United States National Championship 2024 Round 10 Standings
Rank | Player | Wins |
1 | Aaron Grace | 10 |
2 | Reese Toomre | 9 |
3 | Jacob Shaker | 9 |
4 | Andrew Rothermel | 9 |
5 | Austin Somers | 8 |
6 | Michael Hamilton | 8 |
7 | Thomas Battaglia | 8 |
8 | Charles Dunn | 8 |
9 | Majin Bae | 8 |
10 | Brian Lorenz | 8 |
11 | Evan Herndon | 8 |
12 | Andrew Blackwell | 8 |
13 | Peter Buddensiek | 8 |
14 | nathan lapham | 8 |
15 | Naib Mobassir | 8 |
16 | Alex Tyler | 8 |
17 | Timothy Long | 8 |
18 | Christopher Iaali | 8 |
19 | Ethan Davison | 8 |
20 | Elijah Calub | 8 |
21 | Daniel Ferrara | 8 |
22 | Isaac Brooks | 8 |
23 | Michael Dalton | 8 |
24 | William Bradshaw | 8 |
25 | Noah Beygelman | 7 |
26 | Cody Williams | 7 |
27 | Casey Dugan | 7 |
28 | Alexander Vore | 7 |
29 | Daniel Rothhaar | 7 |
30 | Mark Cornett | 7 |
31 | Roger Bodee | 7 |
32 | Justin Fryar | 7 |
33 | Thomas Yarbrough | 7 |
34 | Damien Riggins | 7 |
35 | Gui Cohen | 7 |
36 | Douglas Levy | 7 |
37 | Joe Santianna | 7 |
38 | Rhea Adams | 7 |
39 | Michael Feng | 7 |
40 | Joshua Lau | 7 |
41 | Andrew Lorenz | 7 |
42 | Joel Recinos III | 7 |
43 | Benjamin Meffert | 7 |
44 | Evan Dyck | 7 |
45 | Thomas Johnson-Averette | 7 |
46 | Sherman Darrenkamp | 7 |
47 | Ethan Oechsle | 7 |
48 | Kyle Femmer | 7 |
49 | Jonathan (chugs) Moore | 7 |
50 | David Wadley | 7 |
51 | Jacob Baugh | 7 |
52 | Joe Colon | 7 |
53 | Chris Martin | 7 |
54 | Chandler To | 7 |
55 | Alejandro Ziegenhirt | 7 |
56 | Ashley Briggs | 7 |
57 | Chase Feaster | 7 |
58 | Liam Donnelly | 7 |
59 | Jonah Overholt | 7 |
60 | Andrew Mendelsohn | 7 |
61 | Mark Johnson | 7 |
62 | Elizabeth Sprinkle | 7 |
63 | Natalie Hunt | 7 |
64 | Carlos Cruz | 7 |
65 | Bryce Stroyek | 7 |
66 | Caleb Engen | 7 |
67 | Matthew Tickal | 7 |
68 | James Pack | 7 |
69 | Jamie Foster | 7 |
70 | Andrew Cook | 7 |
71 | Ryan Biggs | 7 |
72 | Nick Allen | 7 |
73 | Elly Bird | 6 |
74 | Bird Cabrera | 6 |
75 | Liam Trodden | 6 |
76 | Zachary Knutson | 6 |
77 | Andrew Rudin | 6 |
78 | Chris Waugh | 6 |
79 | Mara Faris | 6 |
80 | Merrick Kemp | 6 |
81 | John Paul Kilcrease | 6 |
82 | Jodey Burney | 6 |
83 | William Pearlman | 6 |
84 | Tim Casto | 6 |
85 | Sage Husanu | 6 |
86 | Noah Biros | 6 |
87 | Nathaniel Snyder | 6 |
88 | Keenan Humphrey | 6 |
89 | Nick Gabler | 6 |
90 | Arjun Garg | 6 |
91 | Justin Graham | 6 |
92 | Jonathan Magnuson | 6 |
93 | Pierre-Nicolas Perrin | 6 |
94 | Tristen Farmer | 6 |
95 | Connor Talty | 6 |
96 | Alexander McFarlane | 6 |
97 | Franche Tan | 6 |
98 | Benjamin Hebert | 6 |
99 | Matthew Vore | 6 |
100 | Jacob Kissel | 6 |
101 | Maxwell Mitchell | 6 |
102 | Giovanni Scuderi | 6 |
103 | Josh Lind | 6 |
104 | Nick Tucker | 6 |
105 | James Tague | 6 |
106 | CODY READY | 6 |
107 | MOISES LOPEZ | 6 |
108 | Bryan Knecht | 6 |
109 | David Watson | 6 |
110 | Brandon Stolzer | 6 |
111 | Adam Cook | 6 |
112 | Luke Hillard | 6 |
113 | Charlton Smith | 6 |
114 | Nicholas Tran | 6 |
115 | Joshua Tavares | 6 |
116 | Emery Powell | 6 |
117 | Pat Eshghy | 6 |
118 | Luke Manship | 6 |
119 | Spencer Wilkerson | 6 |
120 | Michael Snedeker | 6 |
121 | Dakota Cook | 6 |
122 | Jacob Bader | 6 |
123 | Clint Bonds | 6 |
124 | Kai Pickett | 6 |
125 | Riley Lont | 6 |
126 | Simon Miller | 6 |
127 | Joel Grizzelle | 6 |
128 | Tommy Hendricks | 6 |
129 | Joshua Paris | 6 |
130 | Taylor Nifong | 6 |
131 | Travis Wagner | 6 |
132 | Nicholas Porter | 6 |
133 | Randall Robinson | 6 |
134 | Braxton Friend | 6 |
135 | Grant Huddleston | 6 |
136 | Fuzzy Delp | 6 |
137 | Eric Lin | 5 |
138 | Anthony Pham | 5 |
139 | Anthony Bugoci | 5 |
140 | Shane Martin | 5 |
141 | John Zapata | 5 |
142 | David Sitrick | 5 |
143 | Trent Lennon | 5 |
144 | AUSTIN BRILL | 5 |
145 | Chris Brummett | 5 |
146 | Nicholas Jackson | 5 |
147 | Scott Khuu | 5 |
148 | James Mangles | 5 |
149 | Erick Leong | 5 |
150 | Paul White | 5 |
151 | Daniel Johnson | 5 |
152 | Devin Rattenni | 5 |
153 | Chris Rowland | 5 |
154 | Tommy Buljan | 5 |
155 | Vinh Vien | 5 |
156 | Sebastiano Cavallo | 5 |
157 | Alberto Ruiz | 5 |
158 | Matthew Greenleaf | 5 |
159 | ry mo | 5 |
160 | Dmytro Kozhevin | 5 |
161 | Zackary Whitt | 5 |
162 | Marco Marcelli | 5 |
163 | Kevin Murphy | 5 |
164 | Matthew Puckett | 4 |
Dropped | Ryan Solava | 6 |
Dropped | Luis Maderas | 5 |
Dropped | Zachary Wallach | 5 |
Dropped | Pedro Esaki | 5 |
Dropped | David Reitenbach | 5 |
Dropped | Bryce Platz | 5 |
Dropped | Jordan Biggs | 5 |
Dropped | Noah Geiger | 5 |
Dropped | Daniel Winckler | 5 |
Dropped | Grant Strom | 5 |
Dropped | Alex Slotnick | 5 |
Dropped | Michael Clair | 5 |
Dropped | Austin Chinn | 5 |
Dropped | Tyler Biggs | 5 |
Dropped | Zachary Suchomel | 4 |
Dropped | Michael Pawlak | 4 |
Dropped | Justin Salmon | 4 |
Dropped | Elias Brooks | 4 |
Dropped | Derek Anderson | 4 |
Dropped | Christopher Dietz | 4 |
Dropped | Aria How | 4 |
Dropped | Elyse Symmes | 4 |
Dropped | Nik Dinnis | 4 |
Dropped | Wesley Dong | 4 |
Dropped | Nathan Crawford | 4 |
Dropped | Jason Watkins | 4 |
Dropped | Jonathan Fouk | 4 |
Dropped | Casey Knepley | 4 |
Dropped | Zoey Gerstner | 4 |
Dropped | Benjamin Schneider | 4 |
Dropped | Cameron Robbins | 4 |
Dropped | Joel Thompson | 4 |
Dropped | Jeremy Chen | 4 |
Dropped | Yongji Yang | 4 |
Dropped | Charlie Herren | 4 |
Dropped | Matt MacLeod | 4 |
Dropped | Jenna Martin | 4 |
Dropped | Nicholas Korner | 4 |
Dropped | Oliver Phi | 4 |
Dropped | Josh Gardner | 4 |
Dropped | Julian Sniffen | 4 |
Dropped | Nicolas Seegraves | 4 |
Dropped | Matthew W | 4 |
Dropped | Brodie Spurlock | 4 |
Dropped | Micheal Thompson | 4 |
Dropped | Taylor Crawford | 4 |
Dropped | Travis McDaniel | 4 |
Dropped | Adam Hamilton-Sutherland | 4 |
Dropped | Patrick Nelson | 4 |
Dropped | Dyllon Dietz | 4 |
Dropped | Holden Isaacs | 4 |
Dropped | quintin ludtke | 4 |
Dropped | Jordan Long | 4 |
Dropped | Clover Ausdemore | 4 |
Dropped | Quinn Wongkew | 4 |
Dropped | Trenton McBride | 4 |
Dropped | Zachary Miller | 4 |
Dropped | DYLAN MANGINI | 4 |
Dropped | Drew Bosco | 4 |
Dropped | Jesse Kennon | 4 |
Dropped | Richard McMahon | 4 |
Dropped | Ryan Rich | 4 |
Dropped | Joseph Freeh | 4 |
Dropped | Zayne Johnson | 4 |
Dropped | Andy Hong | 4 |
Dropped | Mychael Caywood | 3 |
Dropped | Ian Siczewicz | 3 |
Dropped | Joshua Rath | 3 |
Dropped | Lucas Baughn | 3 |
Dropped | Dalton Gomez | 3 |
Dropped | Austin Kim | 3 |
Dropped | Clark Jansen | 3 |
Dropped | Jeremy Stowe | 3 |
Dropped | Dan Mui | 3 |
Dropped | Lucas Molho | 3 |
Dropped | Dan Wolak | 3 |
Dropped | Jack Sandau | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas Mihalas | 3 |
Dropped | William Pistel | 3 |
Dropped | Austin Revera | 3 |
Dropped | Marc Mehlenbacher | 3 |
Dropped | Dagan White | 3 |
Dropped | Ravi Sharma | 3 |
Dropped | Carlos Samaniego | 3 |
Dropped | Paul Carr | 3 |
Dropped | Bryce Henschel | 3 |
Dropped | nicklas starland | 3 |
Dropped | Devon Porcher | 3 |
Dropped | Andrew Loberg | 3 |
Dropped | Michael Lau | 3 |
Dropped | Corey Baker | 3 |
Dropped | Gabriel Torres | 3 |
Dropped | Devin Simms | 3 |
Dropped | Bryan Hefner | 3 |
Dropped | Jeremy Langevin | 3 |
Dropped | Justin Rowland | 3 |
Dropped | Emmitt Luna | 3 |
Dropped | Jonny Espejo | 3 |
Dropped | Christopher Spescha | 3 |
Dropped | Tho Bui | 3 |
Dropped | James Cæruleus Silver | 3 |
Dropped | Matt Johnson | 3 |
Dropped | Kobe Phan | 3 |
Dropped | Brandon Ejupi | 3 |
Dropped | JP Coleman | 3 |
Dropped | Dallin Wallenda | 3 |
Dropped | Chris Weidinger | 3 |
Dropped | Luke Magnuson | 3 |
Dropped | Mark Morrison | 3 |
Dropped | Tyler Brotton | 3 |
Dropped | Taylor Weil | 3 |
Dropped | Tyson Au | 3 |
Dropped | Gabriel Arnell | 3 |
Dropped | Brenden Jones | 3 |
Dropped | Cas Mulder | 3 |
Dropped | Shawn Adams | 3 |
Dropped | Kyle Yoder | 3 |
Dropped | Nathan Burns | 3 |
Dropped | Dexter Phan | 3 |
Dropped | Jesse Hinman | 3 |
Dropped | Koosha Jahani | 3 |
Dropped | Caleb Womack | 3 |
Dropped | Brandon Akers | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Flavin | 3 |
Dropped | Evan Ford | 3 |
Dropped | Eric Towne | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Rutkowski | 3 |
Dropped | John Cooper | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas Mejac | 3 |
Dropped | Andy Modell | 3 |
Dropped | Derek Copp | 3 |
Dropped | Nathaniel Lansangan | 3 |
Dropped | Dayna Hagewood | 3 |
Dropped | Mercy Bickell | 3 |
Dropped | Brandon Robinson | 3 |
Dropped | Adam Fronsee | 3 |
Dropped | Gabriel Guerrero | 3 |
Dropped | Connor Bryant | 3 |
Dropped | Anthony Puskas | 3 |
Dropped | Kent Summerour | 3 |
Dropped | Jude Cornett | 3 |
Dropped | jordan johnson | 3 |
Dropped | Anthony Vero Cerenzio | 3 |
Dropped | Amber Zee | 3 |
Dropped | Zephen James | 3 |
Dropped | Levi Rauch | 2 |
Dropped | Mykel Kramer | 2 |
Dropped | Tanner Lee | 2 |
Dropped | Luke Snyder | 2 |
Dropped | Parker Sutton | 2 |
Dropped | Louis Solymos | 2 |
Dropped | Kenn Johnson | 2 |
Dropped | Zak Cargin | 2 |
Dropped | Anastasia Benner | 2 |
Dropped | Joseph Herbert | 2 |
Dropped | Brandon Abarca | 2 |
Dropped | Nathan Dollman | 2 |
Dropped | Richard Yanke | 2 |
Dropped | Arthur Reynolds | 2 |
Dropped | Aaron Albright | 2 |
Dropped | Jonathen Byrd | 2 |
Dropped | Timothy Carter | 2 |
Dropped | Michael Rutkowski | 2 |
Dropped | Shane Ginter | 2 |
Dropped | Henry Gomez | 2 |
Dropped | Dylan Tucker | 2 |
Dropped | Jonathan Lalo | 2 |
Dropped | Kyle Schalich | 2 |
Dropped | Keven Meyer | 2 |
Dropped | Erik Dethlefs | 2 |
Dropped | Phillip Spader | 2 |
Dropped | Nicholas Chang | 2 |
Dropped | Archer Taylor | 2 |
Dropped | Jesus Montijo | 2 |
Dropped | Sjohn Chambers | 2 |
Dropped | Jeremy Werner | 2 |
Dropped | Noah Rolf | 2 |
Dropped | Lee Kimball | 2 |
Dropped | David M. Smith | 2 |
Dropped | Steven Caraher | 2 |
Dropped | Pheano Black | 2 |
Dropped | Joe Mastowski | 2 |
Dropped | STEVEN HAWKER | 2 |
Dropped | Robert Alonso | 2 |
Dropped | George Dilling | 2 |
Dropped | Brennan Tolnay | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Ptak | 2 |
Dropped | Raj Parikh | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew Meehan | 2 |
Dropped | Daniel Brouillet | 2 |
Dropped | Kyle Johnson | 2 |
Dropped | Omeid Vadipour | 2 |
Dropped | Cole Love | 2 |
Dropped | Thor Hoffman | 2 |
Dropped | Sebastian Anaya | 2 |
Dropped | Kyle Nunn | 2 |
Dropped | Ronan Sovitzky | 2 |
Dropped | Chris Ray | 2 |
Dropped | Emi Sieting | 2 |
Dropped | Alan Valdez | 2 |
Dropped | Dave Cordeiro | 2 |
Dropped | Zachary Adams | 2 |
Dropped | Robbie Valdez | 2 |
Dropped | Jerome Trujillo | 2 |
Dropped | Rihanna LaGrou | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew McInnis | 2 |
Dropped | Lucas Oswald | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew Boudreaux | 2 |
Dropped | Steven Nemeth | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Becker | 2 |
Dropped | Samuel-Shane Cooper | 2 |
Dropped | Easton Douglas | 2 |
Dropped | Nitan Avivi-Stuhl | 2 |
Dropped | Michael Barnes | 2 |
Dropped | Andrew Singleton | 2 |
Dropped | Martin Cox | 2 |
Dropped | Alexander Mueller | 1 |
Dropped | Drew Gary | 1 |
Dropped | Phil Kinney | 1 |
Dropped | Nathaniel Meserve | 1 |
Dropped | Michael Bryant | 1 |
Dropped | Tyler Horspool | 1 |
Dropped | Derek Byrne | 1 |
Dropped | Eric Wilson | 1 |
Dropped | Benjamin Williams | 1 |
Dropped | Barrett Goss | 1 |
Dropped | Kevin Canales | 1 |
Dropped | Joseph Pinzone | 1 |
Dropped | Patrick Fowley | 1 |
Dropped | Jonathan Walker | 1 |
Dropped | Matthew Mullis | 1 |
Dropped | Gus Enger | 1 |
Dropped | Josef Mendez | 1 |
Dropped | Charles Simmons | 1 |
Dropped | Colin Swisher | 1 |
Dropped | Chad Burden | 1 |
Dropped | TUCKER CAMPBELL | 1 |
Dropped | Theodore Maximiuk | 1 |
Dropped | Matt Jacobs | 1 |
Dropped | Andrew Goodwin | 1 |
Dropped | Dylan Grytness | 1 |
Dropped | Kevin Hardy | 1 |
Dropped | Kyle McKeough | 1 |
Dropped | Oren Yishai | 1 |
Dropped | Tee Thebeau | 1 |
Dropped | adam bidler | 1 |
Dropped | Seth Clark | 1 |
Dropped | Rodrigo Lopez | 1 |
Dropped | Andrew Klein | 1 |
Dropped | Christopher Presley | 1 |
Dropped | Cooper Templeton | 1 |
Dropped | Lucas Wright | 1 |
Dropped | Bryce Morgan | 1 |
Dropped | Gary Gold | 1 |
Dropped | Adrian Gebhart | 1 |
Dropped | Michael Lawton | 1 |
Dropped | Virgil Toms | 1 |
Dropped | Miles Slack | 1 |
Dropped | Chris Morris | 1 |
Dropped | Clay Smith | 1 |
Dropped | KC Glass | 1 |
Dropped | Rodrigo Martinez | 1 |
Dropped | Demetris Guzman | 1 |
Dropped | Benjamin Laflin | 1 |
Dropped | Jenna Schoettker | 1 |
Dropped | Abraham Figueroa | 1 |
Dropped | francisco guerrero | 1 |
Dropped | Justin Smith | 1 |
Dropped | Davis Purcell | 1 |
Dropped | Aaron Williams | 1 |
Dropped | Caleb Lolley | 1 |
Dropped | Dakota Kunert | 1 |
Dropped | Zack Phillips | 1 |
Dropped | Yazan Masad | 1 |
Dropped | Hazel Hensley | 1 |
Dropped | Shawn Reed | 1 |
Dropped | Alek Idol | 1 |
Dropped | jaime bessett | 1 |
Dropped | Kevin Brayer | 1 |
Dropped | David Lee | 1 |
Dropped | Yuanji Li | 1 |
Dropped | Nicholas Wolverton | 1 |
Dropped | Devon Killebrew | 1 |
Dropped | Eric Dauernnheim | 0 |
Dropped | Brendan Thomas | 0 |
Dropped | Charles Poe | 0 |
Dropped | Alexander Caplinger | 0 |
Dropped | Isaac Hirt | 0 |
Dropped | Joshua Kehe | 0 |
Dropped | Jacob hampson | 0 |
Dropped | Joseph Kaiser | 0 |
Dropped | Darren Knopes | 0 |
Dropped | Mathew Zoglman-Garcia | 0 |
Dropped | Julio Vazquez | 0 |
Dropped | Jordan Blankenship | 0 |
Dropped | Ben Odenheimer | 0 |
Dropped | Jedi Abaja | 0 |
Dropped | Mark lewis | 0 |
Dropped | Graham Soloway | 0 |
Dropped | Ryan Mound | 0 |
Dropped | Simon Aguirre | 0 |
Dropped | Menion Croll | 0 |
Dropped | Spencer Freeman | 0 |
Dropped | Haik Voskerchian | 0 |
Dropped | Kyle Flowers | 0 |
Dropped | Drew Walker | 0 |
Dropped | Peter Beck | 0 |
Dropped | Kyle Pollitz | 0 |
Dropped | Axel Sisbarro | 0 |
Dropped | Dylan Dart | 0 |
Dropped | Joshua MacMillan | 0 |
Dropped | Garrett Shustarich | 0 |
Dropped | Jamie Grantham | 0 |
Dropped | Tyler Stammer | 0 |
Dropped | Matt Pollitt | 0 |
Dropped | Austin Henson | 0 |
Dropped | Chenjun Liu | 0 |
Dropped | Matt Garner | 0 |
Dropped | Matt Kohls | 0 |
Dropped | Anthony Herzog | 0 |
Dropped | Isaac Jessen | 0 |
Dropped | Josh Johnson | 0 |
Dropped | Jordan Johns | 0 |
Dropped | Johnny Wedzicha | 0 |
Dropped | Jeff Stamm | 0 |
Dropped | Omar Martinez Jr | 0 |
Dropped | Cheaman Buckwalter | 0 |
Dropped | Carson Osborne | 0 |
Dropped | Kevin Chang | 0 |
Dropped | Rob Cygul | 0 |
Dropped | Nick McCarthy | 0 |
Dropped | Michael Epperson | 0 |
Please be advised that the live pairings, results and standings published here are for coverage purposes and utilize new software integrations which are still under development. The results and standings within our GEM tournament software are to be considered the final and correct results in the event there is any discrepancy with those provided for coverage purposes.