Rathe had changed.
A daring Rosetta… An energetic wayfarer… A fearless soldier… A charismatic showman… A charming diplomat… A curious Illusionist… A beacon of victory…
Oldhim had encountered many adventurous heroes since thawing out from his icy slumber, and he had found himself fighting alongside these new allies with a refreshed vigor he hadn’t felt for thousands of years. He admired their courage, their resolve, their unwavering passion to stand up for what was right. But none of them were prepared for what was to come.
The frosty giant could sense restlessness in the air. The faint stench of the Old Ones lingering on every breath of wind, glimpses of archaic power in every ripple of water, whispers of ancient prophecy rustling with every leaf. The rising tide of darkness churning through their lands was only the beginning.
He had raised his trusty hammer and mighty shield time and time again, but Oldhim could sense his strength dissolving piece by piece like flecks of snow in the early spring. The steadfast Guardian had stood his ground for as long as he could remember, but now eternity seemed fleeting. Oldhim knew the path forward was to sow the seeds of tomorrow among this new generation of heroes, imparting the centuries of wisdom he had accumulated, so that they would one day be ready.
It was all up to them now, the fate of the world rested heavy upon their shoulders.

Debuting in Tales of Aria on September 24th 2021, Oldhim challenged the heroes of Flesh and Blood like never before, testing their skills and their resolve to the absolute limit. The iconic duo of Crown of Seeds, Rampart of the Ram's Head, and the several defensive tools at his disposal meant that you couldn't just throw your hand at him every turn and expect to win. Players needed a highly specific gameplan, an endgame strategy that required skill, patience, and foresight to execute.
Oldhim remained an icy pillar of the Classic Constructed metagame for years, even when backed into a corner by Illusionists, Wizards, or even other Guardians, he was always there, threatening to run your deck into the ground if you didn't have some sort of backup plan in the sideboard. Winning a game against Oldhim was a unique achievement in of itself, a rewarding experience after a lengthy battle.
Oldhim, Grandfather of Eternity officially reached Living Legend status in Classic Constructed on July 3rd 2023. Congratulations to all the players who rallied alongside him in his everlasting fight against the Old Ones. You have stood the test of time and your names have been marked down in our Roll of Honor for all eternity!
Roll of Honor |
Aaron Shantz |
Addison Hudson |
Adrián Marín |
Alejandro Silva Moro |
Allen Lau |
Alvaro Francisco Toledano Benito |
Anthony Bugoci |
Anthony Nguyen |
Ben Hannan |
Bryan Knecht |
Bryce Stroyek |
Charles Dunn |
Chris Brummett |
Chris Waugh |
Christopher Higashi |
Collin Kaiser |
Collins Mullen |
Cooper Templeton |
Craig Pollack |
Dagan White |
Daniyar Saduakassov |
Danni Andersen |
Darvydas Čepukaitis |
Dave Lin |
Dawid Mrówczyński |
Dennis Zhang |
Donovan van Beek |
Dylan Myers |
Evan Herndon |
Ezequiel Emeraldo |
Fedir Kokhan |
Felix Chung |
Filippo Barbani |
Florin-Cristian Loghin |
Fred Bird |
Geoffroy Massard |
Gordon Koh |
Guillaume Couillard |
Haik Voskerchian |
Haukur Thor Buason |
Hayden Dale |
Hayden Jeanson |
Holden Isaacs |
Ian Siczewicz |
Igor Wesołowski |
Ilias Karamanis |
Ioannis Tsolakidis |
Jacob Clements |
Jacob Friis Nielsen |
Jake Ausdemore |
James Gilchrist |
Jan Ban |
Jeerod Balangan |
Jeffrey White |
Jeromy Tsai |
Jesse Hudak |
Jesus Garcia Gomez-Valades |
João Gomes |
Joel Repta |
Jon Ho |
Jonas Stoberock |
Joseph Santianna |
Justin Wong |
Karl Shen |
Kaspar Terauds |
Kenni Pedersen |
Kevin Zänker |
Khoi Dinh |
Kim Barroso |
Kristian Čurla |
Lucas Birch |
Lucas Nijssen |
Maciej Janik |
Mário Abrantes |
Mateusz Sass |
Matt Rogers |
Matthew Dilks |
Matthew Fay |
Matthew Vore |
Max Dieckmann |
Michael Dalton |
Michael Feng |
Michael Hamilton |
Michael Jaszczur |
Michael Walker |
Minh Toan Nguyen |
Mohamed El Fardi |
Naib Mobassir |
Nathan Hills |
Nguyen Giang |
Nick Butcher |
Nick Gabler |
Nick Tucker |
Nicolas Bouffard |
Nikos Tavoulareas |
Oliver Berry |
Pablo Pintor |
Pat Eshghy |
Pathomtarn (Tony) Arsaithamkul |
Patrick Nelson |
Paul van Gijssel |
Pawel Urbaniak |
Peter Markovič |
Phawat Chuenchai |
Richard Anthony Bustamante |
Ryan Baker |
Ryan Rich |
Ryan Rinsma |
Ryan Taylor |
Sean Fox |
Sebastian Golla |
Shuo Feng |
Tariq Patel |
Thomas van den Berg |
Tobias Lind |
Tye Soens |
Tyruss Sennett |
Wesley Cole |
Wyatt McHalffey |
Yongji Yang |
Yorgos Samaras |
Zack Covington |
Zayne Johnson |