Calling: Liverpool Round 8 Pairings
Table | Player 1 | Player 2 | |
2 | valentin mackl | vs. | robin gasparini |
3 | Francesco Giorgio | vs. | Sander Neeft |
4 | Bruno Cracco | vs. | Jason Rolfe |
5 | Matthew Carre | vs. | Naib Mobassir |
6 | Guillem Las Heras Aixandri | vs. | Lubos Vanicek |
7 | David Dyson | vs. | Piotr Krzempek |
8 | Alex Price | vs. | Filip Mikołajczyk |
9 | Michael Vournas | vs. | Tomasz Żelazko |
10 | Pablo Pintor | vs. | Liam Holden |
11 | Jess Swandale | vs. | James Adams |
12 | Max Dieckmann | vs. | Kevin Zänker |
13 | David Alfonso | vs. | Michael Wachouschek |
14 | Thomas Harle | vs. | Peter Markovič |
15 | Daniel White | vs. | Yassine Echafai Tripiana |
16 | Erik Baalhuis | vs. | Federico Chiarel |
17 | Zak Murray | vs. | Szots Daniel |
18 | Mateusz Sass | vs. | Jack Mountford |
19 | Rhyan Bromell | vs. | Yorgos Samaras |
20 | Leila Green | vs. | Rok Havlas |
21 | Bart de Jong | vs. | Matthew Light-Barnett |
22 | Bogdan-Andrei Oros | vs. | Marcus Archer |
23 | Martin Hechtberger | vs. | Nathan Halford |
24 | Filipe Camacho | vs. | Suciu Andrei |
25 | Simon Nielsen | vs. | David Amorín García |
26 | Scott "HowlingMines" Mines | vs. | Gustavo Cilleruelo |
27 | Jonas Ormstrup | vs. | Tyhrone Bennett |
28 | Jacob Clements | vs. | George Jones |
29 | GDPR-DEL-07/12/24-11:23:05 GDPR-DEL-07/12/24-11:23:05 | vs. | Ashley Southwood |
30 | Oliver M | vs. | Danny Halstad |
31 | Bartosz Ziemba | vs. | Alan Bainbridge |
32 | Marc Schmid | vs. | Davide Rizzi |
33 | Richard Carr | vs. | Mauro Giuseppe Di Lauro |
34 | Bernardo Cardoso | vs. | Mark Henderson |
35 | Gary White | vs. | Paul A Wright |
36 | Szymon Wrzesień-Kwiatkowski | vs. | David McAllan |
37 | Grzegorz Kowalski | vs. | Sergio Bravo Aranda |
38 | Rob Catton | vs. | Michael Feng |
39 | Theo Maggs | vs. | Emel Walsh |
40 | Matthew Kenworthy | vs. | Fabio Albrecht |
41 | Tim McCarthy | vs. | George Douglas |
42 | Adrián Marín | vs. | Lukasz Bigos |
43 | Kevin Appleby | vs. | Lorenzo Brambilla Pisoni |
44 | Maciej Szawica | vs. | Maximilian Klein |
45 | Finlay Freir | vs. | David Calf |
46 | Damon Elgie | vs. | Jean Luka Zorko |
47 | Samuel Braben | vs. | Murray Iain |
48 | Florin-Cristian Loghin | vs. | Jonas Benzarti |
49 | Sylvain Poirree | vs. | Vasilis Kirlis |
50 | Henrik Moilanen | vs. | Louis Guillot |
51 | Birkir Örn Sigurðsson | vs. | Oliver Gehrig |
52 | Diran Bajwa | vs. | Stefano Parisotto |
53 | James Micklewright | vs. | Yael Belder |
54 | Daniel Correas | vs. | Adam Harbinson |
55 | Daniele Frattarelli | vs. | Brodie Spurlock |
56 | Samuel Parry | vs. | Tamás Somoskövi |
57 | Luigi Fontana | vs. | Shaun Higham |
58 | Kamil Rejman | vs. | David Surmann |
59 | Alex Martinez de | vs. | Joe Fletcher |
60 | Craig Johnson | vs. | Eyüp Vroegop |
61 | Kyle Mullings | vs. | Jorge Expósito Valiente |
62 | Aleksandar Gakovic | vs. | Christopher Chalk |
63 | Athena Halkia | vs. | Anya North |
64 | Felix Krisch | vs. | Robin Wagner |
65 | Natasha Collins | vs. | Alice Angell |
66 | James Flynn | vs. | Antonis Kazouris |
67 | Yong Jin Jang | vs. | Simon Lüthi |
68 | Philip van Donselaar | vs. | James Thourgood |
69 | Anton Cid Mejias | vs. | Daniel Hughes |
70 | Nuno Miguel Correia das Neves | vs. | Patrik Koller |
71 | Steve Andrew | vs. | Damon Harbinson |
72 | Marcos Vassão | vs. | kuba tambor |
73 | Nguyen Giang | vs. | Reece Grimes |
74 | Mihails Senins | vs. | Peter Hopps |
75 | Michał Sierszulski | vs. | Aðalsteinn Örn Ragnarsson |
76 | Arian Sultani | vs. | farruque miah |
77 | Jakub Grefling | vs. | George Keys |
78 | Ian Porter | vs. | Maria Jesus Penella |
79 | Oli Anderson | vs. | Daniel Ferguson |
80 | Fannar Larusson | vs. | Piergiorgio Villani |
81 | James Ashall | vs. | Harrison Shore |
82 | Mihai Zorila | vs. | William Borwick |
83 | Brynjar Erwinsson | vs. | Nicholas Angell |
84 | Jack Rhys-Burgess | vs. | Nino Chimenti |
85 | Maciej Chmielewski | vs. | None |
Please be advised that the live pairings, results and standings published here are for coverage purposes and utilize new software integrations which are still under development. The results and standings within our GEM tournament software are to be considered the final and correct results in the event there is any discrepancy with those provided for coverage purposes.