Stories of Legend...

May 19, 2023 Kasharn Rao

If you've got a keen eye you may have noticed a few slight changes to the front page of recently.

As a storyteller myself, I have always appreciated a good tale with adventurous heroes to root for, menacing villains to oppose, and thrilling plot twists to encounter. Flesh and Blood is more than just cardboard and competition - it's stories. It's friendship. It's art. All these things come together to create the colour, complexity, and craftmanship that elevates Flesh and Blood above the rest. From the dramatic theatrics of Bravo to the burning passion of Fai, the heroes of Flesh and Blood are each unique and evoke deep emotions within us. Everyone has one hero that they have a special bond with, and stories are how we take these compelling characters with us through a journey of change and growth.

Throughout the last few years we've spun some incredible tales, but with the demands of running a global TCG these stories have remained scattered throughout the website, disappearing into the backend of the articles section as quickly as they arrived. No more. From now on, all of our written lore, our Legend Story Studios namesake, will be accessible in a complete collection directly from the front page.

I'm immensely proud to share this new update with you, so let's breakdown what's changed...

EVR GEN Even Bigger than That (Ramza Ardyputra)

The "Heroes" tab has now been replaced with the "Lore" tab. Don't worry, you'll still be able to dive into anything and everything regarding your favourite heroes, we haven't removed anything, only added.

From the "Lore" tab there are three options:

  • Heroes of FAB - where you can access all of the existing hero pages, plus more to come in future releases.
  • World of Rathe - where you can dive into the information about each of the eight regions in Rathe.
  • Stories - where you can read a complete collection of all standalone written lore published on, grouped by year.

The Living Legend option has also been shifted to the "Game" tab.

Let me just talk about this Stories page for a moment. As we continue to grow and develop Flesh and Blood, our creative scope also expands and the possibilities become endless. While the previous system worked while we were getting the game off the ground, there is now enough content and substantial story arcs to warrant a more organized structure of our lore. This way you can delve into all the heroic adventures from the very beginning, right up to the present, without needing to scavenge for the individual pieces and manually place them in chronological order.

We also know that many fans like to dive deep into the language, wildlife, landscapes, and overarching culture of the world we've built, and this will be a useful tool for referencing and learning. It's also a visual representation of the ebb and flow of story arcs from each year, granting the lore a proper timeline with linear progression. In future we hope to incorporate even more of our existing lore from other media, such as excerpts from the World Guide, as well as streamlining our content delivery even further.

I hope you all take great pleasure in enjoying the highs, the lows, the laughs, the tears, the twists, the turns, the triumphs, and the failures of our heroes in a way that is both accessible and visually stunning. Thank you so much for joining us on this path, and we cannot wait to share even more fantastical stories.