UK Nationals

Sep 16, 2022

We would like to apologise to the UK community for the problems created by the date changes associated with the UK National Championships. For absolute clarity, the UK National Championships is still taking place this weekend as originally scheduled (

We understand that there are some players who have been significantly impacted by the announcements that were made. This includes players who incurred significant financial costs from unnecessarily changing bookings, and in some cases who are now unable to make it to the event.

We're very sorry for this. We know how much work goes into preparing for National Championships, and the event should not have been disrupted in this way. For those of you that did alter bookings and were financially impacted as a result, or are now unable to attend, we would like to send you something to recognise the impact this has had on you. If you would kindly write to with a brief outline of your circumstance, any invoices showing the nature of the financial impact, and your postal address, our team will look to send you something to apologise.