The protectors of Isenloft awaken from their endless winter slumber. The wardens of Candlehold sharpen their thorns within the blossoming undergrowth. The prophets of Volthaven set their sights on a future painted by the great aurora.
Tales of Aria is a standalone booster set introducing three new heroes with all new mechanics, as we explore the vibrant land of Aria and the troubles that lie within. Designed for exceptional sealed deck, booster draft, and constructed format play.
Key Dates
- Release date (First Edition boosters & Blitz Decks): September 24, 2021
- Pre-release events in selected stores around the world: September 17-19
- World Premiere at the Calling Las Vegas: September 10
- Card preview season starts September 1
Product Configuration - First Edition boosters
- 238 card set (1 Fabled, 6 Legendary, 27 Majestic, 54 Rares, 136 Commons, 14 Tokens).
- 15 cards plus 1 token per pack, 24 packs per display, 4 displays per case.
- Designed to support sealed deck, booster draft, and constructed play.
- Contains cold foils.
- MSRP: $3.99 USD / €3.99 EUR / $5.99 AUD / $5.99 NZD
Product Configuration - Blitz Decks
- 40 card pre-constructed deck + hero, weapon, and equipment cards.
- 9 decks per display (3 of each hero), 4 displays per case.
- Designed for new players and kitchen table gaming.
- MSRP: $11.99 USD / €11.99 EUR / $19.99 AUD / $19.99 NZD

Product Sheet
Fantastical Places to Discover
Explore the most environmentally magical region of Rathe, where the last remnants of the Flow run pure and strong through the stunning landscapes of Aria. Discover your connection to this fantastical land and the essence that pulses through its veins.