Update - Monarch Unlimited Packaging Issue

Jun 09, 2021 Legend Story Studios

Over the past 24 hours, Legend Story Studios together with Cartamundi Belgium have conducted a full investigation into the whereabouts and scope of the Monarch Unlimited booster display mispacking issue. With a high degree of confidence, we have identified that mispackaged product in circulation is limited to less than 1% of the print run and is isolated to 2 locations:

  • Australia
  • In the warehouse of our European distributor

All of the mispackaged product sent to our European distributor has been recovered and is being recalled by the manufacturer. This product will be repackaged into correct Monarch Unlimited display packaging by Cartamundi Belgium and will be available to European and UK fans by the end of June. Some of the mispackaged product sent to Australia has already been sent to  retailers. As the release date of Monarch Unlimited in Australia is June 11, we expect that most of this product should still be in the hands of retailers. We ask all Australian retailers of Flesh and Blood to assist us and do the right thing by Flesh and Blood fans in their local community and around the world, by following these guidelines:

  • Open all Monarch Unlimited cases received to check the display packaging.
  • Separate all product mispackaged in First Edition displays.

If you have mispackaged displays, then we are asking stores in the first instance to please return the product to Let’s Play Games, who will send you replacement product at our expense. However, we realize that for some LGS this may simply be impractical from either an organizational or cashflow perspective. If this is the case, and you cannot return the product then we are asking that you please either;

  • Remove the shrink wrap in front of the customer if selling mispackaged product over the counter; or
  • Use a clearly visible permanent marker to write “UNLIMITED” on the shrink wrap of each mispackaged display before dispatching it.

We would like to express our appreciation to the Australian retailers for their cooperation, and our distribution partners, ADC Blackfire and Let’s Play Games, for their support to manage this situation. We also apologize to our Australian and European players for the impact that this will have on receiving product.