Battle Hardened: Liverpool Round 7 Standings
Rank | Player | Wins |
1 | Finlay Shepherd | 7 |
2 | Lorenzo Brambilla Pisoni | 6 |
3 | Michael Feng | 6 |
4 | Rob Catton | 6 |
5 | George Keys | 6 |
6 | George Douglas | 6 |
7 | Brodie Spurlock | 6 |
8 | Alex Chițu | 6 |
9 | Erika Forslöf | 6 |
10 | Jean Luka Zorko | 5 |
11 | Matthew Whewell | 5 |
12 | Grzegorz Kowalski | 5 |
13 | Nguyen Giang | 5 |
14 | Anton Cid Mejias | 5 |
15 | Henrik Moilanen | 5 |
16 | Sean Knowelden | 5 |
17 | Yorgos Samaras | 5 |
18 | Thomas van Dijk | 5 |
19 | Tim McCarthy | 5 |
20 | Stefano Meoni | 5 |
21 | Donovan van Beek | 5 |
22 | Matthew Sarrington | 5 |
23 | Szymon Wrzesień-Kwiatkowski | 5 |
24 | Matthew Duggan | 5 |
25 | Felix Krisch | 5 |
26 | Tim Coates | 5 |
27 | Ed Cardall | 5 |
28 | Jose Alves | 5 |
29 | Fabio Albrecht | 5 |
30 | Jake Warburton | 5 |
31 | Seb Ball | 5 |
32 | Cecil-Ember Phoenix | 5 |
33 | Tim Dasiukevich | 4 |
34 | Nuno Miguel Correia das Neves | 4 |
35 | Giannis Karyotakis | 4 |
36 | Mario Donoso | 4 |
37 | Isaac Fogg | 4 |
38 | Emlyn Ingram | 4 |
39 | David Calf | 4 |
40 | Kit Valentine | 4 |
41 | David McAllan | 4 |
42 | kuba tambor | 4 |
43 | Steven Christian | 4 |
44 | Oli Cornish | 4 |
45 | Samuel Braben | 4 |
46 | Michał Sierszulski | 4 |
47 | Arian Sultani | 4 |
48 | Christopher O'Toole | 4 |
49 | Keven Daymond | 3 |
50 | Steve Andrew | 3 |
51 | Louis Guillot | 3 |
52 | William Borwick | 3 |
53 | Michael Davies | 3 |
54 | Daniele Frattarelli | 3 |
55 | Theo Maggs | 3 |
56 | Joel Rencen | 3 |
57 | Kate Dunstone | 3 |
58 | Tom Gould | 2 |
59 | Jason Ogden | 2 |
60 | Simon Lüthi | 1 |
61 | Mihai Zorila | 1 |
62 | Kassia McGeoch | 1 |
Dropped | Filip Maslo | 4 |
Dropped | Philip van Donselaar | 4 |
Dropped | Daniel Mckinlay | 4 |
Dropped | Mike Williams | 4 |
Dropped | Bartosz Dominiak | 3 |
Dropped | Denis Mandrysz | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Collett | 3 |
Dropped | Liam Canning | 3 |
Dropped | Jude Fisher | 3 |
Dropped | Ben Lux | 3 |
Dropped | Maciej Chmielewski | 3 |
Dropped | Bernardo Cardoso | 3 |
Dropped | Vulpe Razvan | 3 |
Dropped | Filippo Barbani | 3 |
Dropped | Ryan Porter | 3 |
Dropped | Nils Klaper | 3 |
Dropped | Jamie McCabe | 3 |
Dropped | Vasilis Kirlis | 3 |
Dropped | Lukasz Bigos | 3 |
Dropped | Daniel Correas | 3 |
Dropped | Nicholas Blower | 3 |
Dropped | Piergiorgio Villani | 3 |
Dropped | Samuel Parry | 3 |
Dropped | Benjamin Westmore | 3 |
Dropped | Connor McLaughlin | 2 |
Dropped | George Rodger | 2 |
Dropped | Arthur Nijssen | 2 |
Dropped | Quinn Durlston-Powell | 2 |
Dropped | Owen Cookman | 2 |
Dropped | Joshua Kinnett | 2 |
Dropped | Ian Porter | 2 |
Dropped | Jonas Benzarti | 2 |
Dropped | James Thourgood | 2 |
Dropped | (Zamun) Juan Eduardo Corbalan Duzman | 2 |
Dropped | Ruben Exposito | 2 |
Dropped | Rafael Boog | 2 |
Dropped | Adam Harbinson | 2 |
Dropped | Tom Barnaby-Pass | 2 |
Dropped | Hanno Guellicher | 2 |
Dropped | Stefano Parisotto | 2 |
Dropped | Alex Martinez de | 2 |
Dropped | Christopher Chalk | 2 |
Dropped | Juan Chacon | 2 |
Dropped | Tom Jones | 2 |
Dropped | Matthew Foulkes | 2 |
Dropped | Tamás Somoskövi | 2 |
Dropped | Bogdan Popa | 2 |
Dropped | Ricardo Nguyen | 2 |
Dropped | Jack Rhys-Burgess | 2 |
Dropped | James Tague | 2 |
Dropped | Thomas van den Berg | 2 |
Dropped | Jonny Chapman | 2 |
Dropped | Finlay Freir | 2 |
Dropped | Christian Parisotto | 2 |
Dropped | Natasha Collins | 1 |
Dropped | René Schep | 1 |
Dropped | Stefano Berian | 1 |
Dropped | Andrew Fullarton | 1 |
Dropped | Sven Tscheppainz | 1 |
Dropped | Robin Wagner | 1 |
Dropped | Adrian Lee | 1 |
Dropped | James Clark | 1 |
Dropped | Jeppe Madsen | 1 |
Dropped | Zak Mc Gowan | 1 |
Dropped | Eugene C | 1 |
Dropped | Sergio Bravo Aranda | 1 |
Dropped | Víctor Sánchez Parrondo | 1 |
Dropped | Tom Hazell | 1 |
Dropped | Matthew Kenworthy | 1 |
Dropped | Charlie Fahey | 1 |
Dropped | Peter Ward | 1 |
Dropped | Bill Stevenson | 1 |
Dropped | Thomas McCormick | 1 |
Dropped | Declan Patrick | 1 |
Dropped | Rob Emery | 1 |
Dropped | James Ashall | 1 |
Dropped | Dragos Trofimov | 1 |
Dropped | Tyler Brotton | 1 |
Dropped | James Brookes | 1 |
Dropped | Damon Harbinson | 1 |
Dropped | Reuben Thomas | 0 |
Dropped | Chris Macneill | 0 |
Dropped | Jamie Costello | 0 |
Dropped | Mohammad Rafiq | 0 |
Dropped | Viktor Sojka | 0 |
Dropped | Dave Kerr | 0 |
Dropped | Ross Gauld | 0 |
Dropped | Alex Smith | 0 |
Dropped | Katherina Walshe-Grey | 0 |
Dropped | Mathias W | 0 |
Please be advised that the live pairings, results and standings published here are for coverage purposes and utilize new software integrations which are still under development. The results and standings within our GEM tournament software are to be considered the final and correct results in the event there is any discrepancy with those provided for coverage purposes.