Battle Hardened: Washington 2024 (ROS Sealed) - SCG CON Washington D.C. Round 7 Standings
Rank | Player | Wins |
1 | Michael Feng | 7 |
2 | Mara Faris | 6 |
3 | Daniel Rutkowski | 6 |
4 | Jared Contaldi | 6 |
5 | Christian Pearn | 6 |
6 | Sam Martinez | 6 |
7 | Daniel Edwards | 6 |
8 | Darren Rennie | 5 |
9 | Ethan Oechsle | 5 |
10 | Yuanji Li | 5 |
11 | Sherman Darrenkamp | 5 |
12 | Ravi Nehra | 5 |
13 | Tariq Patel | 5 |
14 | Hughes Lee | 5 |
15 | Noah Biros | 5 |
16 | David Mink | 5 |
17 | Will Rea | 5 |
18 | Nicholas Mejac | 5 |
19 | Daniel Ferrara | 5 |
20 | Mason Taylor | 5 |
21 | aaron leblanc | 5 |
22 | Liam Walker | 5 |
23 | Cameron Cassese | 5 |
24 | Naib Mobassir | 4 |
25 | Max Small | 4 |
26 | David Lee | 4 |
27 | Jacob Gladman | 4 |
28 | Michael Mann | 4 |
29 | Adam Kershaw | 4 |
30 | Joseph Davis | 4 |
31 | Noah Leimseider | 4 |
32 | Hannah Northrup | 4 |
33 | David Gillespie | 4 |
34 | Zoey Gerstner | 4 |
35 | Jonny G | 4 |
36 | Craig Krempels | 4 |
37 | Merrick Kemp | 4 |
38 | Diana Green | 4 |
39 | James Chang | 4 |
40 | Kai Le Phelps | 4 |
41 | Tyler Zeringue | 4 |
42 | Aidan Berkel | 4 |
43 | Alexander McPherson | 4 |
44 | Skyler Lewis | 3 |
45 | Andrew Miller | 3 |
46 | Ryan Goldfinger | 3 |
47 | Nicholas McPherson | 3 |
48 | Jason Price II | 3 |
49 | Thomas Dabney | 3 |
50 | Dung (Yung) Le | 3 |
51 | Brian Kaliszak | 3 |
52 | Nicholas Beres | 3 |
53 | Christian Byrnes | 2 |
54 | Carlo Cuenca | 2 |
55 | Alex Koenig | 2 |
56 | Brian Tabares-Navia | 2 |
57 | Steven Stone | 2 |
58 | dmitri zigrino | 1 |
Dropped | Daniel Ferrara | 5 |
Dropped | aaron leblanc | 5 |
Dropped | Mason Taylor | 5 |
Dropped | Ethan Oechsle | 5 |
Dropped | David Mink | 5 |
Dropped | Sherman Darrenkamp | 5 |
Dropped | Noah Biros | 5 |
Dropped | Liam Walker | 5 |
Dropped | Ravi Nehra | 5 |
Dropped | Yuanji Li | 5 |
Dropped | Tariq Patel | 5 |
Dropped | Hughes Lee | 5 |
Dropped | Cameron Cassese | 5 |
Dropped | Will Rea | 5 |
Dropped | Nicholas Mejac | 5 |
Dropped | Craig Krempels | 4 |
Dropped | David Gillespie | 4 |
Dropped | Diana Green | 4 |
Dropped | Tyler Zeringue | 4 |
Dropped | Aidan Berkel | 4 |
Dropped | Michael Mann | 4 |
Dropped | Adam Kershaw | 4 |
Dropped | David Lee | 4 |
Dropped | Naib Mobassir | 4 |
Dropped | Jonny G | 4 |
Dropped | Max Small | 4 |
Dropped | Merrick Kemp | 4 |
Dropped | Jacob Gladman | 4 |
Dropped | Joseph Davis | 4 |
Dropped | Noah Leimseider | 4 |
Dropped | Hannah Northrup | 4 |
Dropped | Zoey Gerstner | 4 |
Dropped | James Chang | 4 |
Dropped | Kai Le Phelps | 4 |
Dropped | Alexander McPherson | 4 |
Dropped | Colin Swisher | 3 |
Dropped | Jack Sayer | 3 |
Dropped | Anastasia Benner | 3 |
Dropped | Lucas Molho | 3 |
Dropped | Charlie Keller-Golden | 3 |
Dropped | KC Glass | 3 |
Dropped | Ryan Goldfinger | 3 |
Dropped | Eric Pettinelli | 3 |
Dropped | Skyler Lewis | 3 |
Dropped | Andrew Miller | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas McPherson | 3 |
Dropped | Jason Price II | 3 |
Dropped | Thomas Dabney | 3 |
Dropped | Dung (Yung) Le | 3 |
Dropped | Brian Kaliszak | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas Beres | 3 |
Dropped | Aaron Moore | 3 |
Dropped | Wesley Hamilton | 2 |
Dropped | Evan Groff | 2 |
Dropped | Kyle Johnson | 2 |
Dropped | Spencer Fritts | 2 |
Dropped | Carlo Cuenca | 2 |
Dropped | Samuel Young | 2 |
Dropped | David Sitrick | 2 |
Dropped | Natalie Hunt | 2 |
Dropped | Arrman Kyaw | 2 |
Dropped | Emanuel Corps-Ortiz | 2 |
Dropped | Tyler Luttrell | 2 |
Dropped | Vincent Cappalla | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Ptak | 2 |
Dropped | Tyler Tungate | 2 |
Dropped | Aymen Kabel | 2 |
Dropped | Alexander Walsh | 2 |
Dropped | Gary Kiebach | 2 |
Dropped | Lucas Durham | 2 |
Dropped | Christian Byrnes | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Koenig | 2 |
Dropped | Brian Tabares-Navia | 2 |
Dropped | Steven Stone | 2 |
Dropped | BENJAMIN ALANIZ | 1 |
Dropped | Nomi Lynn | 1 |
Dropped | Joseph Welton | 1 |
Dropped | Kenny Griggs | 1 |
Dropped | Addison Barrett | 1 |
Dropped | Casey Walker | 1 |
Dropped | Pjhay Manalo | 1 |
Dropped | Bill Early | 1 |
Dropped | Caden Stabler | 1 |
Dropped | Conrad Niebuhr | 1 |
Dropped | Dmitry Sorokin | 1 |
Dropped | David Hannold | 1 |
Dropped | Duy Tong | 1 |
Dropped | Zachary Whitworth | 1 |
Dropped | dmitri zigrino | 1 |
Dropped | Joshua Riddle | 0 |
Dropped | Jonathan Price | 0 |
Dropped | NICOLE HEENAN | 0 |
Dropped | Brandon Bowden | 0 |
Dropped | Nick Tompkins | 0 |
Dropped | Elizabeth Sprinkle | 0 |
Dropped | Yann Folange | 0 |
Dropped | Nathan Beebe | 0 |
Dropped | Evan Rabinowitsch | 0 |
Dropped | Sarah Marley | 0 |
Dropped | Amethyst Atnip | 0 |
Dropped | Harrison Deemer | 0 |
Dropped | Brenden Jones | 0 |
Dropped | Jared Tout | 0 |
Dropped | Megan Hatcher | 0 |
Dropped | Thomas Lindner | 0 |
Dropped | Andrew Woodrome | 0 |
Dropped | Anthony Vero Cerenzio | 0 |
Please be advised that the live pairings, results and standings published here are for coverage purposes and utilize new software integrations which are still under development. The results and standings within our GEM tournament software are to be considered the final and correct results in the event there is any discrepancy with those provided for coverage purposes.