Battle Hardened: Liverpool Round 8 Pairings
Table | Player 1 | Player 2 | |
33 | Finlay Shepherd | vs. | George Keys |
34 | Lorenzo Brambilla Pisoni | vs. | Thomas van Dijk |
35 | Michael Feng | vs. | Erika Forslöf |
36 | Rob Catton | vs. | George Douglas |
37 | Brodie Spurlock | vs. | Alex Chițu |
38 | Jean Luka Zorko | vs. | Matthew Duggan |
39 | Matthew Whewell | vs. | Stefano Meoni |
40 | Grzegorz Kowalski | vs. | Nguyen Giang |
41 | Anton Cid Mejias | vs. | Sean Knowelden |
42 | Henrik Moilanen | vs. | Matthew Sarrington |
43 | Yorgos Samaras | vs. | Tim McCarthy |
44 | Donovan van Beek | vs. | Jake Warburton |
45 | Szymon Wrzesień-Kwiatkowski | vs. | Jose Alves |
46 | Felix Krisch | vs. | Cecil-Ember Phoenix |
47 | Tim Coates | vs. | Fabio Albrecht |
48 | Ed Cardall | vs. | Seb Ball |
49 | Tim Dasiukevich | vs. | Samuel Braben |
50 | Nuno Miguel Correia das Neves | vs. | Emlyn Ingram |
51 | Giannis Karyotakis | vs. | Oli Cornish |
52 | Mario Donoso | vs. | Christopher O'Toole |
53 | Isaac Fogg | vs. | David Calf |
54 | Kit Valentine | vs. | Michał Sierszulski |
55 | David McAllan | vs. | kuba tambor |
56 | Steven Christian | vs. | Arian Sultani |
57 | Keven Daymond | vs. | Michael Davies |
58 | Steve Andrew | vs. | Tom Gould |
59 | Louis Guillot | vs. | William Borwick |
60 | Daniele Frattarelli | vs. | Theo Maggs |
61 | Joel Rencen | vs. | Kate Dunstone |
62 | Jason Ogden | vs. | Kassia McGeoch |
63 | Simon Lüthi | vs. | Mihai Zorila |
Please be advised that the live pairings, results and standings published here are for coverage purposes and utilize new software integrations which are still under development. The results and standings within our GEM tournament software are to be considered the final and correct results in the event there is any discrepancy with those provided for coverage purposes.