Calling: Tampa Bay Round 14 Results

Player 1 Player 2 Result
Michael Hamilton   vs. Yuki Lee Bender   Player 1 Win
Michael Dalton   vs. Alex Chițu   Player 1 Win
Lucas Oswald   vs. Andrew Lorenz   Player 2 Win
Shawn Dhaliwal   vs. Ignacio Rodríguez Villasuso   Player 1 Win
Noah Clark   vs. Michael Metallo   Player 1 Win
Eric Dauernnheim   vs. Quinn Wongkew   Player 1 Win
Nicholas Mihalas   vs. Damien Riggins   Player 1 Win
Matt Muus   vs. Yongji Yang   Player 1 Win
Jeremy Stowe   vs. Nicholas Murphy   Player 2 Win
Chandler To   vs. William Pearlman   Player 2 Win
Alexander Vore   vs. Paul White   Player 2 Win
Jason Rolfe   vs. Thomas Battaglia   Player 1 Win
Brodie Spurlock   vs. Cedric DeRouchie   Player 1 Win
Carson Osborne   vs. Matthew Fay   Player 1 Win
Gui Cohen   vs. Filipe Lima Cardoso   Player 1 Win
William Bradshaw   vs. George Ferris   Player 1 Win
Sam Martinez   vs. Matthew Renz   Player 1 Win
Evan Brook   vs. Daniel Rutkowski   Player 1 Win
Chenjun Liu   vs. Terrence Bell   Player 2 Win
Chris Brummett   vs. Ryan Goldfinger   Player 2 Win
Erika Forslöf   vs. Andy Modell   Player 2 Win
Naib Mobassir   vs. Mark Johnson   Player 1 Win
Shane Martin   vs. Christopher Dietz   Player 2 Win
Leon Lu   vs. Zak Miller   Player 2 Win
Nicholas Porter   vs. Nick Allen   Player 1 Win
Matthew Irvin   vs. None Player 1 Win
Eric Gaudreault   vs. None Player 1 Win
Andrew Cooper   vs. Timothy Long   Player 2 Win
Mara Faris   vs. Justin Gottlieb   Player 1 Win
Gary Gold   vs. None Player 1 Win
Christopher Iaali   vs. None Player 1 Win
Logan Walton   vs. Bill Early   Player 2 Win

Please be advised that the live pairings, results and standings published here are for coverage purposes and utilize new software integrations which are still under development. The results and standings within our GEM tournament software are to be considered the final and correct results in the event there is any discrepancy with those provided for coverage purposes.