | Craig Pollack | 8 |
22 | Joe Colon | 8 |
23 | Bryan Knecht | 8 |
24 | Devin Rattenni | 8 |
25 | Jake Ausdemore | 8 |
26 | Caleb Engen | 8 |
27 | Pedro Esaki | 8 |
28 | Christopher Iaali | 8 |
29 | Chandler To | 8 |
30 | Tee Thebeau | 8 |
31 | Daniel Johnson | 8 |
32 | Raj Parikh | 8 |
33 | CODY READY | 8 |
34 | Dyllon Dietz | 8 |
35 | James Cæruleus Silver | 8 |
36 | Ian Shaffer | 8 |
37 | Alex Becker | 8 |
38 | Thomas Battaglia | 8 |
39 | Natalie Hunt | 8 |
40 | Porter Jones | 8 |
41 | Gui Cohen | 8 |
42 | Jacob Hawkinson | 8 |
43 | Jonathan Magnuson | 8 |
44 | Joshua Lau | 8 |
45 | Andrew Rudin | 8 |
46 | Dave Lin | 8 |
47 | Michael Dalton | 8 |
48 | John Zapata | 8 |
49 | Luis Maderas | 8 |
50 | Brandon Stolzer | 8 |
51 | Oren Yishai | 8 |
52 | David Andrews | 8 |
53 | Trenton McBride | 8 |
54 | Zach Benton | 8 |
55 | Isaac Brooks | 7 |
56 | Brennan Tolnay | 7 |
57 | Liam Trodden | 7 |
58 | Adam Fronsee | 7 |
59 | Dayna Hagewood | 7 |
60 | Majin Bae | 7 |
61 | Riley Adams | 7 |
62 | Jeffrey White | 7 |
63 | Yongji Yang | 7 |
64 | Evan Bridges | 7 |
65 | Brian Lorenz | 7 |
66 | Joshua Kehe | 7 |
68 | Nathan Beni | 7 |
69 | Louis Solymos | 7 |
70 | Jeff Stamm | 7 |
71 | Matthew Greenleaf | 7 |
72 | David Reitenbach | 7 |
73 | Adam Columbia | 7 |
74 | Paul White | 7 |
75 | Mara Faris | 7 |
76 | Arthur Reynolds | 7 |
77 | Andrew Blackwell | 7 |
78 | Ian Becker | 7 |
79 | Ethan Van Sant | 7 |
80 | Joseph Schelling | 7 |
81 | Jeff Morvan | 7 |
82 | Collins Mullen | 7 |
83 | Bryce Stroyek | 7 |
84 | Nathan Crawford | 7 |
85 | Alejandro Ziegenhirt | 7 |
86 | Matthew Vore | 7 |
87 | Sebastiano Cavallo | 7 |
88 | Ryan Rich | 7 |
89 | Brodie Spurlock | 7 |
90 | Jonathan Sixto | 7 |
91 | Carlos Cruz | 7 |
92 | Kevin Brayer | 7 |
93 | Kyle Pollitz | 7 |
94 | Tyler Biggs | 7 |
95 | Matthew Tickal | 7 |
96 | Tim Casey | 7 |
97 | Dakotah Kintigh | 7 |
98 | Jacob Pacheco | 7 |
99 | Eric Lin | 7 |
100 | Tonin ''Nini'' Veshi | 7 |
101 | Dagan White | 7 |
102 | Ulrich Sovitzky | 7 |
103 | Ethan Oechsle | 7 |
104 | Jacob Kurka | 7 |
105 | Taylor Nifong | 7 |
106 | Ryan Barnett | 7 |
107 | Jacob Shaker | 7 |
108 | Matt Jacobs | 7 |
109 | Jake Wenger | 7 |
110 | Isaac Houk | 7 |
111 | David Sitrick | 7 |
112 | STEVEN HAWKER | 7 |
113 | Caleb Womack | 7 |
114 | Connor Bryant | 7 |
115 | Evan Dyck | 7 |
116 | Pat Eshghy | 6 |
117 | Norah Porter | 6 |
118 | Colin Swisher | 6 |
119 | Zack Phillips | 6 |
120 | Dave Cordeiro | 6 |
121 | John Record | 6 |
122 | Merrick Kemp | 6 |
123 | christian gilbert | 6 |
124 | Freddy Sixto | 6 |
125 | Jonathan Gracza | 6 |
126 | Steven Nemeth | 6 |
127 | Davis Purcell | 6 |
128 | Michael Pearcy | 6 |
129 | Andrew Henderson | 6 |
130 | William Pistel | 6 |
131 | Justin Rowland | 6 |
132 | Felipe Restrepo | 6 |
133 | Chris Legg | 6 |
134 | Julian Helgeson | 6 |
135 | Zac Bailey | 6 |
136 | Christopher Yunck | 6 |
137 | Ryan Brown | 6 |
138 | Zachary Suchomel | 6 |
139 | Matthew Fay | 6 |
140 | Wesley Dong | 6 |
141 | Steven Doan | 6 |
142 | William Bradshaw | 6 |
143 | Zachary Wallach | 6 |
144 | Patrick Jones | 6 |
145 | Jude Cornett | 6 |
146 | Joel Recinos III | 6 |
147 | Alexander Caplinger | 6 |
148 | Dan Mui | 6 |
149 | Darren Knopes | 6 |
150 | Thor Hoffman | 6 |
151 | Jacob Kissel | 6 |
152 | John Abanto | 5 |
153 | Zoey (Zuppy) Gerstner | 5 |
154 | Bryan Warner | 5 |
155 | Ryan Miller | 5 |
156 | David Lee | 5 |
157 | Douglas Levy | 5 |
158 | Darren Rennie | 5 |
159 | Michael Bell | 5 |
160 | Michael Fay | 4 |
Dropped | Jesus Montijo | 6 |
Dropped | Noah Geiger | 6 |
Dropped | Chris Brummett | 6 |
Dropped | Dennis Pham | 6 |
Dropped | Josef Mendez | 6 |
Dropped | Mark Morrison | 6 |
Dropped | Ryan Levy | 6 |
Dropped | Ryan Biggs | 6 |
Dropped | Ariana Loveday | 6 |
Dropped | JP Coleman | 6 |
Dropped | Ryan Baker | 6 |
Dropped | Elise Symmes | 5 |
Dropped | James LeResche | 5 |
Dropped | Leo Shea | 5 |
Dropped | Jaden Urdiales | 5 |
Dropped | Will Earnhardt | 5 |
Dropped | Zayne Johnson | 5 |
Dropped | Raj Giri | 5 |
Dropped | jaime bessett | 5 |
Dropped | Arjun Garg | 5 |
Dropped | Wyatt Leasure | 5 |
Dropped | Tyler Horspool | 5 |
Dropped | Dylan Grytness | 5 |
Dropped | Mark Cornett | 5 |
Dropped | Anthony Chiechi | 5 |
Dropped | Jeremy Stowe | 5 |
Dropped | Marc Mehlenbacher | 5 |
Dropped | Christopher Higashi | 5 |
Dropped | Jake Leonard | 5 |
Dropped | Levi Rauch | 5 |
Dropped | Lahoci Franco | 5 |
Dropped | Matthew W | 5 |
Dropped | Yuanji Li | 5 |
Dropped | Chad Burden | 5 |
Dropped | Jon Ho | 5 |
Dropped | Andy Modell | 5 |
Dropped | Jonny Espejo | 4 |
Dropped | Zachary Knutson | 4 |
Dropped | Mercy Bickell | 4 |
Dropped | Sage Husanu | 4 |
Dropped | Timothy Barron | 4 |
Dropped | Mark Johnson | 4 |
Dropped | Patrick Weiss | 4 |
Dropped | Jeremy Pennington | 4 |
Dropped | Jeremy Martin | 4 |
Dropped | Eugene Galipchak | 4 |
Dropped | Rose smyth | 4 |
Dropped | Benjamin Shewan | 4 |
Dropped | Ian Siczewicz | 4 |
Dropped | Fuzzy Delp | 4 |
Dropped | William Pearlman | 4 |
Dropped | Elias Brooks | 4 |
Dropped | Rhea Adams | 4 |
Dropped | Michael Rutkowski | 4 |
Dropped | Niels Kornerup | 4 |
Dropped | Alex Currie | 4 |
Dropped | Jeremy Chen | 4 |
Dropped | Clinton Jeffers | 4 |
Dropped | Aaron Fagalde | 4 |
Dropped | Shane Martin | 4 |
Dropped | Jesse Machusak | 4 |
Dropped | Ronan Sovitzky | 4 |
Dropped | Jack Sandau | 4 |
Dropped | Connar Bodoh | 4 |
Dropped | Richard Yanke | 4 |
Dropped | David Clark | 4 |
Dropped | Derek Anderson | 4 |
Dropped | Peter Desautels | 4 |
Dropped | Lucas Bannigan | 4 |
Dropped | George Hudson | 4 |
Dropped | Daniel Chilgren | 4 |
Dropped | David Mink | 4 |
Dropped | Lee Kimball | 4 |
Dropped | Jacob Baugh | 4 |
Dropped | Nick Gabler | 4 |
Dropped | Roger Bodee | 4 |
Dropped | Gary Gold | 4 |
Dropped | Colin Turner | 4 |
Dropped | Justin Liwag | 4 |
Dropped | TJ Johnson | 4 |
Dropped | James Mangles | 4 |
Dropped | Phillip Manwaring | 4 |
Dropped | Michelle Chmura | 4 |
Dropped | Noah Beygelman | 4 |
Dropped | George Ferris | 4 |
Dropped | Zachary Adams | 4 |
Dropped | Chris Rowland | 4 |
Dropped | Cole Torres | 4 |
Dropped | Thrad Weibley | 3 |
Dropped | Ryan Mound | 3 |
Dropped | Zachary Burrell | 3 |
Dropped | Austin Kim | 3 |
Dropped | William Harrison | 3 |
Dropped | Peter Buddensiek | 3 |
Dropped | Nathaniel Lansangan | 3 |
Dropped | Timothy Bunn | 3 |
Dropped | Benjamin Cumming | 3 |
Dropped | Vinh Vien | 3 |
Dropped | Michael Lau | 3 |
Dropped | Jomar Rosete | 3 |
Dropped | Jordan Long | 3 |
Dropped | Cody Williams | 3 |
Dropped | Eric Dauernnheim | 3 |
Dropped | Elijah Flanders | 3 |
Dropped | Ryan Youngquist | 3 |
Dropped | Anh Tran | 3 |
Dropped | Sarah Sloat | 3 |
Dropped | Joshua Rath | 3 |
Dropped | ray lahann | 3 |
Dropped | Matthew Boudreaux | 3 |
Dropped | Shane Ginter | 3 |
Dropped | Jacob Lantz | 3 |
Dropped | Kyle Schalich | 3 |
Dropped | Archer Taylor | 3 |
Dropped | Marco Marcelli | 3 |
Dropped | Benjamin Schneider | 3 |
Dropped | Jason Nakata | 3 |
Dropped | Kayla Ginter | 3 |
Dropped | David Byrn | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas Botchis | 3 |
Dropped | Elly Bird | 3 |
Dropped | nathan lapham | 3 |
Dropped | Jake Woodward | 3 |
Dropped | Jake Torres | 3 |
Dropped | Ryan Corcoran | 3 |
Dropped | Justin Evans | 3 |
Dropped | Luke Magnuson | 3 |
Dropped | Dylan Williamson | 3 |
Dropped | Thomas Yarbrough | 3 |
Dropped | Gerald Toms | 3 |
Dropped | Ilana Hensley | 3 |
Dropped | David Elrod | 3 |
Dropped | Heath Scheiman | 3 |
Dropped | Nathaniel Meserve | 3 |
Dropped | Kelly Angell | 3 |
Dropped | Stephen Leany | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Fowler | 3 |
Dropped | Shawn Adams | 3 |
Dropped | Kevin Canales | 3 |
Dropped | Alan Chavarin | 3 |
Dropped | Brandon Green | 3 |
Dropped | Mathew Zoglman-Garcia | 3 |
Dropped | Mychael Caywood | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas Tran | 3 |
Dropped | Austin Revera | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Humbert | 3 |
Dropped | Dylan Myers | 3 |
Dropped | Mark sipics | 3 |
Dropped | Adam Jessell | 3 |
Dropped | Levi Kujawa-Seda | 3 |
Dropped | Patrick Fowley | 3 |
Dropped | DYLAN MANGINI | 3 |
Dropped | Michael King | 3 |
Dropped | Bryce Henschel | 3 |
Dropped | Maxwell Mitchell | 3 |
Dropped | Joseph Kaiser | 3 |
Dropped | Austin Mender | 3 |
Dropped | Naib Mobassir | 3 |
Dropped | Tyruss Sennett | 3 |
Dropped | Michael Parker | 3 |
Dropped | Carson Osborne | 3 |
Dropped | Ian Carrico | 3 |
Dropped | Phil Hensley | 3 |
Dropped | Mitchell Tillery | 3 |
Dropped | Jenson Wilhelm | 3 |
Dropped | Jesse Kennon | 3 |
Dropped | Anthony Perry | 3 |
Dropped | Joe Mastowski | 3 |
Dropped | Brendan Patrick | 3 |
Dropped | Michael Barnes | 3 |
Dropped | Kevin Murphy | 3 |
Dropped | Andy truong | 3 |
Dropped | Anthony Bugoci | 3 |
Dropped | Trent Lennon | 3 |
Dropped | Matt Johnson | 3 |
Dropped | Christopher Little | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Winckler | 3 |
Dropped | Jonathan (chugs) Moore | 3 |
Dropped | Matt Pollitt | 3 |
Dropped | Hayden Reed | 3 |
Dropped | William Garcia | 3 |
Dropped | Bryan Apfelbaum | 3 |
Dropped | Nick Allen | 3 |
Dropped | Theodore Raitzer | 3 |
Dropped | Alberto Ruiz | 3 |
Dropped | Chad Emerick | 3 |
Dropped | Jonah Overholt | 3 |
Dropped | Charlton Smith | 3 |
Dropped | Braden Phillips | 3 |
Dropped | Zach Bunn | 3 |
Dropped | Joe Santianna | 3 |
Dropped | Peter Zsiga | 3 |
Dropped | Kyle Nunn | 3 |
Dropped | Will Rea | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas Mejac | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Sanmiguel | 3 |
Dropped | Justin Salmon | 3 |
Dropped | Carlos Samaniego | 2 |
Dropped | Donovan Mitchell | 2 |
Dropped | Jeremy Werner | 2 |
Dropped | Daniel Bellotti | 2 |
Dropped | Raymond Griffin | 2 |
Dropped | Daniel Ferrara | 2 |
Dropped | Adam Leavitt | 2 |
Dropped | Christopher Dietz | 2 |
Dropped | Chris Weidinger | 2 |
Dropped | Bea Budnik | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew White | 2 |
Dropped | Joseph Herbert | 2 |
Dropped | Adam Tran | 2 |
Dropped | Addison Woodward-Parrish | 2 |
Dropped | Jeerod Balangan | 2 |
Dropped | Jason Woodland | 2 |
Dropped | Todd Caudill | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew McInnis | 2 |
Dropped | Adam Fischer | 2 |
Dropped | Sabastian Boyle-Mejia | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Fraser | 2 |
Dropped | Charles Simmons | 2 |
Dropped | Nicholas Brown | 2 |
Dropped | Brishen Jaimes | 2 |
Dropped | Todd Woodworth | 2 |
Dropped | Ben Hannan | 2 |
Dropped | Jesse Hudak | 2 |
Dropped | June Aino | 2 |
Dropped | Greg Mitchell | 2 |
Dropped | Dexter Canright | 2 |
Dropped | Emmanuel Barron | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew Birky | 2 |
Dropped | Harrison Timothy | 2 |
Dropped | Lucas Mainhart | 2 |
Dropped | Daniel Ferguson | 2 |
Dropped | Adrian Gebhart | 2 |
Dropped | Colin Wong | 2 |
Dropped | Rachel Stoddard | 2 |
Dropped | Brandon Fields | 2 |
Dropped | Derek Zellner | 2 |
Dropped | Cindrah Moore | 2 |
Dropped | Taylor Crawford | 2 |
Dropped | Travis McDaniel | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew Gump | 2 |
Dropped | Michael Thomas | 2 |
Dropped | Wes Cothran | 2 |
Dropped | Aaron Ramirez | 2 |
Dropped | Nick Deschamps | 2 |
Dropped | Angel Gonzalez | 2 |
Dropped | Sean Biava | 2 |
Dropped | Michael Keating | 2 |
Dropped | Nicholas Mihalas | 2 |
Dropped | Johnny Wedzicha | 2 |
Dropped | Amber Pennington | 2 |
Dropped | Emery Powell | 2 |
Dropped | Robert Sievert | 2 |
Dropped | Justin Powell | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Espinoza | 2 |
Dropped | Anthony Faciane | 2 |
Dropped | Amber Zee | 2 |
Dropped | Charles Gilbert | 2 |
Dropped | Kyle Mattinson | 2 |
Dropped | Zephen James | 2 |
Dropped | Phillip Bradford | 2 |
Dropped | Kyler Dustin | 2 |
Dropped | Jeremiah Gardner | 2 |
Dropped | Jacob Willard | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Slotnick | 2 |
Dropped | Brian Moss | 2 |
Dropped | Edward Knight | 2 |
Dropped | Matt Garner | 2 |
Dropped | Tae Kim | 2 |
Dropped | Joe Fisher | 2 |
Dropped | Andrew Prejean | 2 |
Dropped | Anthony DT Zichella | 2 |
Dropped | Justin Smith | 2 |
Dropped | aaron leblanc | 2 |
Dropped | John Tucker | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew Yorko | 1 |
Dropped | Kyle McKeough | 1 |
Dropped | Nathaniel Snyder | 1 |
Dropped | Jasiel Diez | 1 |
Dropped | Damien Riggins | 1 |
Dropped | Phillip martinez | 1 |
Dropped | Theodore Maximiuk | 1 |
Dropped | Ovas Siddiqui | 1 |
Dropped | Damon Terry | 1 |
Dropped | Scott Krehbiel | 1 |
Dropped | Alejandro Cuevas | 1 |
Dropped | Timothy Scroggs | 1 |
Dropped | Austin Barta | 1 |
Dropped | Alejandro Fernandez | 1 |
Dropped | Jordan McClure | 1 |
Dropped | Aidan Arruza | 1 |
Dropped | Dylan Tucker | 1 |
Dropped | Tony Le | 1 |
Dropped | Justin Fryar | 1 |
Dropped | Chris Tellez | 1 |
Dropped | John Reed | 1 |
Dropped | Steven Jeffs | 1 |
Dropped | Eric Shoopman | 1 |
Dropped | Steven Bowers | 1 |
Dropped | Nick Webb | 1 |
Dropped | Jonathan Jackson | 1 |
Dropped | Paul Magaha | 1 |
Dropped | Elliot Bicker | 1 |
Dropped | Joseph Elsey | 1 |
Dropped | Dylan Ashcraft | 1 |
Dropped | George Dilling | 1 |
Dropped | Gregory Stahl | 1 |
Dropped | Tristen Farmer | 1 |
Dropped | Aaron Grace | 1 |
Dropped | Nam Vo | 1 |
Dropped | Josh Johnson | 1 |
Dropped | Zack Covington | 1 |
Dropped | Thomas Walsh | 1 |
Dropped | Randy Wood | 1 |
Dropped | Luke MacDowall | 1 |
Dropped | Zak Cargin | 1 |
Dropped | Stephen Perez | 1 |
Dropped | Nicholas Santa | 1 |
Dropped | Michael Thorington | 1 |
Dropped | Carter Barton | 1 |
Dropped | Jie ma | 1 |
Dropped | Chase Osborne | 1 |
Dropped | Luke Hillard | 1 |
Dropped | Remington Aalbers | 1 |
Dropped | Tyler Brotton | 1 |
Dropped | Rogelio Marroquin | 1 |
Dropped | Eric Cortez omana | 1 |
Dropped | Kevin Canady | 1 |
Dropped | Mason Paladino | 1 |
Dropped | Samuel Reno | 1 |
Dropped | Dylan Dart | 1 |
Dropped | Joshua Paris | 1 |
Dropped | Nick Huskinson | 1 |
Dropped | Eric Towne | 1 |
Dropped | MOISES LOPEZ | 1 |
Dropped | Matthew Terrell | 1 |
Dropped | Kyle Jones | 0 |
Dropped | Bryson Peek | 0 |
Dropped | TCGTed Grabow | 0 |
Dropped | Maxwell Kolp | 0 |
Dropped | Jason Mott | 0 |
Dropped | Jordan Blankenship | 0 |
Dropped | Andrew Yauger | 0 |
Dropped | Matthew Cudney | 0 |
Dropped | Ryan Schutter | 0 |
Dropped | Chris Pepe | 0 |
Dropped | Matthew Williamson | 0 |
Dropped | Jordan Leggett | 0 |
Dropped | Nathan Dollman | 0 |
Dropped | Mason Taylor | 0 |
Dropped | Jamal Salem Saedidaryan | 0 |
Dropped | Nicholas Trotta | 0 |
Dropped | Brooks Mitchell | 0 |
Dropped | Michael Stanko | 0 |
Dropped | Nik Dinnis | 0 |
Dropped | Jesse Harper | 0 |
Dropped | Angus Blaxall | 0 |
Dropped | Joel Grizzelle | 0 |
Dropped | Preston Stahley | 0 |
Dropped | Sebastian Burnham | 0 |
Dropped | Sean Fox | 0 |
Dropped | Michael Beygelman | 0 |
Please be advised that the live pairings, results and standings published here are for coverage purposes and utilize new software integrations which are still under development. The results and standings within our GEM tournament software are to be considered the final and correct results in the event there is any discrepancy with those provided for coverage purposes.